
Author Topic: Developing a peer 2 peer video sharing software to multiple people.  (Read 3132 times)

Offline ValentinePerry

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I'm a programmer and I'm developing a software that is going to be running from say someone's desktop or a terminal and sending data/video to someone other people. There is going to be more than 1 but only one "streamer" who will send same data t oall those people in real-time. The topology is supposed to be p2p.

One idea I had to solve the issue was to use something like i2p and udp streaming data thru i2p to other users (after exchanging i2p addresses). While this might work, the issue I am having is that this method sends the same data to many people, increasing bandwidth load by multiples (data times x). So a solution I came up with in my head was to do this in a ring topology, where user A connects to user B who connects to user C and so on....all the way to the server. All of these connections will be using i2p. And then the 'streamer' sends data down which is streamed down to all the 'recievers'. The thing is, its not going to be real time at all, and its going to be very slow, because its i2p + overhead of all these computers. And also there will be other issues like what if a user disconnects?

Offline AlexTaylor

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Re: Developing a peer 2 peer video sharing software to multiple people.
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2022, 10:54:48 pm »
As far as I know, in 2022 it has become very popular and profitable to create various applications for TVs and similar devices. If you are also very interested in this topic, then I recommend reading an article on how such applications are created here - I read a lot about this kind of development and I already understand it well enough to give advice about it.

Offline pirexowe

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Re: Developing a peer 2 peer video sharing software to multiple people.
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2024, 02:42:14 am »
Developing a peer-to-peer video sharing software for multiple people could offer a unique way to share videos without relying on centralized servers. It would be interesting to consider how users would discover each other and the videos they want to watch within a P2P network.  There would also be challenges to address, such as ensuring efficient critical thinking essay writing website data transfer and managing security for both the video content and user privacy.