Author Topic: KeepaliveOa  (Read 6138 times)

Offline auskiwi

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« on: March 10, 2021, 05:06:21 pm »
I have been using bit che and utorrent for several years without any problems, but recently I had a lock-up and had to reinstall bit che and now I have all kinds of problems as follows...
I enter a search name into bit che looking for a certain torrent, I get very few responses on any search subject now and none on a lot of searches I have used before.. anyway , when a list of available torrents shows in bit che, I select one and double click on it , the torrent details box comes up and instead of the torrent I selected it says "KeepaliveOa" in the details box.. the same thing happens with any torrent I select on bit che..
I can download torrents from other sources and utorrent picks them up ok and downloads them no problem.. whats going on???
cheers [cry] [cry]

Offline Ian

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Re: KeepaliveOa
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2021, 05:12:36 pm »
Try this torrent downloader it buy far less populated and works way better than Utorrent and doesn't have any bull adds or any I stopped using it cause it was way to into the popular public and to well known and to much attention on something that should not be so noticed Try using " qBittorrent" I have been using it for years now and works to my dream tried evry one and its fast less known about and Bit-Che works very well with it and it also has its own built in search but you have to get scripts and manually put them in for your personal search engine its awesome.. I will never go back. Hope that helps out my fellow Convivian.. Peace my friend.