
Bit Che => Scripts & Development => Topic started by: chip! on September 14, 2006, 05:32:57 pm

Title: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: chip! on September 14, 2006, 05:32:57 pm
All of the current Bit Che scripts in the default pack for 3.0 can be found here:

Please post completed new or updated scripts in this thread. Thank you!
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on December 20, 2014, 04:26:18 pm
By request on another thread,
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on December 21, 2014, 08:03:58 am
And BTDigg by request.

If I could figure out multipaging, this site could use it.  Only 10 results per page is pretty sparse.

Edit: Script replaced with one that actually works... derp.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on January 19, 2015, 08:58:40 am
Here is a requested script.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: FantomX on January 22, 2015, 08:14:49 pm
Here is an updated version of IPTorrents.
#1 - Home URL from "1=" to "1=". Home URL was incorrect.
#2 - Login URL from "login=" to "login=". Domain has changed.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: chip! on January 24, 2015, 03:17:43 am
i'll have to look more at that script.. the .com domain appears to still be valid.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: FantomX on January 24, 2015, 04:27:46 am
The domain is valid but it has ISP restrictions in UK. Its written on the front page if you login from the .com domain. See here:
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Artax on January 24, 2015, 09:10:47 am
Try this url:
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: FantomX on January 24, 2015, 01:21:30 pm
Try this url:
It open the site and on the site, IPTorrents links to the official domain.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on January 27, 2015, 07:14:01 am
Small SDBits update for now.  It was 404'ing and not because of the issue that has been plaguing some other scripts.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: AOK on January 29, 2015, 01:54:53 am
All of the current Bit Che scripts in the default pack for 3.0 can be found here:

Do all of these scripts self-update and automatically self-add to the client (Bit Che 3.5 registered) ABOUT -> Update Scripts ?
If NOT please could you post a link to manual installation of additional scripts here on the forum. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: FantomX on January 29, 2015, 02:06:49 am
All of the current Bit Che scripts in the default pack for 3.0 can be found here:

Do all of these scripts self-update and automatically self-add to the client (Bit Che 3.5 registered) ABOUT -> Update Scripts ?
If NOT please could you post a link to manual installation of additional scripts here on the forum. Thanks in advance.
Yes AOK, they are automatically self-added to the client when an update is available.
But they are not self-updated. They are updated (by admins and maybe users) when something about the site changes, or there's a bug in the current version of the script.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: sky on February 13, 2015, 01:47:26 am
Please add the site The Pirate Bay, the new official Pirate Bay site on Kingdom of Tonga (Polynesia).
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: sky on February 13, 2015, 02:04:59 am
Scripts for Tixati portable.
- download Tixati portable from this page:
   the archive contain Tixati portable for Windows 32bit, Windows 64bit, Linux 32bit, Linux 64bit;
- unzip archive inside this folder:
  and delete Linux version
copy the following files in \scripts\other\external
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: sky on February 13, 2015, 02:57:38 am
Update scripts for Tixati portable.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: sky on February 14, 2015, 02:12:47 am
Script for uTorrent portable:
- download uTorrent last stable release:
- download uTorrent language file:
- create a folder as:
  "C:\PortableApps\uTorrentPortable" and copy downloaded files in this folder
- create an empty file with name "settings.dat" and put them in the same folder (uTorrentPortable): this file make uTorrent as portable
- run and configure uTorrent program
copy in Bit Che: scripts, other, external the file "uTorrent portable.ini"
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: chip! on February 14, 2015, 06:36:09 am
Scripts for Tixati portable.
- download Tixati portable from this page:
   the archive contain Tixati portable for Windows 32bit, Windows 64bit, Linux 32bit, Linux 64bit;
- unzip archive inside this folder:
  and delete Linux version
copy the following files in \scripts\other\external

interesting... thanks!

Please add the site The Pirate Bay, the new official Pirate Bay site on Kingdom of Tonga (Polynesia).

probably not an "official" site. no mention on wikipedia (at least).
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: sky on February 15, 2015, 04:14:42 am
Please add the site The Pirate Bay, the new official Pirate Bay site on Kingdom of Tonga (Polynesia).
probably not an "official" site. no mention on wikipedia (at least).

En fact some of these sites are closing, but You can browse The Proxy Bay:
- The Proxy Bay
- The Proxy bay: list of working sites: (9 hour ago)

About my  file piratebay.ini with seem not work at all.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on March 08, 2015, 03:41:52 pm
RuTracker update.  It's been unable to open the pages of the torrents.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on May 25, 2015, 07:55:07 am
Scripts updated today, but RuTracker script is older and doesn't work.  The one in the post above still does.

Btw, TPB is broken, not sure what should be done about it though considering all the domains they are using right now.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: chip! on May 26, 2015, 01:26:02 am
CuF, I got your fixed incorporated today (just now).. let me know it works? I tied it back to @home instead of hardcoded url.

also, TPB will not connect until the next build of Bit Che is released. The current builds cant connect with TLS v1.2 for HTTPS connections (but I have fixed this and will release in near future).
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on June 07, 2015, 07:41:32 am
Demonoid updated to .pw and a bunch of other fixes. Seems to work fine for me.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: chip! on June 07, 2015, 11:08:55 am
got it, thank you.  i kept the initialize section so that the descriptions toggle remains.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on June 07, 2015, 01:46:24 pm
I only cut it because it didn't look like it did anything.  I figured it wasn't needed anymore.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on July 28, 2015, 09:20:35 am
Two updates. needed a login token added.  Should work fine now for everyone.
Updated RuTracker again.  Don't know why, but the page link was dropping a slash.

Finally, I don't know what the plan is for TPB.  We have been using the .SE domain, which is dead.
Current valid domains are: .gs .la .vg .mn .gd
.am was formerly on that list but recently removed.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: chip! on August 02, 2015, 07:23:45 am
got them updated, thank you sir
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: zinou21 on November 05, 2015, 03:56:23 pm
This is the fix for the french tracker t411 scripts
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on June 09, 2016, 03:24:07 pm
Don't know if it's popular or not, but here is a Cinematik update.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: swizz on June 19, 2016, 08:31:13 am
Script for uTorrent portable:
- download uTorrent last stable release:
- download uTorrent language file:
- create a folder as:
  "C:\PortableApps\uTorrentPortable" and copy downloaded files in this folder
- create an empty file with name "settings.dat" and put them in the same folder (uTorrentPortable): this file make uTorrent as portable
- run and configure uTorrent program
copy in Bit Che: scripts, other, external the file "uTorrent portable.ini"

You mean to copy uTorrent portable.ini to scripts/other/external/. What do you gain by doing this? Just the ability to open torrents from BitChe to the portable version of uTorrent? Or am I overlooking something here. Also are all files associated with uTorrent stored on the flash drive and not in the machines user directories?

I will edit utorrent portable.ini with path to flash drive, create directory and install this to the flash drive then set the config to save torrents to either flash drive or computers drive. This way its portable and you dont take up all your space on your flash drive if its small in capacity.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Wainselboim on July 22, 2016, 01:34:10 am
Good day everyone, my first posting regarding updating scripts

2 websites that I read information about today, based on the Kickass torrents websites going down

There were 2 websites that have been "unveiled" to recover, as Kickass was so big

So it seems that they have pop ups to assist in recovering that website

The first is, which is, when opened, it seems a kickass torrents website

The other is, which is IsoHunt's attempt to keep a slightly historical database of the files that were on Kickass's website

I hope that this helps, and I hope that someone can update the script to include these websites to help

Have a wonderful day
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Fasix on September 23, 2016, 09:51:27 pm
hello folks! UPDATE!

BEFORE: $torrent=&(``,v,`.torrent`)
NOW: $torrent=&(``,v,`.torrent`)
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: chip! on October 01, 2016, 12:39:21 am
got it, thank you
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: zambor on April 18, 2017, 05:49:10 pm
fixed but not download from tracker directly
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: xboxjunky on May 28, 2017, 02:59:11 pm
Minor Update on script to resolve file size.

New settings

Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: wayrus on June 27, 2017, 06:13:13 pm

a lot of up-tpo-date scripts.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on November 07, 2017, 08:44:34 am
Several updates, some new.

BitHQ has been down awhile, may be for good.
I think TheEmpire is gone, but I haven't been there for awhile.

Bibliotik's login is problematic so I'm using Special Login.  It works for now.
MouseBits returned after a long absence so I update the script.  File size SHOULD be pulled from second page via Code2, but it isn't.  Everything else works.
New script Classix-Unlimited had a similar problem with the date so I just skipped it.

Added multipage support for sites where it seemed useful.

Update: AnimeBytes, Cinemageddon, Cinematik,, MouseBits, MySpleen. 
New: Classix-Unlimited & Secret-Cinema
Title: UPDATE is now
Post by: AOK on January 25, 2019, 11:57:55 pm
Hi everyone.

A lot has changed around.

I modified the login script (just renamed the domain... nothing more).

The backstory: For some time now there was (the usual) power games and the domain was stolen from one of the admins. So now the majority took prevalence and renamed the site to

Here is the source code. Since I don't know how to update it there....
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Kitty on August 26, 2019, 02:09:38 am
Anyone got public script?
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: loninapleton on November 09, 2019, 04:13:13 am
I'm new to editing any script data.  I usually just run the default update.
Can someone say where-- where in github even-- newest script pack is and how to
install?  In text please. 
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Bovski on November 28, 2019, 08:49:12 am
you don't need to access the scriptpack on the github site the updater goes there and grabs any new files.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: loninapleton on September 04, 2020, 04:47:48 am
Replying to this old thread and I added a new one to the Bitche forum on updated script packs.

How can I verify or even know that the default script is updated by date?

I hit notifications so please give any info on this.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: p060477 on December 06, 2020, 04:01:46 am
hi i notice that there is NO way to update scripts...why...??

..where is Chip...??...
pls reply
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: TimboR33 on March 03, 2021, 12:22:00 am
Hi guys,

I'm a very long time user and lover of BC, but have noticed it's gradually getting more broken as scripts are going out of date.  I decided to have a bit of a poke through them, and updated many to get them running again properly.

I don't know .js and haven't mucked around with any programming in over 20 years (C, basic & a bit of assembly), so where script rewrites and big changes need to happen, that's out of my depth, but I was able to sort out the code in 1337x and get that back running.  ;D

Where sites are permanently down, or are now scams, I've disabled them for security reasons.

I've added a small note in the header of each file in case anyone is curious to what changes were made to the files.

Hopefully with a bit of community effort, we can keep these going for many more years!

Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: TimboR33 on March 03, 2021, 12:30:44 am
And here are the broken ones.

Several, I believe, just need a line updated (due to the website being re-written) as that's where it is breaking in the debugging, I tried and fixed 1337x, got Nyaa working better, but not correctly, but the others I just got lost going through all the code, not really knowing where to look. (inspected elements, and tried to see if something sensible to use was nearby to get it running).

The ones I believe to be quick & easy fixes are:-,   NyaaTorrents,   piratebay,   rarbg

The ones that I believe are very broken and will require more work to get running are:-
TorrentGalaxy, (Torrentz2),   Zooqle

Hopefully someone sees this, and can have a play and get a few running without too much effort.  I've tried to help out as much as I can :)

Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: p060477 on March 03, 2021, 03:17:47 am
Hi guys,

I'm a very long time user and lover of BC, but have noticed it's gradually getting more broken as scripts are going out of date.  I decided to have a bit of a poke through them, and updated many to get them running again properly.

I don't know .js and haven't mucked around with any programming in over 20 years (C, basic & a bit of assembly), so where script rewrites and big changes need to happen, that's out of my depth, but I was able to sort out the code in 1337x and get that back running.  ;D

Where sites are permanently down, or are now scams, I've disabled them for security reasons.

I've added a small note in the header of each file in case anyone is curious to what changes were made to the files.

Hopefully with a bit of community effort, we can keep these going for many more years!

Hi TimboR33,
you are really very kind and generous!
so much thxs indeed!
how to use yr fixed scripts?
apologize me but i'm really not very skilled at all..could you pls guide me..??
and you confirm that there is no way to use the option inside bitche to update the scripts?
it was so very easy also for a newbie like's a real pity not to have it working at all since so many time...
thxs again for yr great and precious work!
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: TimboR33 on March 03, 2021, 09:20:54 am
Hi there,

Sorry it was late and I didn't realise I omitted how where to put the files I uploaded.

I'll assume you and most users are on Windows.

1. Download all the updated scripts.
1. Open File Explorer (either type it in the search box, or double-click This PC/ My Computer)
2. Type %APPDATA% in the address bar at the top.
3. Then open Convivea\ Bit_Che\ 3\ Scripts\
4. Copy (and overwrite) the scripts that you downloaded to the \Scripts\ folder

Unless Chip returns, and uploads them to the GitHub that Bit_Che uses, we will have to manually update scripts like this to keep Bit_Che current.

Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: p060477 on March 04, 2021, 03:14:31 am
Hi there,

Sorry it was late and I didn't realise I omitted how where to put the files I uploaded.

I'll assume you and most users are on Windows.

1. Download all the updated scripts.
1. Open File Explorer (either type it in the search box, or double-click This PC/ My Computer)
2. Type %APPDATA% in the address bar at the top.
3. Then open Convivea\ Bit_Che\ 3\ Scripts\
4. Copy (and overwrite) the scripts that you downloaded to the \Scripts\ folder

Unless Chip returns, and uploads them to the GitHub that Bit_Che uses, we will have to manually update scripts like this to keep Bit_Che current.

hi TimboR33,
first so many thxs again for yr precious helping
i've some questions:
the one updated are the 17 that you upload in yr first post?
and the scripts in my case are in:
Convivea\ Bit_Che\ 3\ Scripts\default
so i overwrite them with yr 17 updated in that folder am i right?
thxs so much again,
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: p060477 on March 05, 2021, 05:31:07 am
hi TimboR33,
first so many thxs again for yr precious helping
i've some questions:
the one updated are the 17 that you upload in yr first post?
and the scripts in my case are in:
Convivea\ Bit_Che\ 3\ Scripts\default
so i overwrite them with yr 17 updated in that folder am i right?
thxs so much again,
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: TimboR33 on March 10, 2021, 05:59:57 pm
hi TimboR33,
first so many thxs again for yr precious helping
i've some questions:
the one updated are the 17 that you upload in yr first post?
and the scripts in my case are in:
Convivea\ Bit_Che\ 3\ Scripts\default
so i overwrite them with yr 17 updated in that folder am i right?
thxs so much again,

Yes, it's OK to overwrite them, it's what I did.  If for any reason you want to return to the original (many broken) scripts, run the auto update and it'll go back to standard.

Glad you guys appreciate my efforts :D
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: p060477 on March 10, 2021, 06:08:52 pm
hi TimboR33,
first so many thxs again for yr precious helping
i've some questions:
the one updated are the 17 that you upload in yr first post?
and the scripts in my case are in:
Convivea\ Bit_Che\ 3\ Scripts\default
so i overwrite them with yr 17 updated in that folder am i right?
thxs so much again,

Yes, it's OK to overwrite them, it's what I did.  If for any reason you want to return to the original (many broken) scripts, run the auto update and it'll go back to standard.

Glad you guys appreciate my efforts :D

Hi TimboR33
yr efforts are ESSENTIAL !!
thxs so much again from ther very deep of my heart!
looking for also having again here Chip to have his GitHub repo finally working again and also our update option in bit_che ;)
thxs again Timbo
for yr very kind and precious helping!
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: TimboR33 on March 24, 2021, 05:22:40 pm
Well I'm glad my efforts have helped some others and have been appreciated   ;D
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: p060477 on March 25, 2021, 06:01:56 am
Well I'm glad my efforts have helped some others and have been appreciated   ;D
and pls keep going on take alive this beautiful bit_che tool that with out scripts updated is nearly useless..
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Vix on March 29, 2021, 05:11:45 am
Hi guys,

I'm a very long time user and lover of BC, but have noticed it's gradually getting more broken as scripts are going out of date.  I decided to have a bit of a poke through them, and updated many to get them running again properly.

I don't know .js and haven't mucked around with any programming in over 20 years (C, basic & a bit of assembly), so where script rewrites and big changes need to happen, that's out of my depth, but I was able to sort out the code in 1337x and get that back running.  ;D

Where sites are permanently down, or are now scams, I've disabled them for security reasons.

I've added a small note in the header of each file in case anyone is curious to what changes were made to the files.

Hopefully with a bit of community effort, we can keep these going for many more years!


Only "" and "" works for me. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: covo on April 03, 2021, 12:30:56 am
- only wors.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: TimboR33 on April 03, 2021, 01:58:09 pm
The scripts are out of date as Chip is AWOL, so as websites update/ rename etc over time, the scripts end up breaking.

I've updated many of them so that they are functional again.  Some just needed a new website to be added (which was easy), others needed updated items from the code on the website to be entered, which was tougher.

I uploaded the updated scripts on page 3.  They need to be copied over the original versions (which are out of date). instructions are on page 4.

Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: TimboR33 on April 03, 2021, 02:01:20 pm
The link to my post with the updated scripts is:-,179.msg30532.html#msg30532 (,179.msg30532.html#msg30532)

Instructions are:

I'll assume you and most users are on Windows.

1. Download all the updated scripts.
1. Open File Explorer (either type it in the search box, or double-click This PC/ My Computer)
2. Type %APPDATA% in the address bar at the top.
3. Then open Convivea\ Bit_Che\ 3\ Scripts\
4. Copy (and overwrite) the scripts that you downloaded to the \Scripts\ folder

Unless Chip returns, and uploads them to the GitHub that Bit_Che uses, we will have to manually update scripts like this to keep Bit_Che current.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: diodorus on April 03, 2021, 07:23:24 pm
Hi TimboR33,

Thanks for this. A couple of things:
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Bovski on April 09, 2021, 11:04:26 am
thanks TimboR33
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: p060477 on April 09, 2021, 05:30:20 pm
thanks TimboR33

hats off to TimboR33!!
we are all in yr helpful hands!
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: TimboR33 on April 16, 2021, 10:04:48 am

1. You can enter from the C drive like you had, or type %appdata% as a shortcut directly to the correct roaming directory.  Either way works fine.
2. It looks like you have the wrong directory, you don't need the \timbo pack\ at the end.  It should be in ..\scripts\default\

 It should be in the directory:-


Overwrite the files in there with the 17 you downloaded, that should get a lot more of them working correctly again.

Tim  :D
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: p060477 on April 16, 2021, 06:23:45 pm
hats off to timboR33!!
you are very precious and kind and generous!
we always thxs you so much indeed for keeping this beautiful tool still alive!
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Redclock on April 22, 2021, 11:03:49 pm
 ;D Fantatic!
Thank you very much Timbo!!
Bit che finally works again! Your kind help it's really appreciated!
It's not simple to find this forum with your great help.
We have to spread this solution to the world!
The community can now start to grow again =)
I hope that someone with some programmer skills will help everybody again just like you did!
Maybe this tool can become open source with a good community!

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Kitty on June 22, 2021, 11:43:11 pm

Hi, TimboR33.

Not sure how hard it's to fix it but it would be great if you try to fix torlock so it can show correct seeders & leechers count numbers. It always shows "1"  as seeders and actual seed count as leechers.

Thank you very much for updating the scripts.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: imemine on October 09, 2021, 12:45:11 am
thank you for updatin the list to keep bitche somewhat working! i made an account just to thank you, as i tried to stop using bitche for almost a year, but it just seems to work so well however outdated. so thanks for keeping it running with updated files!
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: CuF on October 11, 2022, 04:30:00 am

Hi, TimboR33.

Not sure how hard it's to fix it but it would be great if you try to fix torlock so it can show correct seeders & leechers count numbers. It always shows "1"  as seeders and actual seed count as leechers.

Thank you very much for updating the scripts.

Looks like Torlock has been down for a while.  Torlock2, supposedly a proxy, does still function.  Changing the script for that has the seed/leech counts correct without any other changes.

I've been away, and certainly don't have as much free time as I used to, but any scripts that need fixing, post or PM. It looks like a lot of them don't work any more.

Edit: RuTracker occasionally will require a CAPTCHA to log in.  I don't know if BC is always thrown one or not, but the script doesn't work for me.
I don't think Bit Che ever created the ability to pop up a CAPTCHA box, so Special Login is needed.  Am I the only one having this issue?

Edit 2: Logged in via my browser... and then Bit Che logged in fine afterwards.  Weird.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Kitty on February 11, 2023, 07:13:56 pm

Hi, TimboR33.

Not sure how hard it's to fix it but it would be great if you try to fix torlock so it can show correct seeders & leechers count numbers. It always shows "1"  as seeders and actual seed count as leechers.

Thank you very much for updating the scripts.

Looks like Torlock has been down for a while.  Torlock2, supposedly a proxy, does still function.  Changing the script for that has the seed/leech counts correct without any other changes.

I've been away, and certainly don't have as much free time as I used to, but any scripts that need fixing, post or PM. It looks like a lot of them don't work any more.

Edit: RuTracker occasionally will require a CAPTCHA to log in.  I don't know if BC is always thrown one or not, but the script doesn't work for me.
I don't think Bit Che ever created the ability to pop up a CAPTCHA box, so Special Login is needed.  Am I the only one having this issue?

Edit 2: Logged in via my browser... and then Bit Che logged in fine afterwards.  Weird.

Hi, there.

I'm happy to see actual script developer visiting the forum and showing willingness to fix the non-working scripts. This is great news for us who rely on Bit Che as the torrent search engine. I still use it and consider it the best one even after trying popular alternatives like Jackett, QBittorrent Search, etc.

I would like to help in testing and providing feedback on any fixes that are made.

Hope i am not too late.

Edit: RuTracker doesn't work for me. It always says "!LE" and "Member account unable to login" even though user,pass are correct and i can login via browsers.
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: p060477 on March 01, 2023, 05:43:10 am
hi i've also problems with there is no way to make search engine works...seems that the scripts are not suitable there a workaround as you did for bit che after the departure of chip..??
Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Thomas51 on July 05, 2023, 01:27:25 am
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Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Thomas51 on August 16, 2023, 07:14:33 am
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Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Keelo on May 09, 2024, 07:01:17 am
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Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Edlund on May 09, 2024, 07:09:10 am
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Title: Re: Bit Che - Current Scripts and Submit New/Updated Scripts Here
Post by: Thomas51 on June 24, 2024, 03:22:56 am
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