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[TV] - LOST (ABC - Wednesday - 10pm pacific)

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lol at the CGI'ng.. just one more reason for me to dislike that episode..

now about last nights episode.. i haven't watched it yet.. but i hope im not disappointed..

It's... random.

Another way of taking an entire episode to say 1 thing... another reason for me to dislike 24 episodes of American TV. But it's interesting none the less


--- Quote from: TheNightWatchman on April 17, 2007, 09:19:50 pm ---Yes they CGI'd them haha

And Quantum, did you watch ep16? It's much more interesting! Well it's only my opinion.

Next ep tonight - hopefully after that climatic end to the previous episode, they aren't going to bore us with what the Koreans did for the last few days or something like they usually do.

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It was alright, it's like 16 episodes in before we get some slightly interesting plot, rather than just the general random of lost. I actually don't mind the general random aslong as they actually kind of tie it together from episode to episode, but a lot of it they just haven't and it just doesn't provide mystry anymore, it's just like "oh wow... monsters :-|"

I think they have upped it a bit with the inclusion of the others inside their camp (for a week). Got everyone thinking again.

haha.. i liked last night's episode.. some nice plot twists were planted but not given away, and John Locke's character became even more interesting.. and i thought it was fun how they played with the "if this isnt hell, then were are we.." idea, to play around withthe purgatory theories... etc.


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