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Can i modify "search file size filters"


Hi. Is there any way to modify the "search file size filters"  like the medium being instead 251 mb to 1000 mb.
It is useless to a bunch of us now. Thank you.

i'm open to feedback.. i dont have a way to edit them (yet) other than making hard edits in the code.. we did revise them once based on some user feedback..

for example, medium is 100 - 1500.. so the difference to 250 - 1000 is minimal?  the thought is that its better to have a few results "near" your target than to filter them out. in that example, if you wanted up to 1000mb, the thought is you would probably want to include a result that is 1200mb too.

but, do you have specific examples for what size limits would be ideal? (and/or why the current sizes filters are useless for you?)



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