As a lot of women, I’ve been lurking on this subbredit a lot before I got my IUD inserted. I was really worried about the insertion and I’ve read so many horror stories mentioning things like “the worst pain of my life”, “had to be sedated” etc. I went to my appointment on Friday morning a little bit worried, but I had no choice, nothing could help me to know if I was going to die on the table or if everything would be ok. Well, I would like to share my story: everything was FINE. I really like my doctor, she makes me feel less worried because she talks about what she is doing while having her head between my two legs haha. So what happened: She inserted her speculum on my vagina with lube, it’s not painful but you can feel discomfort if you’ve never done that before. She had to insert it twice because apparently my uterus makes a huge turn so she wanted to be sure to have the right angle for the insertion. Then she told me to breathe, well that the moment when you’re like “omg this is happening” and then I just had time to feel a cramp in my belly, closed my eyes and told her “oh I feel something weird...” and she told me “it’s already done, I’m cutting the strings”. It all happened so fast, and then I realized it was five minutes of discomfort for 5 years of freedom. Well, I mean I’m talking about the insertion, I don’t know how will be my periods and there is still a chance that my body’s gonna expulse the iud out of my uterus. For now, it’s been a bit more than two days and I feel pain like period cramps and there is a bit of blood. It’s not really pleasant and I hope it won’t last, but ibuprofen works perfectly well. I went back to work immediately after my insertion but I would recommend you to treat yourself with good food or things you love. Because hell yeah, you did it! You’re a bad ass woman, and I know you have been through a lot of shitty moments in your woman’s life, but everything’s gonna be okay!

EDIT: I’m 22 and I never had children
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