Bit Che > Bugs & Feature Requests

Suggestion for search engine on bit che


well it has come to my attention that when you type in a multi word phrase like " Bit Torrent" or any other word search that it finds all the possible torrents with EACH word in it. that means it finds file with the word bit and the other files might have torrent in the search results . well my suggestion [if it already isnt in there and im a dumbass and just missed it] is a filter or a check box or something to make the searches "exact Phrase" or something so that only what you actually type  comes up or that thoes 2 words HAVE to be in the same line of torrent description in order to show in the results...thanks let me know if i missed that option so that i can use it


Right, here is how it is at the moment, say you search

"Bit Torrent"

in to the Bit Che box, it submits Bit Torrent to the search engines and then collects their results. Often this returns lots of crap, so it filters stuff out that have in the title "Bit" AND "Torrent", this is unless you have "include description searches" enabled.

You can filter things out like this for example:

"Stargate -Atlantis"

Which will return all results with Stargate in the title, but automatically remove all results with Atlantis in the title. You can also filter things out permanently from a filter.txt in the Bit Che directory.

In the torrent sites we can search video, software, documents, music separately.... if this software also impliment to search by file types it is more user friendly.... 

That's available in the Guevara Edition.

well hello folks! Just wanted to say that thanks to chip i have now got the power to do things on my own. Before my son pretty much told me what to do! He is a tech in the army in Korea and he has taught me alot. But so has Chip, so this is just a thank you for Chip!!! ;D


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