
Author Topic: Babies for an early grave  (Read 11676 times)


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Babies for an early grave
« on: April 05, 2007, 04:12:39 am »
This week will see over a quarter of a million baby seals in Canada clubbed to death for their pelts.
What sort of a world do we live in??
We have touched on this subject in our old forum, but this is nothing short of being barbaric.

3 month old babies being skinned while still conscious. How can they get away with it? The old argument that the seals deplete fish stocks is out the window. Man has done this ,not the baby seals.
Watch the video`s. :'( If you watch them right through, you probably will end up with tears in your eyes as I did. Canadian fishermen? My as*, More like thugs and paramilitaries (lets hope they don't treat their own first born the same)
Any thoughts?
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 05:46:22 am by texasboy »


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Re: Babies for an early grave
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2007, 08:09:16 pm »
I completely agree with you tex. It's horrific what they do to those poor defenceless creatures! From what I've read in the papers I don't think I have the stomach (or the guts) to watch the video you've supplied :'(


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Re: Babies for an early grave
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2007, 07:40:04 am »
I completely agree with you tex. It's horrific what they do to those poor defenceless creatures! From what I've read in the papers I don't think I have the stomach (or the guts) to watch the video you've supplied :'(
Not all the video`s are gory,more sad in a way. I sent an e-mail to The Canadian High Commissioners office in London(not that they will ever reply), more or less telling them that I likened them to dictators in our third world countries who seem to enjoy killing for the sake of killing.I also mentioned that I hoped they enjoyed their easter holidays, complete with their Canadian pay checks,knowing that 4-5,000 12 week old baby seals were being clubbed  to death per day,as they enjoyed drinks and dinner.
I for one will try help stop this unnecessary slaughter of "Mammals"
Really angry at Canada!


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Re: Babies for an early grave
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2007, 10:26:29 am »
Have they started on that again.. I remember many years ago about mmmmmmm... 30, they were doing it then, and there was a huge uproar over it.  I can't believe that this can happen when people basically don't wear the skins anymore.  I can't watch anything like that either.. it would sadden me too much.  Can't handle cruelty to anything, especially babies, and animals.


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Re: Babies for an early grave
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2007, 07:27:10 am »
 :-[  Mostly people in Russia and eastern europe still wear seal skins. And of course they appear to be oblivious as to how these skins got on their backs. The only way to stop it ,is to follow the cruelty program and refuse to buy Canadian products. Its already having an effect, but the top dogs in the Canadian government with their fat pay checks  think they are the new god and wont be budged.
If only the general public would have the guts to watch the videos, then the boycott on Canadian goods would get a kick start. When you see the clubbed hook striking the head of a poor defenseless baby seal and most times not even killing it before they start skinning. Yuk.!!
Canadian people have the power to stop this,but they all seem to bow to government decisions and are led as lambs to witness this yearly slaughter. Shame on them :'(


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Re: Babies for an early grave
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2007, 07:53:09 am »
Sorry Tex, i can't watch any links you show, even reading the posts reduces me to a female sook...  I understand culling, we have it in Australia too with the kangaroos etc.. however, there is a much more humane way of doing things.  Trouble is, i have heard that they dont want to use bullets because it would damage the skin... barbaric basta@#% 

I would love to get a club, and bash one of them around the head to see how it feels.. mmmmmmm...nah.. i couldn't do that either.  Surely there has to be an uproar soon with Greenpeace etc.  This is all so disgraceful.


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Re: Babies for an early grave
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2007, 08:40:17 am »
Sorry Tex, i can't watch any links you show, even reading the posts reduces me to a female sook...  I understand culling, we have it in Australia too with the kangaroos etc.. however, there is a much more humane way of doing things.  Trouble is, i have heard that they dont want to use bullets because it would damage the skin... barbaric basta@#% 

I would love to get a club, and bash one of them around the head to see how it feels.. mmmmmmm...nah.. i couldn't do that either.  Surely there has to be an uproar soon with Greenpeace etc.  This is all so disgraceful.
