
Author Topic: Been awhile.....  (Read 6119 times)


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Been awhile.....
« on: May 10, 2008, 04:58:02 am »
I have been so busy with my precious daughters..........
Arieanna's walking, running, talking, getting sick, and etc etc
Keyeanna's getting chubby (she's only behind two pounds from her 10 month older sister), starting to talk, learning to sit up, crying.....etc etc.....
Life is so different than the DK days of downloading gettin drunk/high........
I love it but I'm severly time restricted, there is never a dull day in my life now.......

I'm gonna try to appear more but I sure miss Billy and Tex pointing out each others probs/difficulties....... :D :D :D
I hope the boddies and viagra still working for ya Billy....he he he