
Author Topic: additional suggested features (if possible of course)  (Read 7452 times)


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additional suggested features (if possible of course)
« on: May 10, 2007, 01:07:01 pm »
hey chip,

first of all, i just downloaded bit che recently but it's already turning out to be a useful program. i'm not going to pretend to know anything about the scripts you use behind the scenes to do the searching but i had some ideas, and im not sure if they were feasible, but i thought id give it a go:

1) would it be possible to implement a view comments system so that it is possible to view the comments off the tracker website? sometimes ive found password locked files or movies with out of sync audio, and often the password/fixes are given in the comments so i would have to read through them to check, so i thought itd be a useful feature.

2) i dunno much about the entire scene process and all that but is there a way to check for nuked files? if so, you could get nuked file names and then, using some sort of detokenizing algorithm, you could grey out results that could potentially be nuked as well as the reason why, possibly even a link to a website like or something (where applicable obviously, since not all bittorrent releases are scene releases)

3) even if you cant do nuked files, maybe just having all files with entries in or vcdquality or a website of that sort with links to them so that people can check out relevant screenshots, nfos, etc

as i said, bit che is an awesome program so even if these cant be implemented the program is already sweet enough. but if you are willing to look into them, im definitely willing to help out where i can, especially now that im at home for summer break with some free time on my hands
