Author Topic: BREIN on verge of shutting down many large torrent trackers  (Read 9928 times)

Offline olddays1

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BREIN on verge of shutting down many large torrent trackers
« on: November 23, 2007, 07:23:46 am »
 It's starting to get nasty!!

BREIN on verge of shutting down many large torrent trackers

18 November 2007 18:54 by DVDBack23
BREIN on verge of shutting down many large torrent trackersThe infamous Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN has now gotten the web host LeaseWeb to take down several more torrent trackers, and this time the names are very recognizable.

The ISP has said it is determined to fight BREIN in court but for now they have no other option than to take the sites down when they are ordered to do so.

Working off their successful court case against LeaseWeb in an Amsterdam court where the ISP was forced to shut down and hand over the owner's personal details, BREIN seems intent on taking down every torrent site hosted by Leaseweb.

In an email written by Leasweb to one of the sites, the host says this, “In a recent case at the Amsterdam District Court, LeaseWeb was ordered to take down such sites. Although LeaseWeb has filed an appeal and will keep fighting for its client’s rights up to the highest court, LeaseWeb regrettably has no choice but to obey the court order and take down sites that list (bittorrent/edonkey) files.”

For those interested in what sites are hosted by LeaseWeb, here is a list, with some very noticeable names.,,,,,, what.CD,,,,,, not to mention dozens more smaller sites.

For now however, not all of these sites have received the shutdown notices from Leaseweb. It seems the BREIN is more intent on taking down sites that run a torrent tracker, in the same way that the recently taken down Demonoid did, first.

The web host had this to say to all those sites whcih hae already recieved an email. “LeaseWeb has filed an appeal and will keep fighting for its client’s privacy and right of freedom of expression up to the highest court.”

Offline Synbios

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Re: BREIN on verge of shutting down many large torrent trackers
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 01:31:13 am »
This is not good news. The two sites I use the most and are on that list. So far, they are still working though.

Knock on wood