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Most Overrated Movie Ever

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The Boondock Saints.

I've seen this movie and I think it's pretty good. I don't understand why everyone has this listed in their favorite movies on myspace/facebook. This is probably the most common favorite movie of recent years.

What is so good about it? It looked just like an average movie to me.

Probably going to get a lot of dirty looks, but in the event of that happening I will post this anyway.

Personally I think the most overrated movie is Platoon. I just didn't think it was anything close to the hype.

Anyway I've never actually heard of The Boondock Saints??

Without a doubt donnie darko.

Haha, I quite liked that film, it's very deep and so many messages are missed on first viewing and I can understand how you would say it's overrated. In fact I think it is overrated against the amount of hype it has.


--- Quote from: chadamir on January 11, 2007, 10:00:58 am ---Without a doubt donnie darko.

--- End quote ---

Donnie Darko is definitely another highly overrated one. I thought it was a great movie but why are people so obssesed with it!?


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