
Author Topic: My netprovider block torrents,seeding,and encrypted downloads=no upload  (Read 7050 times)


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How do I solve this problem. There's a program on my USB modem I can't change, because that would be fu**ing up my contract, and besides I wouln't know how anyways...

Offline Synbios

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Re: My netprovider block torrents,seeding,and encrypted downloads=no upload
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2009, 06:05:48 am »
You have to first figure out how they are blocking the torrents. Do some research related to your specific ISP.

The two best ways that I can think of are: Use a different/or randomized port every time uTorrent starts, use a conventional port, such as 80 or something that won't be blocked, and also force encryption and do not allow legacy incoming connections, in order to minimize the possibility that your packets are being sniffed and anaylzed by the ISP.

If that doesn't work, the only other method is a tunneling proxy service. Free ones are slow, and fast ones are expensive, so it's kind of a lose-lose situation. With enough research you might be able to find better possibilities.