Author Topic: Weed, skunk, etc,  (Read 18261 times)

Offline billyfridge

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Weed, skunk, etc,
« on: January 03, 2009, 09:52:54 am » you think it's harmful, have you smoked it?

I have tried it, but it doesn't seem to affect me, except for having a 'white one'
I smoke rolling tobacco, last xmas i picked up what i thought was my half smoked rollup, it wasn't, it was my daughters boyfriends rollup/spliff, my other daughter said OMG my dad's smoking weed, and the whole party was rolling about laughing at me. damn kids lol.
Apart from the smell, I couldn't tell the difference.
my son (24yrs) smoked it regular, but stopped using it when he started Martial Arts, and has not used it since, so it doesn't seem to be badly addictive.
I was wondering what you guys think.


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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2009, 11:05:39 am »
It's not harmful, and it should be legalized. It's medicinal properties can help people that are ill or in pain.

I've only tried it a couple times though.

btw, why did this post show up in my email? That's never happened to me before.. totally forgot about this site.

Offline Synbios

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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2009, 02:49:51 pm »
I don't think its harmful, but I don't think it has medicinal properties either. It is Schedule 1 by the FDA which means it has been found to be completely useless as a pharmaceutical drug.

It has been legalized here in the state of massachusetts in the US. If you're caught with less than an ounce in public you simply get a 100 dollar fine and it does not go on your record like it used to.

With that being said, I have never smoked anything in my life.

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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2009, 05:09:19 pm »
i've tried it a few times... i do not like it! it makes me paranoid... not enjoyable at all... it's been years since the last time, and i do not plan on trying it again...   i do however think it is less harmful than alcohol, and alcohol is legal sooo.....
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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2009, 01:12:03 am »
I smoked for years and the only thing I could say bad about it is that  damn now I forget wahat I was going to say...

Your short term memory loss is affected by the steady use of it.  trust me...

I used to use it alot to help me fall asleep after a long day at school and then work at night. Used it for relaxation mostly but there were a lot of times where it was used to party with too. It never made me paranoid. back in my college days I was not a big drinker so this is what helped me out...

I would guess the only real medicinal value it would have would be a mind altering pain reliever. smoking this really doesnt do your lungs or body any good.

I havent smoked in about 10 12 years so not sure what its like now, but probably would try it if offered. I can remember habging out with older guys when I was younger and them saying man the stuff today is way better than it was in the 60s and 70s. So would be interested if it has gotten any better...

I prefer coffee today as my stimulant of choice...

Offline fuzzytomcat

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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2009, 10:58:55 am »
A very interesting subject matter ...... of course one would have to confirm or deny such said enjoyable usage of the material in question or possibly not in question ... so if this was a question of usage through burning or consumption one would have to confirm or deny ...... humm ..... of course if one was to deny how could one confirm "or" if one was to confirm how could one deny .... Humm .... maybe some "cat nip" will help me figure this one out ... cant deny that ... hehehe !!

Don't know what there saying but ... as you can tell  ... this is the primo stuff ... from a undisclosed location only a few cat's know about ...


« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 05:02:29 pm by fuzzytomcat »


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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2009, 05:00:10 pm »
I think it can be really harmful mentally....but any drug can be harmful that relaxes you......Caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, sugar, the list could go on......

Medicinal purposes there are other drugs that can do better than good ole' mary jane....I think MJ's  negatives also outweigh the positives........I acknowledge the other legal pain drugs have their side effects but since they are legal it would probably be better to go with them.......

I haven't smoked for 2 and a half years......Most people that smoke try to argue that weed isn't addicting but I beg to differ......I smoked for about 9-10 years and it was really hard to quit smoking.......If it wasn't for my first daughter being born I probably would still be smoking......

I used to be pro mary jane but after leaving her alone I can see alot of the troubles dat beacth caused me  ;D.....I've probably spent more on weed than anything else in life including food, shelter, etc......Maybe cigs would be a little bit more because of the longer duration of smoking cigs but IDK because cigs are cheaper
I used to easily smoke about a half ounce a day.........If you say a cappy weed half cost $40, take $40 * 3650= $146,000.....I normally would find ways to not pay $40 but nonetheless that would probably be a low average anyways.....

As long as I got high, nothing else mattered really......It helped me run away from my problems of the past, present, and the future.........But I would steal, sell, rob, pretty much anything to make sure I would have me a couple of blunts a day.......I've lost friends because of it or I lost friends because after they got sick of just getting high on weed they wandered to more hardcore drugs.......

Obviously not every person will react how my mind did to getting bloodlines consist of my father being a pothead and a coke addict that died of an OD, and my mother is a pothead/alcoholic/plus she tried many of the harder drugs while growing up.....So the probably paved the way for my genes to love getting high......

When I found out I was going to be a dad, I instantly quit because I did want to put my child through the same things I went through as a child......Sometimes getting high crosses my mind but immediately I know how stupid it would be because it would ruin everything I've worked for the last two+ years......I have never been able to control or moderate my usage of any illegal drugs I have got high off of........I don't drink now because I can't moderate that either........I try to avoid narcotic pain relievers i.e vicodin even Tylenol 3's......The drugs effects make me want to get higher than what I feel when taking them as directed.......

I do not believe legalizing it would have any good effect for society........Although people get killed over weed either during production and/or while disbursing it, it would just get replaced by another illegal drug... The pot dealer if their not already dealing something else, would find another opportunity to keep their income coming....If it was legal the governments around the world would make it law that they were exclusive dealers of it.....And they would make just as much money as they do now while it is illegal.....I will go out on a limb and say police budgets are highly dependent on pot fines and government money aides to combat weed.....

I don't hate potheads or neither am I an anti-drug person but I do feel badly for all the people who get affected indirectly or directly by Marijuana or any other illegal drug......I feel people should have the right to make their own decisions.......The only problem I have with potheads is that no matter what their drug use is gonna affect somebody else whether they intend it to or not.....

I do believe alcohol does a helluva lot more damage than weed.....It makes no sense that pot is illegal and alcohol is legal by any means

p.s. Billy you stole this from our conversation on the ShoutBox..... :D ;D :D Did you mark something when you made this topic because I also got an email notification about this topic... ???
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 05:21:08 pm by MinLo »

Offline billyfridge

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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2009, 08:10:35 pm »
Nice one MinLo.....yes I did post the topic as a result of our convo......i pressed the announce button on 'start new topic page' i didn't know it was going to email everybody luckily i stopped it before it went too got Synbios out of his reverie didn't it, that's gotta be a plus [high5]

Offline elpolloloco

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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2009, 01:41:16 pm »
skunkadelic funkadelic smoke one for those who now have to take drug tests please O0
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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2010, 10:37:18 am »
All i know is when I did smoke it was great birth control for myself....
Since quitting 3 kids back to back!!!
Although I wouldn't dare smoke currently or any time time in the future, it was a great benefit  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Synbios

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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2010, 07:06:49 pm »
Talk about an old

I was reading this thinking it was new and then saw my own post and was thinking WTF when did I write that?

Going back to the weed discussion, I heard that some people are not affected by it the first time or two that they try it. It may take a few more tries before you start to get affected by it. I also heard it does affect memory adversely.

Trying it doesn't really appeal to me, I'll stick with snus and alcohol.


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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2010, 05:55:52 am »
Talk about an old

Yeah I know.....I just tried to create some forum

Going back to the weed discussion, I heard that some people are not affected by it the first time or two that they try it. It may take a few more tries before you start to get affected by it. I also heard it does affect memory adversely.
Very true

Trying it doesn't really appeal to me, I'll stick with snus and alcohol.
Yeahotherwise you might turn into Billy The Fridge or even worse yet a MinLo.....LOL

Offline Synbios

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Re: Weed, skunk, etc,
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2010, 06:26:36 am »
Hey no problem with digging up old stories, it's funny to read back on them and see if your opinions have changed, etc