
Author Topic: THE STRIKE  (Read 10511 times)

Offline TheNightWatchman

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« on: December 02, 2007, 11:02:40 pm »
So after TV series like Lost, 24, Prison Break, etc have said they are being affected by the writer's strike, movies such as Angels & Demons and Shantaram (plus many others) are now being pushed back because of writer's strike.

Now I don't live in America so I don't really know the extent of it, but how bad is it really over there?

Or does no one actually care?  ::)

Offline Synbios

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« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2007, 01:27:39 am »
It's not THAT bad, in a sense that not all writer's are in the union so not everyone is on strike. But here in America a lot of people like to get breaks, vacations, more pay and work less. That's what I think the strike is all about.

I do have some sympathy for the writers, and anyone else who works in the movie industry. The actors reap all the benefits and don't leave much money behind for the rest of the staff. Sure they have one of the most important roles, but is it really ethical to get paid 10 million dollars per movie? Acting is just a job like any other job, it might be hard but that doesn't make everyone else's job easier. As you can see, writer's are vital to the movie and TV production, as well as many other contributors.

Offline TheNightWatchman

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« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2007, 07:39:48 pm »
Acting is just a job like any other job, it might be hard but that doesn't make everyone else's job easier
I agree with what you're saying except for this line.

Can you imagine being, for example, Brad Pitt? It's not like you go to work and then come home from work, you're constantly working, people wanting your autographs, taking pictures, paparazzi everywhere, and you've got to keep them happy otherwise you get branded a dickhead and no one will employ you because the media have labelled you a person not to like.. so people don't like you and therefore won't watch your movies.

But overall I agree writers get paid more, because no matter how good the cinematography, directing, editing, etc is... a movie/tv show/ad/anything like this, is ever good without a good story!

Offline Quantum

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« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2007, 07:46:40 pm »
It's not THAT bad, in a sense that not all writer's are in the union so not everyone is on strike. But here in America a lot of people like to get breaks, vacations, more pay and work less. That's what I think the strike is all about.

That's not really what the strike is about, it's the fact that they're not even getting payed for some of their work. It's a hugely interesting read:
Daniel: "This tastes like chicken."
Carter: "So what's wrong with it?"
Daniel: "It's macaroni and cheese."

Offline Synbios

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« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2007, 01:14:30 am »
Very interesting article