
Forums => Computers - Technology => Topic started by: chelseaman on January 16, 2010, 08:32:44 am

Title: PC Overclocking
Post by: chelseaman on January 16, 2010, 08:32:44 am
Anyone interested in overclocking their computer? You dont have to be king of the hill, but even a small increase in speed,graphics,memory will help your PC perform much better. I`m not the expert ,but if everyone throws their figures into the hat we all may be able to help each other.
I have built 5 PC`s over this last 2 years and hopefully learning as I go along. There are many aspects to take into consideration,processors,heatsink coolers,memory,fans etc.
For example my present CPU  the i7 920 CO/CI is stock at 2.67GHz but can run stable at 4.21GHz. Normally run at 3.8GHz for everyday use,but only because I have excellent heatsink cooler and good case fans.
If anyone wants to continue this thread, please post and give some details.
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: chelseaman on January 16, 2010, 10:14:24 am
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: Synbios on January 16, 2010, 10:32:39 am
I have a core2extreme (quad version), it's rather old, bought it back in 2007 but still gets the job done!

It runs at 2.66 Ghz stock but it runs EXTERMELY hot before the improvements made to the Intel processor which resulted in the i7 line.

I currently have Koolance liquid cooling and it runs at 3.2 Ghz under normal conditions. Could definitely go higher but I have other limitations and don't really want to put the thing under much strain as I try to get the best value out of a computer (I pay a boatload initially and then hope it lasts me for a good amount of time). I save all my older computers for parts or servers.
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: chelseaman on January 17, 2010, 12:48:26 am
Your a bit like me Synbios,  I hoard all the bits and pieces. 2007 is not that old and I have several core 2 processors in some of my cases. They are more than enough for a good PC.
When you say it was running hot, can you give any more details of the basics,case,fans,mobo,cpu,graphics etc.
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: Synbios on January 17, 2010, 04:08:01 am
I'm running an Koolance EXOS-2 LX external liquid cooling system. Both the processor (QX6700) and northbridge are cooled. As of right now, the processor is running at 3.2 Ghz, multiplier is locked at 10x, and the bus speed is at 320 Mhz. The FSB is at 1281 Mhz. I'ts an Asus P4W-DH Deluxe mobo.

My Geforce 285 and 8 gigs of corsair dominator (PC2-6400 800Mhz) ram are just cooled by the case fans. I have two 120mm stock case fans in the front, and one stock 120mm case fan in the back on my Lian Li case (BEST CASE I HAVE EVER OWNED).

Temps as of right now (centigrade):
CPU: 31
Northbridge: 44
Cores: 54, 52, 50, 48
HDD: 34, 26, 37 (the 3 that do have temp sensors are two WD 500 gigs and one seagate 1500 gig, I have 3 more also, two WD raptors and one old WD 200 EIDE gig)

All of the hard drives line up in a very nice, well designed rack in the front of the case and are cooled nicely by the two front fans. I leave my case fans on max speed all the time, and I leave my liquid cooling radiator fans on 7/10 most of the time, until I'm doing some serious gaming and I turn it up to 10 if necessary.
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: chelseaman on January 17, 2010, 06:21:39 am
Hi Synbios, I had a chance to look through some of your specs. You are well versed on what you are running compared to me.
First ,can you give me the model of the LianLi case ?? (they are excellent).
One thing I noticed from reviews on cooling system is that it is very efficient and does a great job. But noise levels at 7-10 on fans is extremely loud (almost like the
Your temps on cpu and Northbridge are normal, but even at overclocked  the core temps in the 50`s  would bother me. I am presently OC 42% and temps 20C lower. The QX6700 is a good processor but tends to run a bit hot due to communication  between the 2 cores and mobo.
Is there any room (on top) of case to add another exhaust fan,or perhaps the side?.
Exhausting heat from the case can benefit both the watercooling and heat from graphics etc. A lot of people have multiple fans blowing into their cases ,but only a 120mm fan at rear extractintg the hot air. I have 3 exhaust fans(top,bottom,rear) 120,140,230mm.
Let me know model of LianLi case.

PS presume you change the coolant every year? lol
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: Synbios on January 17, 2010, 08:31:07 am
The model is a full tower ATX, the model number is PC-B70.

I understand that the core temps are fairly high, but the QX6700 is just a very hot processor, being the first quad core from Intel. After they changed to smaller nm technology and improved the infrastructure the i7 is a lot more efficient and cooler than the core2quad. The stock fan was almost useless, as the core temps were up in the 70's all the time.

I can't add anymore fans to this case. I used to have an Antec case with exahust on the top but I hated it. The Lian Li has a nice direct flow. Two fans in the front, one fan output in the back. There is no place else that air can enter or leave, keeping the air flow very streamlined. I also wanted a case with a flat top to place my Exos liquid cooling. I have a pic of my rig someplace on here I'll try to find it and post it up.

Btw, I found that with the fan levels set to 7 on the Exos, the pump is louder than the fans. Anything lower than 7 will not make it any quieter. As soon as you set the fans up to 8, 9 or 10, the fans are then louder than the pump. This gives rise to my reasoning to keep the fans set to 7 normally, and only increase when there is dire need.

Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: Synbios on January 17, 2010, 09:00:56 am
My place is a mess but I just took a new pic. I love the 4 USB ports on the top, I use them all the time. The case also has a cover for the DVD drive. I also have X-Fi 5.25 bay which you can see. I don't have a bluray player/burner for my desktop yet because I have one for my laptop.

Oh yes, I have a floppy. Floppies for life.
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: chelseaman on January 17, 2010, 09:13:05 am
 ;D Great photo.
Googling the B70 it shows you should have 2x140mm blue fans at the front and 2x120mm fans at rear which should provide a good airflow through the case. Your photo shows 2 blue area`s at front. So is the later correct?
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: Synbios on January 17, 2010, 09:17:48 am
The latter is probably correct. I don't remember but maybe I do have two fans in the back, can't really move it out right now to check. They may be 140mm indeed, I assumed they were 120 but they are rather large. I had looked it up when I bought the case but it's been quite some time since then so I don't remember exactly. I just remember the fact that my case came maxed out with the amount of fans that it can support :)
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: chelseaman on January 17, 2010, 09:27:49 am
 ;D lol its getting too close to your birthday. Maybe you are getting senile. The bigger 140mm fans with blue lights will be on the front of the case. Fans shouldnt be a problem but if money is available have you looked at a different CPU without changing mobo? maybe one that wont be so hot. I will look at specs on mobo .
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: Synbios on January 17, 2010, 10:04:16 am
Meh, I can get another core2quad or core2extreme, I obviously can't put a i7 in it though and I'm not sure how much cooler it would be (but yeah, probably cooler). I have thought about upgrading the processor to something slightly faster such as the Q9550 or something like that.

Yes I know the front area has two blue fans, I thought they were 120 but 140mm sounds fair enough. I'm just not sure about the rear fans.
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: chelseaman on January 19, 2010, 07:43:18 am
 ;D Will leave this one as it is. May need some advice from you as I move along. Tks for input.

Any more poor folk out there willing to contribute to the thread???
Title: Re: PC Overclocking
Post by: Synbios on January 19, 2010, 05:00:12 pm
I moved my desktop today, it does have two 140mm fans back there.
