
Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: chip! on April 25, 2011, 02:47:39 pm

Title: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: chip! on April 25, 2011, 02:47:39 pm
Convivea - Monthly Funny Picture Contest


Everyone has 2 weeks to post a funny title or caption for the image below. Depending on the picture, you can simply give a "title" the image, or, if there are subjects, you can write a dialog of what the person is saying/yelling/thinking.. etc. Your Choice!

Then we will vote on the best title and the winner will receive an awesome prize!*

*To be determined, but not limited to, high-fives from everyone.

Then the winner will get to post a picture for next month's contest.


May 2011   -  (reply here with your caption/title for this funny picture below)
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: Synbios on April 28, 2011, 05:27:50 pm
"Cops carefully contemplating how expensive the parking ticket will be."
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: danny251 on April 30, 2011, 05:25:40 am
"Needless to say this guy failed his driving test"
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: fuzzytomcat on April 30, 2011, 02:15:40 pm
But the damn Navstar GPS said ... turn right ... turn right !!
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: olddays1 on May 01, 2011, 07:47:44 am
Honey I'm home!!
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: chelseaman on May 01, 2011, 10:58:22 am
DANG IT HONEY (shouting) You forget your keys again!!
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: death on May 02, 2011, 05:06:17 am
when frat parties get out of hand
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: chip! on May 09, 2011, 04:14:17 pm
haha..  bump!

great entries so far. anyone else want to chime in?

i have another awesome prize this month!
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: TheHalf™ on May 09, 2011, 08:26:40 pm
mom, dad...grandma's here!

I wonder if I can post another one? Do the rules allow that? I'll give it a shot.

Dominoes...guaranteed 60 seconds or less.
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: olddays1 on May 11, 2011, 02:50:04 am
haha..  bump!

great entries so far. anyone else want to chime in?

i have another awesome prize this month!

   Received my prize from the last one yesterday. Pretty nifty. Thanks!
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: chip! on May 11, 2011, 02:18:14 pm
   Received my prize from the last one yesterday. Pretty nifty. Thanks!

cool! glad you liked it, congrats, and thanks for playing the game! :)

TheHalf,   I guess we haven't made the rules yet for that, haha.. but I am guessing (and I am open to everyone's input)..  only 1 entry allowed per person, BUT you can change your entry any time until the cut off.. or maybe we will say you can change your entry 2x max, and still submit one entry to the contest.. that way you pick your best one.
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: TheHalf™ on May 12, 2011, 11:21:36 am
I modified my second caption and will stay with the first.

Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: chip! on May 17, 2011, 01:30:08 am
ok.. I'm going to give anyone else a few more days here if anyone else would like to make a submission.. (maybe any new members here that would like to play?)

I have the prize here and let me tell you... its a fun one!!  :)

Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: Synbios on May 17, 2011, 05:00:53 am
Isn't the high-five system kinda confusing? Should use a poll again like last month?
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: peacefulguy on May 17, 2011, 08:07:10 am
Ooops wrong drive through  :o :o :o
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: chip! on June 02, 2011, 04:03:26 pm
ok guys... we need to narrow this down and pick a winner.  i think this is a great game and want to keep it going  (I would love to be able to continue to supply the monthly prize).. but I dont think I want to keep being the "judge".  I realize I (thanks to synbios) supplied the picture for May, and my original idea was for the winner of last month to supply a new picture and pick the next winner.

olddays1, do you want to pick a few of your favorites and PM me? and I will setup a poll so we can all vote on the winner?   I dont want to make this game a hassle.. so if you (or anyone else in the future) dont want to participate, that is OK and I will help out.  I really want this game to continue because I laugh so much at everyone's input. lol.

Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: TheHalf™ on June 02, 2011, 07:53:03 pm
What happens when chip and TheHalf go out on the town...

I had to do it  ;D, anyhoos I enjoy this game and want to keep it going.

And Boom goes the globe.

Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: billyfridge on June 03, 2011, 01:13:24 am
so where are we up to now, waiting for a pic, caption or a poll?? The poll I think is a good idea.  [hmm]
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: chip! on June 03, 2011, 03:59:58 am
What happens when chip and TheHalf go out on the town...
And Boom goes the globe.

haha.. boom goes the globe :)

well Im certainly not going "out of town" anytime soon, a few weekenders over summer, but other than that, I'll be here :)

I'll give olddays1 a few days to check this and see if he wants to pick a few of his favorites and I'll setup a poll. If not, I'll go ahead and then excuse myself from the voting. glad you guys like this game! :)

Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: chelseaman on June 03, 2011, 07:24:48 am
What happens when chip and TheHalf go out on the town...

I had to do it  ;D, anyhoos I enjoy this game and want to keep it going.

And Boom goes the globe.


Got my eye on that touch fuse, I was told it would be a safe destination for my holiday ;D  Now where is Superman when you need him?
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: chip! on June 05, 2011, 02:33:34 am
let the voting begin!   the top 3 selections have been made!  good luck everyone!

TheHalf™: mom, dad...grandma's here!

fuzzytomcat:  But the damn Navstar GPS said ... turn right ... turn right !!

death: when frat parties get out of hand
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: chip! on June 07, 2011, 04:49:30 am

we need a few more votes (although we do have a clear leader in this contest so far) :)
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: death on June 20, 2011, 02:20:24 pm
whens the new picture going to be posted?
Im full of captions
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Caption Contest - May/June 2011
Post by: chip! on June 23, 2011, 08:44:08 am
On behalf of Convivea, I am pleased to annouce the 2nd Funny Picture Caption Contest Winner:

congrats to this contests winner: TheHalf™ !!!!!

mom, dad...grandma's here!

hahhahahaha  :)

TheHalf, I have a pretty cool prize for you. Please PM me the address you would like it delivered to!

Also, be on the look out for any odd pictures that you think would be great candidates for some funny captions! :) 

Few "work in progress" ground rules:

1. lets keep the images "clean"
2. try to let the humor come from the captions OF the picture, not necessarily THE picture itself.

If you have one (or a couple if you are not sure), please send them over to me and I will get our next contest setup!!!  Cant wait!
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: TheHalf™ on June 25, 2011, 02:09:39 pm
Woohoo, I'm soo thrilled, thankx chip. Give me a couple of days and I'll send a pic out to ya.

Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: chip! on July 18, 2011, 05:07:05 pm
TheHalf, sorry I have not mailed your prize yet.  I will try to get it out this Wednesday.  Also, I will try to have the new Summer picture contest with TheHalf's submitted picture up and live this Wednesday.
Title: Re: Monthly Funny Picture Contest - May 2011
Post by: adamto99 on November 13, 2019, 11:21:36 pm

we need a few more votes (although we do have a clear leader in this contest so far) :)
But the damn Navstar GPS said ... turn right ... turn right !!
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