Author Topic: Giveaway Of The Day: Every Day FREE Licensed Software!!!  (Read 11552 times)

Offline DrunKnJSD

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Giveaway Of The Day: Every Day FREE Licensed Software!!!
« on: May 16, 2009, 06:32:47 pm »
Giveaway Of The Day

Welcome to Giveaway of the day project, the new initiative in the software distribution world! Every day we offer for FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise!

Our new initiative, Giveaway of the day, is finally open to its visitors and ready to present hot software titles and best software authors from all over the world. We wish you a Happy Giveaway!

Giveaway of the day is a win-win solution for both publishers and clients

The idea behind this initiative is that many sites and publishers offer trial downloads; but only we offer giveaway downloads. What does that mean?

Basically, every day we nominate one software title that will be a Giveaway title of that day. The software will be available for download for 24 hours (or more, if agreed by software publisher) and that software will be absolutely free. That means - not a trial, not a limited version - but a registered and legal version of the software will be free for our visitors*.

The software product will be presented in its full functionality, without any limitations save for those mentioned in Terms and Conditions.

The download link will remain on our web-site for the agreed period of time, together with the review of the software product and the information about other products from the software publisher presenting the giveaway title.

Both reviews and the information on the product line will remain active even when the Giveaway period is over.

The information about Giveaway of the day and the participants of this initiative will be included in our newsletters and distributed among our visitors and subscribers.

We will pay the software publisher for the Giveaway license, and our visitors will only receive those after downloading a special verification program and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, thus protecting software publishers’ interests and making our initiative beneficial for both clients and publishing companies.

We believe that Giveaway of the day will allow both publishers and clients to meet each other and win together with our initiative.

How can I win with Giveaway of the day?
1. You will get to know new software, for free!
2. You will learn more about the software product, because we will provide a detailed software review for every title we nominate!
3. You will get the information and special offers on all the additional software products from the given publisher.
4. You will be offered an easy access to new software products and new versions of existing ones.
5. Vast software selection as well as the extensive search capabilities of our web-site will allow you to find just the software you need.
6. News of the world of software, daily updated information, new reviews and software downloads - all and everything for you, every day, together with our daily giveaways!

How can I participate in Giveaway of the day?

That’s simple! Our visitors will always stay informed about Giveaway of the day initiative and its current publishers. The information about giveaways for upcoming week will be posted on our web-site; all of our subscribers will receive this information in their weekly newsletter. Plus, Giveaway Tickers will also help us spread the information around the world.

So just visit us frequently, subscribe to our newsletter and stay updated with our giveaways!

See also information about our Giveaway Ticker, the fastest way to find out what’s hot on our web-site today.

* Under specific Terms and Conditions, which limit the software usage to non-commercial only, and may also limit software updates and technical support.

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Giveaway Of The Day

Giveaway Of The Day
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 01:10:03 am by DrunKnJSD »


  • Guest
Re: Giveaway Of The Day: Every Day FREE Licensed Software!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2009, 10:09:29 pm »
Thanks !


  • Guest
Re: Giveaway Of The Day: Every Day FREE Licensed Software!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2010, 10:46:45 am »
installed each gotd to a vm so you won't lose the isntalled & activated programs once your host pc goes bonkers,
might be good to vm snapshot before each gotd install to  reduce bloat if you find certain programs are not
up to your standards (aka it sucked)