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[Movie] - Superman Returns

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I still havent seen it and probably wont

i watch this movie i did not like this movie.but my friends liked it.he thought its a fantastic movie.but i don't think so according to me it was we decided to watch Jackass 3-D movie.its a Adventure ,Action ,Comedy movie i suggest you to watch this movie i m sured this movie will entertained you.also you can download Jackass 3-D movie
from this site.

earn great collection at box office

i did not like this movie.but my friends like this i and my friends have decided to watch 127 Hours movie.i hope this movie is better then this movie you can download 127 Hours movie from this site and enjoy.


--- Quote from: TheNightWatchman on July 01, 2006, 03:02:06 pm ---It's Sunday, and the return of Superman has been out for 4 days now... I haven't seen it, but I'm wondering what peoples' opions of the film is?

If you haven't seen it, will you? (Why/Why not?)

From the trailer Superman looks really plastic?

--- End quote ---


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