Bit Che > Bugs & Feature Requests

Suggestion Thread?


I don't know if there is one for Bit Che, but there should be one.

One feature to add is search filtering for each tab. The filtering should use the boolean terms to filter out results.

And have Bit Che search more than just Torrents. I know Bit Che isn't Torrent Harvest, butTorrent Harvest allowed searches for Torrents, cracks, eD2k, FTP, IRC, Usenet, and it even had a General internet search compiled of different search engines.

Another suggestion:
a refresh button for individual searches

howdy...  while users should be able to add scripts if they want to search other things, Bit Che officially is going to stay away from that since I want Bit Che to specifically only deal with torrents.. I dont mind if users post and share scripts for anything else, but I dont want to make the project any larger than the scope of searching and extracting torrents :)

thanks for the input though!

also, for individual searches, F5 refreshes the current tab, and F6 refreshes for all tabs...

hope that helps!



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