Bit Che > Scripts & Development

Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here

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Replying to this old thread and I added a new one to the Bitche forum on updated script packs.

How can I verify or even know that the default script is updated by date?

I hit notifications so please give any info on this.

hi i notice that there is NO way to update scripts...why...??

..where is Chip...??...
pls reply

Hi guys,

I'm a very long time user and lover of BC, but have noticed it's gradually getting more broken as scripts are going out of date.  I decided to have a bit of a poke through them, and updated many to get them running again properly.

I don't know .js and haven't mucked around with any programming in over 20 years (C, basic & a bit of assembly), so where script rewrites and big changes need to happen, that's out of my depth, but I was able to sort out the code in 1337x and get that back running.  ;D

Where sites are permanently down, or are now scams, I've disabled them for security reasons.

I've added a small note in the header of each file in case anyone is curious to what changes were made to the files.

Hopefully with a bit of community effort, we can keep these going for many more years!


And here are the broken ones.

Several, I believe, just need a line updated (due to the website being re-written) as that's where it is breaking in the debugging, I tried and fixed 1337x, got Nyaa working better, but not correctly, but the others I just got lost going through all the code, not really knowing where to look. (inspected elements, and tried to see if something sensible to use was nearby to get it running).

The ones I believe to be quick & easy fixes are:-,   NyaaTorrents,   piratebay,   rarbg

The ones that I believe are very broken and will require more work to get running are:-
TorrentGalaxy, (Torrentz2),   Zooqle

Hopefully someone sees this, and can have a play and get a few running without too much effort.  I've tried to help out as much as I can :)



--- Quote from: TimboR33 on March 03, 2021, 12:22:00 am ---Hi guys,

I'm a very long time user and lover of BC, but have noticed it's gradually getting more broken as scripts are going out of date.  I decided to have a bit of a poke through them, and updated many to get them running again properly.

I don't know .js and haven't mucked around with any programming in over 20 years (C, basic & a bit of assembly), so where script rewrites and big changes need to happen, that's out of my depth, but I was able to sort out the code in 1337x and get that back running.  ;D

Where sites are permanently down, or are now scams, I've disabled them for security reasons.

I've added a small note in the header of each file in case anyone is curious to what changes were made to the files.

Hopefully with a bit of community effort, we can keep these going for many more years!


--- End quote ---
Hi TimboR33,
you are really very kind and generous!
so much thxs indeed!
how to use yr fixed scripts?
apologize me but i'm really not very skilled at all..could you pls guide me..??
and you confirm that there is no way to use the option inside bitche to update the scripts?
it was so very easy also for a newbie like's a real pity not to have it working at all since so many time...
thxs again for yr great and precious work!


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