
Author Topic: Time-saving keyboard shortcuts  (Read 7738 times)

Offline TheHalf™

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Time-saving keyboard shortcuts
« on: May 20, 2011, 09:57:31 am »
Originated by Jared Spurbeck.

Pointing and clicking with a mouse is easy, but computer pros take the fast lane: Keyboard shortcuts. Below will be links for anyone interested in learning some keyboard shortcuts. Also a few that can be used while logged into your Facebook account.

Facebook shortcuts,

Facebook has a whole ton of keyboard shortcuts. If you're using Google Chrome, you can press Alt+1 for your news feed, Alt+2 for your profile page, Alt+3 for your friend requests, Alt+4 to see all your messages and Alt+5 to read your notifications. Alt+? does a search, and Alt+M lets you write a new message.

If you're using Firefox, try Shift+Alt, then the number. Internet Explorer users will need to hit Enter after each shortcut, while Mac users will need to hold down Control+Option instead of Alt. (Mac users of Firefox need to press Fn+Control.)



Ubuntu (Unity Shortcuts wallpaper)--->



