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Computers - Technology / Microsoft Vista RC2 Downloads
« on: October 07, 2006, 05:04:56 am »

Windows Vista RC2, English 32-Bit Edition
Windows Vista RC2, English 64-Bit Edition

PM me if you are looking for a key.

Signatures of the ISO files:
    MD5 hash: 83cee5f1642d094670147c5350c57762
    SHA1 hash: 067CA4F94D001DE6276F08F76EF0780592B64BFD
    MD5 hash: 23b213d7342b2e957b3db1d98c0ee3e6
    SHA1 hash: 5D8C4BCEE51F6912801800E534F6DB5A22F654AE

Scripts & Development / Bit Che - Script Documentation v.01a (READ)
« on: October 04, 2006, 05:59:10 am »
For Bit Che version 2.0, please read:


Bit Che Script Documentation v.01a

NOTE: The easiest way to learn how to write scripts is to read over these first few paragraphs and the Quick Functions List, and then "debug" one of the existing scripts so that you can watch the functions and the script in action. Once you get the idea of how the script works, then attempts to write your own will be far easier.

Before you begin working on a script, first edit "settings.ini" and add a line "debug=1" in the "[options]" section. This file is found in the installation directory. Now, a menu item appears, "Debug Script" (or you can hit F12) to bring up a step-by-step debugger when working with Bit Che scripts.

Initial Notes: Scripts are designed to parse HTML output into 2 arrays (R & Q). &nbsp;The first array 'r' stores the data that contains all of the 'results' and is parsed based on whatever delimiter is required to put each complete result into its own array element of 'r'. The delimiter for 'r' is typically "</TR>". The second array 'q' is used when looping through each result in 'r' and splits the data into a organized data array. The delimiter for 'q' is typically something like "/TD>". &nbsp;Then we loop through the information array and store the torrent information to special variables.

Note: You might like to use the Quick Array Display tool to help you break down the HTML when parsing the data into the arrays: Quick Array Display

Variable Handling:

Variables &nbsp;a to z can be used (lower case) with the exception of a few special ones.
r = assigned to the array containing ALL results
q = assigned to the information array of a single result
d = always the HTML data output sent to the script (can be edited/changed by the script at anytime).
z = is always reset to 1 after the array( function is used.

numbers 1 - 7 are used for the torrent's information and can not be accessed as normal a-z character variables.
 &nbsp; 1 = name
 &nbsp; 2 = size
 &nbsp; 3 = source page
 &nbsp; 5 = seeds
 &nbsp; 6 = leeches
 &nbsp; 7 = .torrent url

With the exception of certain functions, basic script commands follow this pattern:


where X is the return variable letter (a-z) for the function, F is the function name, and p1..p3 are string parameters

Quick Functions List:

i( - searches for a string
h( - searches for a string and halts if not found
r( - searches for a string in reverse
c( - crops/cuts a string
split( - split a data block into an array
array( - access data from the 'q' array
replace( - replace a string with another
save( - saves specific torrent information to # &nbsp; (see above)
e( - extract: combines search, crop/cut, and clean.
x( - eXtract: combines search, crop/cut, clean, and save.
p( - store a string into a variable
&( - combine strings OR variables
+( - add a number from a variable
-( - subtract a number from a variable
start - indicates the start of the result parsing loop
aloop - adds the current torrent to the results list and loops back to 'start'

Basic Functions Detailed:

h &nbsp;-- &nbsp;Searches a string for another string but HALTS the script if it is not found. Typically the first line of the script. Stores the location of the found string as a integer into the return variable.

   vRes = h ( vStart, vData, sSearch )
   z=h(x,d,</td>) &nbsp; &nbsp;

   searches the data variable 'd' for '</td>' starting at position stored in variable 'x' and stores the result into variable 'z'. if '</td>' is not found, the script halts (dies).

   Optional extended use, can search for successive terms (up to 10):
   vRes = h ( vStart, vData, sSearch , sSearch2, sSearch3...etc ) &nbsp;

   Note: this will halt the script if the last '' is not found in order starting from the location of the first term. This us useful to make sure you are working with the expected HTML output.

i &nbsp;-- &nbsp;Searches a string for another string. Typically Stores the location of the string as a integer into the return variable.

   vRes = i ( vStart, vData, sSearch )

   exact same as 'h' function but does not halt.

r &nbsp;-- &nbsp;Searches in reverse for a string in a variable.

   vRes = r ( vStart, vData, sSearch)

   searches from the end of 't' for the location of 'title=' and stores it in 'x'
   Note: '-1' for the vStart always searches from the END of the string. A number or a variable can be used here.

c &nbsp;-- Crops a string into a variable based on a starting and ending location

   vRes = c ( vData, vStart, VEnd)

split -- Used to split up a data block into the arrays.

   This is a special function any only 2 result variables are allowed: r & q

   r=split(d,</tr>) &nbsp;- sets up the 'r' array delimiting with </tr>
   q=split(r,</td>) &nbsp;- sets up the 'q' array delimiting with </td>

   Note: the delimiter can be anything you like, the result variables and the array variables can not be changed.

array -- Used to access data from the 'q' array and stores into a variable for manipulation.


   stores the 3rd item in the 'q' array to the string varriable 't'.
   note: arrays always start numbering with 0 for the first item which means when accessing the array items:
   0=1st &nbsp; &nbsp;1=2nd &nbsp; &nbsp;2=3rd &nbsp;..etc

replace -- searches a string variable for a specific string and replaces it with another

   vRes = replace ( vData, sSearch, sReplace)
   Useful when Bit Che needs to parse tricky HTML code,etc.

save &nbsp;-- saves a variable to a specific torrent information variable number:

   saves the string in variable 'k' to torrent information variable '1' (name)

   1 = name
   2 = size
   3 = source page

   5 = seeds
   6 = leeches
   7 = .torrent url

x &nbsp;-- &nbsp;special function that combines searching, cutting, extracting, cleaning, and saving.

   vRes = x ( vData, vStart, vEnd)

   searches variable 't' starting at the value of 'z' for '<bc>' and extracts the data until '[-bc-]'. this extracted data is then saved as special torrent information variable '2' (file size). The extracted data is automatically 'scrubbed' and cleaned from unwanted HTML codes.

e &nbsp;-- &nbsp;special function that combines searching, cutting, extracting, and cleaning.

   vRes = e ( vData, vStart, vEnd)

   searches variable 't' starting at the value of 'z' for '<bc>' and extracts the data until '[-bc-]'. this extracted data is then saved into variable q. The extracted data is automatically 'scrubbed' and cleaned from unwanted HTML codes.
   Note: This is the same as function 'x' except it does not save the result into the special torrent variable. This is useful if you want to use or manipulate the result before you save it to the special torrent # variable.

p &nbsp;-- &nbsp;allows you to store a string into a variable

   vRes = p ( sString )
   t=p(hello world)
   stores 'hello world' into 't'
   Note: you can store numbers or strings into variables.

& &nbsp;-- &nbsp;allows you to combine strings OR variables into one variable.

   vRes = & ( vFirst, vSecond, etc..)

   combines 'k' with 'm' and saves it as variable 't'

   Note: You can also combine text strings instead of variables by placing ' in front of the string. Example:
   t = & ( ', q, '.torrent)
   If variable q = "/download.php?name=file", then t would equal

+/- &nbsp;-- allows you to add or subtract a number from a variable
   vRes = + ( sNum)
   variable 'x' = 'x' + 1

   variable 'x' = 'x' - 5

start -- &nbsp;indicates the line number in the script where Bit Che should 'loop' back to to process the next array item in the result array 'r'.

aloop &nbsp;-- adds the currently stored special torrent information variables to a torrent result in Bit Che and loops back to the 'start' of the script.

other special functions:

vacuum -- removes characters like 'tab' and 'line return' from a string


A few other undocumented ones or modifications/extra parameters of the above functions might appear in some scripts. These will be addressed within time.

For some clarity here, lets use a blank TABLE example (typical of HTML output).

Code: [Select]
<TABLE width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<td>Torrent Name 1</td>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<td>File Size 1</td>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<td>URL 1</td>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;</tr>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<tr>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<td>Torrent Name 2</td>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<td>File Size 2</td>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<td>URL 2</td>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;</tr>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;<tr>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<td>Torrent Name 3</td>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<td>File Size 3</td>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<td>URL 3</td>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;</tr>


1. First we would trim the HTML data (always variable 'd') to hold what is between the first <tr> and the last </td>.
Code: [Select]

2. Next we would split the data into the 'r' array (always 'r').
Code: [Select]

3. Next we start the loop because we want to loop through all the different results in 'r'.
Code: [Select]

4. At the beginning of the loop, we need to split the current result from the 'r' array into the 'q' array. This puts a single result's data into a single organized array 'q' from which we can then easily work with.
Code: [Select]

This splits the current item 'r' into 'q'. the 'q' array will hypothetically look like (in memory):

q(0): <td>Torrent Name 1<
q(1): <td>File Size 1<
q(2): <td>URL 1<

5. Store the first array item from the information array 'q' into a string varriable.
Code: [Select]

6. Extract and save the torrent name.
Code: [Select]

7. Store the second array item from the information array 'q' into a string varriable.
Code: [Select]

8. Extract and save the torrent file size.
Code: [Select]

9. Store the third (last) array item from the information array 'q' into a string varriable.
Code: [Select]

10. Extract and save the torrent url.
Code: [Select]

11. Add the stored torrent result and loop back to the 'start' line to parse the next item in the results 'r' array.
Code: [Select]

12. &nbsp;Completed Example Script for the basic TABLE output:
Code: [Select]

Example Working Script for
Code: [Select]
x=h(x,d,table class="list")

ok thats all for now.. &nbsp;please ask questions if I can help clarify anything. since i am used to working with this script 'language', i dont know what needs more information, examples, etc.

oh and remember to edit "settings.ini" and write a line "debug=1" and then restart Bit Che if you would like to see some basic debug output from your script when you are testing/writing a script

Computers - Technology / Microsoft Windows Vista
« on: September 16, 2006, 09:30:31 am »
Microsoft Windows Vista RC1 is available for the public to test...

I'm going to be installing this tonight.. I hear that it is awesome!

Language Translations / Bit Che - Translators Wanted!
« on: September 14, 2006, 07:12:41 pm »
I am always looking for translators to help create language files.

Here is the list of current translations:

Instructions for translating Bit Che into your language:

1. Go to Bit Che:  File | Languages and click the link that says "Open Folder".. you should be at a directory like "C:\Users\[name]\App Data\Convivea\Bit_Che\2\Languages\". 

2. Copy 'English.ini' to the new language you are translating to. For example:  'NewLanguage.ini'

3. Edit this 'NewLanguage.ini' and translate only the text to the right of the '=' signs. For example, if you see "mnuH=Hello" then only translate the word 'Hello'.

4. Load up Bit Che and check to make sure the translations appear correctly. You might need to shorten the text for some of the buttons to appear correctly.

5. Once you are pleased with your results, attach your language file here to a forum post:
To do this, make a reply post here in this thread. While you are editing your post, you will see a link at the bottom that says "(Additional Options)".. click that and a file upload box will be displayed which will allow you to attach your language.ini straight to your post here.

and then you are done!

Instructions for updating an existing Language file:
1. Go to Bit Che:  File | Languages and click the link that says "Open Folder".. you should be at a directory like "C:\Users\[name]\App Data\Convivea\Bit_Che\2\Languages\". 

2. Open the Language.ini that you wish to edit.

3. Remove any "!" from the items.. for example, if you see  "!chkAutoRemove=Auto remove.."  then remove the "!" and translate "Auto remove.."

note:  the "!" means there is not a translation yet for that item so the English version is being used.

4. Close and then Load up Bit Che and check to make sure the translations appear correctly. You might need to shorten the text for some of the buttons to appear correctly.

5. Once you are pleased with your results, attach your language file here to a forum post:
To do this, make a reply post here in this thread. While you are editing your post, you will see a link at the bottom that says "(Additional Options)".. click that and a file upload box will be displayed which will allow you to attach your language.ini straight to your post here.

If you have any questions or any problems, don't hesitate to ask!)

Ps, I have a large database of country flags so you don't need to worry about the country flag icon.

Thank you in advance!

turegum's Tips for translators:

- Download and install Azureus (or uTorrent) and then toggle between English an your own language (tools-options-interface-language). Azureus has most of the torrenting related words you need already translated.
- If you have your own language Firefox you can compare the translations with and English version.
- Some Open Source projects (like GNOME) might have a localization pages including a computer related word dictionary on the local language web site. Check / Google that.
- Other sources: Babelfish, Google Rosetta project, computer dictionaries, Local language pages in Wikipedia, torrenting related translated ebooks, the torrenting geek sitting next to you...

Work slowly. If you get stuck with an expression or word, leave it for a while and come back to it later. don't try to force the translation.

All of the current Bit Che scripts in the default pack for 3.0 can be found here:

Please post completed new or updated scripts in this thread. Thank you!

General Discussion / Competitions
« on: August 08, 2006, 06:45:14 am »
anyone have any good ideas for a competition we can do here?

P2P - Filesharing / P2P Guides
« on: August 06, 2006, 05:46:06 am »
Anyone interested in making some p2p guides for Ares or BitTorrent for our forums? Or do you think there are already enough on sites like slyck ?

General Discussion / Karma - Whats the deal?
« on: August 04, 2006, 10:17:43 am »
Ok, so I just installed a Karma MOD that allows us to see who and where a user has changed your Karma.. (either a 'high five' or a 'smack'..) 

Also, users are required to have a minimum of 10 posts before they can changes someones Karma..
And, you can only change the topic starter's karma...  I turned on this feature because I was thinking it would be better just to highfive or smack the person who started the topic..  but if you guys vote that we turn it back to allowing karma change for anyone, let me know..

I'm still thinking about how the Karma system can be used... I like the idea of it, so I'm sure we can do something like a platnium section, or something...

General Discussion / Times When the F-word Was Appropriate
« on: August 04, 2006, 08:59:10 am »
I borrowed this from a joke website, but I was thinking it would be funny to make this list even longer... thus:

People get really upset when you use the "F" word. So much so, that I can't even write the full word out, but have to referto it as the "F" word. However, despite what many educators, and pious people believe, there are times when the "F" word just makes sense. And that is why we are bringing you ... TIMES WHEN THE "F" WORD WAS APPROPRIATE

"What the F was that?" -- Mayor of Hiroshima
"Where did all these F'ing Indians come from?" -- General Custer"
Any F'ing idiot could understand that." -- Albert Einstein
"It does so F'ing look like her!" -- Pablo Picasso
"How the F did you work that out?" -- Pythagoras
"You want WHAT on the F'ing ceiling?" -- Michaelangelo
"I don't suppose its gonna F'ing rain?" -- Joan of Arc
"Scattered F'ing showers my ass." -- Noah
"I need this parade like I need a F'ing hole in my head." -- John F. Kennedy
"Who the F is going to know? " -- Bill Clinton

General Discussion / How to Cheat a Polygraph Test (Lie Detector)
« on: August 04, 2006, 08:48:30 am »
Saw this and thought it was pretty interesting... never know when you're going to be given a Polygraph.. haha..

Music - Movies - TV / [Movie] - Little Miss Sunshine
« on: August 04, 2006, 08:45:25 am »
Has anyone gone to go see Little Miss Sunshine? I hear its awesome and getting really good reviews.. the only problem is that its not playing yet in any theaters near me..

General Discussion / Brand your own M&M's for $100 plus $30 a pound..
« on: August 04, 2006, 08:39:36 am »
Source: Reuters

The candy that "melts in your mouth, not in your hand" has a new message: this space for rent.

M&Ms, the candy-coated chocolate nibbles, next month will be available for corporate logos and advertising under a plan called "My Branding" -- an escalation in a war with The Hershey Company and its "Kissables" invasion.

Expanding its "My M&Ms" line, Masterfoods said it will charge a set-up fee of $100 and then $22.50 to $30 per pound for the M&Ms, depending on the order.

General Discussion / Full Body Dance Dance Revolution
« on: August 02, 2006, 04:50:28 am »
"NewScientistTech has a story about a full body version of Dance Dance Revolution. It uses vision recognition to award points after assessing a player's ability to correctly mimic silhouetted dance shapes. Check out the video clip of it being demoed at SIGGRAPH 2006."

Source: slashdot

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

Computers - Technology / Microsoft's iPod Killer - Zune
« on: August 02, 2006, 04:37:14 am »
Not sure if everyone has seen this yet or not, but here is a great article covering the details that we know for sure regarding the new Zune mp3/video player that Microsoft will be releasing before the end of the year..

Source: engadget

What we know (for sure)

Zune is the name of the project, the brand, and the device.
The first Zune device will be launched this year, with more devices to come in 2007.
The Zune brand encompasses not only the device, but the software that will drive it, as well as a music, movie, and media service the Zune device family will use for acquiring, sharing, and discovery of said media. Music will be the first angle of service that is launched, "connected entertainment" being the ultimate goal.

The Zune media service will heavily leverage community aspects and recommendation; emphasis is being placed on using Zune to discover new artists, media, etc.
The Zune media device will be drive-based, and have WiFi.
The Zune brand is intended to be an entirely vertically integrated end-to-end solution, not unlike the iPod / iTunes / iTunes Music Store triumvirate.
The service and device will not be PlaysForSure compliant, meaning you will not be able to use your Zune player with Napster or Vongo, for example. This will be an entirely new system. Microsoft will continue to support and develop for their PlaysForSure initiative, but all things PlaysForSure are handled by two entirely separate division that will not have any crossover.

Zune is under Microsoft's new Entertainment & Devices Division, and is headed by, among others, Robbie Bach, J Allard (Corporate Vice President and Chief XNA Architect), and Bryan Lee (Corporate Vice President and CFO, Entertainment and Devices Division), which accounts for the division of this project from the rest of Microsoft, similar to how the Xbox project was also strictly separated.
The logo we had is, of course, real.
Microsoft's launched the Zune viral marketing site, [Thanks, bv]

What we think we know (and are pretty sure of)

They'll be showing off the device by the end of next month, and will aim for a November release.
Microsoft will buy your way out of iTunes in order to convert you to a Zune user.

The Zune will come in multiple colors.
Pyxis is the codename for their nano competitor which would also include video capabilities; Alexandria is the codename for the software that powers the Zune experience.
A Microsoft portable gaming system is in the works, and will be a part of the Zune family. This device should have Xbox Live Anywhere integration. This may or may not be an Xbox co-branded portable, but is probably going to be the portable gaming / media device we've been hearing about for years.
Microsoft's ad campaign will include a Super Bowl commercial.
The Zune will have a bevy of accessories at launch; it'll probably be cheaper for accessory makers to develop for the Zune port than pay the Made For iPod tax.

What we don't yet know

Whether the Zune media service will offer the same kind of all-you-can-eat subscription media services as PlaysForSure media services like Napster and Vongo. Supposedly subscription will be offered, but downplayed in favor of song purchase (which is the opposite of most PlaysForSure services).

Whether you'll actually only be limited to sharing with up to 10 people nearby, as rumored, and that they won't get the protected files, but will "bookmark" them for later purchase.
Exact device specifications for the first Zune device, as well as its price (though we hear it could be as much as $399).
Whether it'll include XM and/or Sirius service as rumored (we doubt it).

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