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Topics - chip!

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General Discussion / Diamonds no longer girls best friend
« on: August 02, 2006, 04:26:58 am »
Source: Rueters

Diamonds are no longer a girl's best friend, according to a new U.S. study that found three of four women would prefer a new plasma TV to a diamond necklace.

The survey, commissioned by U.S. cable television's Oxygen Network that is owned and operated by women, found the technology gender gap has virtually closed with the majority of women snapping up new technology and using it easily.

Women were found on average to own 6.6 technology devices while men own 6.9, and four out of every five women felt comfortable using technology with 46 percent doing their own computer trouble-shooting.

"People make the assumption that women are not as advanced as men when it comes to technology and I was surprised at the parity men and women now have in terms of technology," Geraldine Laybourne, chairman and chief executive of Oxygen Network, told Reuters.

The Girls Gone Wired survey of 1,400 women and 700 men aged 15 to 49, which was conducted by market researcher TRU, found that given the choice, women would opt for tech items rather than luxury items like jewelry or vacations.

The study found 77 percent of women surveyed would prefer a new plasma television to a diamond solitaire necklace and 56 percent would opt for a new plasma TV over a weekend vacation in Florida.

Even shoes lost out. The study found 86 percent would prefer a new digital video camera to a pair of designer shoes.

General Discussion / Colbert Analyzes Wikipedia
« on: August 02, 2006, 04:17:56 am »
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

If you missed it, check out the video for the Wikiality segment from the Colbert Report on Comedy Central. Colbert encourages his viewers to change the Wikipedia entry for elephant so that it says the number of African elephants has tripled in the last six months. The result? Various Wikipedia articles referring to elephants, African elephants, African Bush elephants, African Forest elephants and the like were immediately moved to semi-protected status by the site's administrators. Pages with the semi-protected designation can only be edited by registered and trusted users. Colbert's Wikipedia user account was also blocked from making edits.

Other Projects / Gmail Drive Config 1.0 build 6
« on: July 22, 2006, 11:39:00 am »
Here is a thread for discussion of Gmail Drive Config:

General Discussion / Out of town for a couple days
« on: July 14, 2006, 04:49:50 am »
Sorry I haven't gotten much done around here in terms of development and forum upgrades lately :( and the bad news is that I wouldn't have anything done for another week because its my birthday next week and I'm leaving tomorrow to go camping in Yosemite and I wouldn't be back until after the 20th.. but I hope you guys have a great weekend and I'll see you when I get back... assuming I don't get eaten by a bear :)

General Discussion / MOVED: He's got radioactive blood...
« on: June 29, 2006, 05:06:34 am »

General Discussion / Trance Torrent
« on: June 29, 2006, 04:54:28 am »
If you are into trance/electronic music, I have really been enjoying this release:

3cds of upbeat melodic trance

Computers - Technology / MythTV
« on: June 29, 2006, 04:52:09 am »
I'm thinking about building one of these machines.. has anyone built one or know someone who has? If you've never heard of MythTV, its basically a super customizable TIVO on steriods..

General Discussion / forum organization
« on: June 28, 2006, 10:16:02 am »
anyone have comments or suggestions for the organization of the forums here? I made a few changes today.. what do you think? add/delete any forums? move them around, etc?

Music - Movies - TV / What media player do you use?
« on: June 28, 2006, 08:19:20 am »
What do you think is the best media player right now, and why?

If you use iTunes is it because you have an iPod or do you have a different mp3 player and use a different media player because of that?

General Discussion / Online Friends/Networking Sites
« on: June 28, 2006, 08:15:34 am »
Do you spend a lot of time Myspace'n or Facebook'in or something similar!? What do you think of them??

Bugs & Feature Requests / Bit Che - 1.0 build 59
« on: June 18, 2006, 03:48:31 pm »
Change Log:

1.0.60 - Mar 28, 2008
  • added: Full support for Windows Vista and Windows 2003
  • added: All issues with DEP are fixed, all Bit Che components are now able to run on any Windows version (or Linux/MacOSX with Wine emulator)
  • added: Full Unicode support for language translation and auto detects system language
  • added: Check for updates now includes both new engine scripts and program updates
  • added: Search history is saved between sessions
  • added: Remembers Window size, position, Maximized or Normal, and if Script Bar is visible or hidden
  • added: Remembers column sizes for maximized or not maximized
  • added: Ability to specific a specific browser to launch URL pages  (open settings.ini, under "options", make a new line "browser_path=" and put the full path to whatever browser you want to use)
  • added: Command line flag "/portable" to force bit che to use the current directory as the app path
  • added: Many new scripts added
  • updated: Faster startup
  • updated: Reorganized menu options
  • updated: Improved tab bar
  • updated: New icons (much prettier when ALT-Tab, etc)
  • updated: Many overall code improvements/optimizations.
  • fixed: Should now have fewer false anti-virus reports
  • fixed: Problem handing cookies that prevented compatibility with some scripts
  • fixed: Tons of bugs!

1.0.59  --  Dec 12, 2006

added: Spanish & Dutch translations (thanks guys!)
added: script
fixed: default sort by Seeders
fixed: 'Enter Registration' is disabled if registered
fixed: Bit Che closes if you do not enter anything in the registration box or click close the registration window by clicking close botton on the top right hand corner
fixed: Arabic translation shows and english in File -> Language menu and in the intial installation
fixed: If you have dialog box open, Bit Che can not be found by selecting Alt-Tab
fixed: Bit Che detected an Azureus client even when it was uninstalled. It is maybe because Azureus has not de-registered the .torrent file..
fixed: "lblDoubleClick=Double Clicking a result opens:" in Preference menu does not read the translation.
fixed: In Tools -> Preference "Automatically check for Bit Che updates" and "Minimize Bit Che to the system tray" string "Bit Che" is not capitalized even when it is in the language file.
fixed: English mnuAbout has changed from "About" to "Bit Che" in built58. Is there any way to track/check english.ini file changes?
fixed: Should the [list_results] also have a Ratio? I can not find it in a language file.
fixed: "Guevara Account" does not get translated in registration box.
fixed: Under [menus] in .ini file "Repeat searches on all tabs" and "Repeat searches on current tab" are missing
fixed: Minor cosmetic comment; should there be space around "/"? see "Show seeder / leech ratio as:" and "Show/Hide Scripts"
fixed: couple other minor things..

1.0.58  --  Dec 10, 2006

new: options moved to a 'preferences' dialog.
new: option for automatic update check for new versions of bit che & the menu option checks internally instead of launching the webpage
new: option minimize bit che to the system tray
new: option to refresh all open tabs at set interval (great for leaving minimized)
new: hot keys (F5/F6) added to refresh current tab and all tabs
new: torrent ratio displayed on list results (option to hide in the preferences)
new: guevara edition now the same installer as the freeware edition but it needs to be unlocked in order to use the features. to unlock: use 'About | Enter Registration' and enter your forum/registered email address.
new: bit che is now more user friendly and detects if you have a torrent client installed or not.
fixed: a *bunch* of little tiny bugs and polishing tweaks

1.0.57  --  Dec 6, 2006
Guevara Edition:

new: Added 'Morning Coffee' type extension (predefine searches for certain days, etc)
updated: Torrent Details window now closes when you press 'Open Torrent'
fixed: several GUI bugs
fixed: several Tabs bugs
fixed: several other bugs

1.0.56  --  Nov 23, 2006
Guevara Edition:
Freeware Edition:

fixed: "filter.txt" is loaded every search and changed the string detection function
fixed: Remove Duplicates is now properly synced to the Active Tab
fixed: several other smaller bugs/statusbar updates
updated: optimized some functions resulting in *slightly* faster code for script handling

1.0.55  --  Nov 23, 2006
Guevara Edition:
Freeware Edition:

new: added bc:// Protocol URL support for future support with browser search plugins / uTorrent integration
new: added command line support for launching searches (any text supplied for the command line will launch a search, use "/#" to  specify media profile type)
new: multiple instance awareness & will send search queries to the open instance automatically
new:  implemented "filter.txt" for permanently ignoring results based on keywords you put in this file
new:  MessageBox buttons reflect the language translations
new: Torrent Details can sort columns by filename or file size
update: Tabs now slide over when closed and tab 1 can be closed (but will always be replaced by another if there are no other open tabs)
update: Sticky Tabs now require being "Unsticky'd" before they can be closed & a new Pinned icon is shown instead of the X for Sticky Tabs
updated: replaced all remaining Labels with UniAware Labels..
update: The icons for Tabs (X and the Pin) are both slightly dimmed when the tab is not the active tab and active tab X is now blue.
update: new logo icon for Guevara Edition
fixed: launching a new search on a previous tab changes the Search Button to Stop
fixed: results  # no longer update for wrong tab if current tab isn't the search tab
fixed: right mouse button to open a new tab gives the focus to the textbox and highlights it's content
fixed: right click no longer shows Bold old caption after cleared
fixed: when beginning a new search when the focus is set at another tab, the results show up in the proper tab

1.0.54 -- Nov 10, 2006
Guevara Edition:

-fixed: sticky tabs are protected. the sticky tabs should remain sticky until you 'unsticky' them.
-improved: when you make a new search, the focus gets sent to the Active Tab's results list so your mouse scroll will move the list results up&down.
-improved: Query box can not reset the search history if you scrolled down with the mouse.
-new: Right Click in the tabs area white space to create a new blank tab.
-new: Unicode capable labels used for the Torrent Details. (I will update the other labels with Unicode-aware ones if the ones on the Torrent Details work).

1.0.53 -- Nov 8, 2006
Guevara Edition:

-new feature: sticky tabs. to use, right click the tab you want to be sticky. a "*" will be added to the caption to signify it being 'sticky'. when you close Bit Che, any sticky tabs will be saved, and when you launch bit che again, those queries will automatically fire up again.
-fixed a minor tab alignment issue

1.0.52 -- Nov 7, 2006
Guevara Edition:
Freeware Edition:

-fixed bug when starting a 2nd instance of bit che
-fixed bug with the X Close All Tabs button
-fixed bug with resizing of results list when maximized and then closed all tabs, then restored window
-improved routines for new tab creation and closing of all tabs. new tabs dont flicker really fast to the 1st tab anymore.
-added menu option to Double Click Results to Open Torrents (instead of Torrent Details)
-month of the torrent creation date on Torrent Details is now forced to English (or current language file used).

1.0.51 --  Nov 6, 2006
Guevara Edition:
Freeware Edition:

-fixed nasty bug crashing Bit Che upon searching
-added a menu option to 'Open Searches in New Tabs' by default
-added full captions to the tabs ToolTips along with the media type/profile name of the search
-minor GUI improvements

1.0.50 -- Guevara Edition:
new: basic profile/media type searching for sites that support this
new: basic file size filtering added..   uses either "-size>X" or "-size<X" where X is the # of MB. "-size>100" will include only results that are greater than (or equal to) 100mb.
new: torrent details now shows creation date and which client created the torrent (if available).
new: CNTRL or ALT or SHIFT will launch the search into a new Tab
new: F2 will show/hide the Scripts Sidebar
update: numerous little polishing changes, such as focus returns to the query box when typing (almost always now).

1.0.49 --  Nov 2, 2006
stable beta

fixed:  dupe check buffers are now properly used and erased per tab
fixed: removed results are now properly erased and unloaded once the tab is closed
improved: winsock threads are now launched all at once, slightly faster searches
improved: fixed the 'removed results' dialog listview size so that all results are visible
minor: polished a few little things, such as bit che is shown slightly faster when starting up.

new since build 44:
-implemented tab searching
-implemented localization and translated bit che into French & Italian

1.0.44 - Oct 10, 2006

1. Core Improved: Increased the winsock threads count from 20 to 30 (able to process more scripts at once).
2. GUI Improved: Torrent Details window has had some slight cosmetic improvements and is now resizable (thanks tuckeratlarge @
3. GUI Improved: Results list is not 'updated' if new torrents are not added.
4. GUI Improved: Basic stats are now shown in the status bar upon startup.
5. GUI Improved: Corrected 2 small typo's in message boxes.
6. Added new scripts:

1.0.43 - Oct 7, 2006
1. Bug Fix: "Open Website" now launches the proper web page (editable in the script .ini).
2. Core Improved: Minor tweaks to the script processor. Functions '&' and 'e' are more useful.
3. Core Improved: Debug engine now allows you to step 'backwards' or 'reload' the script and start over. (stepping back also reloads the script (from the script .ini) but will jump back to the previous line). Now you don't have to re-do a search just to test changes you're made to the script. Finally!
4. GUI Improved: Added a donation button :) (this can be hidden by adding "NoDonateButton=1" to "settings.ini".

1.0.42 - Oct 4, 2006
1. Core Improved: Added support for "-keyword" filters for removing results.
2. Core Improved: Added new 'debug' script processor. Add the "debug=1" flag under [options] in "settings.ini" then press F12 for a step-by-step output debugger for testing scripts. (really helpful! even for me)
3. GUI Updated: Corrected context menu naming scheme (torrent details/open page)
4. GUI Updated: Replaced bit_che.exe icons with higher resolution 'che' logo.
5. Bug Fix: Pressing STOP in a search no longer prevents viewing of torrent details.
6. Bug Fix: Context menu for the script list is now working properly.

1.0.41 - Oct 3, 2006
1. Core Improved: Compatible with sites requiring HTTP POST headers for queries.
2. Core Improved: Added basic script debug output flag "debug=1" in settings.ini (helpful when writing scripts).
3. Added 3 new scripts: (whoops! no registration required, but does require Bit Che 1.0.41 ;)

1.0.40 - Oct 3, 2006
1. Updated UI:  Password manager now a little more user friendly. Also, passwords are no longer saved as 'Plain Text'.
2. Core Fix: Updating scripts will no longer enable or disable a script. This can only be done manually.
3. Core Update: Now possible to Multiple Select torrents for viewing details/downloading/saving, etc
4. GUI Update: Menu option added to open Torrent Details in different windows or use a single one.
5. GUI Update: Bit Che now stores the last 10 searches to a drop down list (automatically cleared when exiting or loading Bit Che).

1.0.39 - Sep 14, 2006
1. New UI: scripts are now displayed in a 'sidebar' and groups member sites away from public sites (right click a script for extra options menu)
2. Updated UI: made a few tweaks to the user interface
3. Bug Fix: Auto Removal of Strict Matches (duplicates) now works again
4. Bug Fix: Torrent Details window does not re-appear if you close it before its loaded (or if you load a different torrent)
5. Bug Fix: file size with KB's are now properly formatted and sorted
6. Logistics Improved: Bit Che and the installer are now aware of each other, as well as multiple instances of Bit Che

1.0.38 - Sep 12, 2006   (beta version)
1. Fixed several small bugs, including bug with Windows 20003 (we think!)
2. Enhanced member login support and better error handling/error messages
3. Added *beta* support for sites that require picture validation upon logon (
4. Added new 'che' graphic created by savaden (thanks!)
5. Passwords are now ****'d
6. Added 'Stop' button functionality to stop a torrent search
7. Added 8 new user requested scripts:
  •   (beta, better support in the future)

1.0.36 - Sep 2, 2006
1. Fixed member account login bug.

1.0.36 - Sep 2, 2006
1. Added basic support for member based sites.
2. Fixed file size sorting issues.
3. Added CNTRL and SHIFT switchers for when selecting different Scripts. Holding down CNTRL while selecting a script will select only that script. Holding SHIFT will select ALL scripts.
4. Included scripts with build 36:

1.0.35 - Aug 28, 2006
1. Added script updater feature for downloading the latest scripts.
2. Fixed script with
3. Fixed minor bug with script interpreter.

1.0.34 - Aug 28, 2006
1. Implemented external scripts. Included scripts with build 34 are,,,
2. Removed all internal scripts from the code.
3. Fixed file size reporting/sorting
4. Fixed 2 bugs with the menu's for the Removed Results log window.
5. Added option to cap the results to 50 per source searched.

1.0.33 - Aug 24, 2006
1. Fixed nasty bug with Fulldls internal script

1.0.32 - Aug 23, 2006
1. Added Strict duplicate matching removal option
2. Removes Strict matches by default (very fast! but also option to disable feature)
3. Fixed several sites parsing scripts
4. Removed site ''
5. Added site ''
6. Displays the reason for being filtered on the Removed Results page

1.0.30 - June 20, 2006
1. Added 2 new sites: &
2. Improved speed and accuracy of the duplicate result checker.

1.0.29 - June 19, 2006
1. Added basic duplicate checking based on torrent name and file size.
2. Added 2 hotkeys:  "F5" - check for duplicates  "F6" - view removed results.
3. Search results are sorted by #of Seeds by default.

1.0.28 - June 19, 2006
1. Fixed a redirection bug with the torrent downloader.
2. Settings are now saved from session to session.

1.0.27 - June 19, 2006
1. Optimized and speed tweaked search result parsing.

1.0.26 - June 18, 2006
1. Add option to copy URL to clipboard.
2. Add option to open torrent with default program (removed Internet Explorer dependency).
3. Add 'Save Torrent As..' short cut to menu..
4. Fixed the incorrect sorting of file sizes.
5. Added option to view the removed/filtered results.
6. Statusbar shows progress of all sites being searched..  ( "." idle "-" connecting "+" searching/processing)

P2P - Filesharing / So how are you p2p'ing?
« on: June 14, 2006, 02:01:13 pm »
What networks and clients are you using for what types of files, etc?

I use mostly Bit Torrent and once in a while LimeWire..

General Discussion / Welcome to Convivea Forums!
« on: June 12, 2006, 09:29:09 am »
Welcome to Convivea Forums!

We hope you enjoy using your forum.  If you have any problems, please feel free to post a comment here for assistance.


Chip Warner
Convivea, Inc.

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