How do I get a picture from my computer onto the forum?Number 1:Go to
ImageShack.usNumber 2:Hit browse and find your file and double click on the image or click open. The address of it on your computer will appear in the box next to browse.
Number 3Click HOST IT! (both of these are highlighted in red: )

Number 4The next screen will look like this:

Number 5Click (once) on the box next to Direct Link (the one I've highlighted in red) and press ctrl+c (or right click and copy).
Number 6Now go to your post.
Number 7Click the button underneath Italics (see highlighted in red: )
Number 8Press ctrl+V or right click where the cursor is and click Paste.
It should now look something like this:
Number 9Finish of your message and post your image!
For more help see this:;page=post