
Author Topic: Evolution of P2P client, whats next?  (Read 7586 times)


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Evolution of P2P client, whats next?
« on: July 06, 2007, 04:25:21 pm »
so we have come a long way from the first p2p generations

and have come to a point...where torrent clients and limewire are probably the leading p2p choices..

but now.. i ask a question.. what comes after torrents..
what are some of the newer p2p technologies out there that are making waves or worth checking out
whats dying out...
how long are torrents gonna be around before its demise..

what is the future of p2p in general?

Offline Synbios

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Re: Evolution of P2P client, whats next?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2007, 12:27:09 pm »
I don't think limewire is used that much anymore although I could be wrong. I try to use it but the file selection is so poor IMO.

Torrents are in right now.

I think the biggest shifts were:
Napster -> Morpheus and Kazaa -> Limewire -> Torrents

Although torrents have been around for a little longer, they haven't gained popularity until just these past couple years. eDonkey/eMule has been in the background for a long time but I don't think it has ever been #1.

What do you guys think the major clients have been?

Getting back to the future, like all kingdoms, the torrent one will fall eventually. I don't think anyone knows what's going to be next.