Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: chip! on June 12, 2006, 09:29:09 am
Welcome to Convivea Forums!
We hope you enjoy using your forum. If you have any problems, please feel free to post a comment here for assistance.
Chip Warner
Convivea, Inc.
Is there any chance we could have the shoutbox back?
Someones already made a mod for it which looks cool, might be worth a try :-X
You always shouted when you wanted . Hi Dinner, Long time no talk. Good to be back. Hope I can understand whats going on
ps. Imagine me being a Newbie at my
Never too young to be a newbie ;)
Is there any chance we could have the shoutbox back?
Someones already made a mod for it which looks cool, might be worth a try :-X
haha.. yeah! i actually already installed the mod last week but I forgot to go edit the template for this skin because I guess it only shows up on the default skin out of the box.. i will do that either tomorrow or the next when i get a free hour or two..
You always shouted when you wanted . Hi Dinner, Long time no talk. Good to be back. Hope I can understand whats going on
ps. Imagine me being a Newbie at my
Hmmmm....just because yer a newbie, doesn't mean you can get frisky and start flirting with Gibbler ::)
not sure about shoutbox.......doesn't it make ppl tend to use shout instead of posting???
I promise to be on my best behavior and only take the p**s out of people from Manchester or Man U fans.
This is like a breath of fresh air seeing everone back on again.Almost feels like a great BLUE day
KISS my rectum Tex......he he he.
can anybody tell me what 'karma'....[applaude] and [smite] mean ???
KISS my rectum Tex......he he he.
can anybody tell me what 'karma'....[applaude] and [smite] mean ???
Karma is how much people like you (the total number of times someone presses applaud)
I assume where applaud adds to Karma, Smite takes it away.
Thanx Quantum...
I'm not sure about that....could be a 'dammed if you' and 'dammed if you dont' scenario....but hey, at least one member likes me ;)
hmmmm...very out Tex i might smite thee :D
Hello ladies!
Hello DC......what took you so long ;D
Hello DC......what took you so long ;D
what took Y'ALL so long.. lol
what took Y'ALL so long.. lol
You still got the ins with the SnD cracking team DC?
Almost feels like a great BLUE day
Nearly as great as when a certain red team handed us the premiership ;D
ooooohhhh..nanner and DC are back.. YAY! :D
Nearly as great as when a certain red team handed us the premiership ;D
hmerhph... grumble :-\
we'll be back next year! then you red devils and blue wonders will have a force to fight to win the premiership!
what took Y'ALL so long.. lol
You still got the ins with the SnD cracking team DC?
you look at ol' sexxxy gibb! ;)
Thankyou Chip and I am glad to be aboard.
what took Y'ALL so long.. lol
You still got the ins with the SnD cracking team DC?
you look at ol' sexxxy gibb! ;)
i'm not that ol'
Hello guys n Gibb! I'm so glad that billy sent me an e-mail telling me that Chip got a new site.
Thank's to Chipn Billy..! and all of you guys!
Glad to be back.. :)
Hello guys n Gibb! I'm so glad that billy sent me an e-mail telling me that Chip got a new site.
Thank's to Chipn Billy..! and all of you guys!
Glad to be back.. :)
Thank god for that.....l was getting worried about yer Weera....what with yer not replying to my emails, and the second quake and all ;)
Hello guys n Gibb! I'm so glad that billy sent me an e-mail telling me that Chip got a new site.
Thank's to Chipn Billy..! and all of you guys!
Glad to be back.. :)
Thank god for that.....l was getting worried about yer Weera....what with yer not replying to my emails, and the second quake and all ;)
Have been keeping in touch with Weera. He is still beating out the rhythm on his drums. Had a few problems with his internet but safe and sound . Some of his relatives were affected by the second quake but he still manages to send me a message now and then
Didn't contribute much at DK forums but got a lot of help from you all and had a good time there. Thanks chip for getting things going again. Bit Che is a great tool.
Hello guys n Gibb! I'm so glad that billy sent me an e-mail telling me that Chip got a new site.
Thank's to Chipn Billy..! and all of you guys!
Glad to be back.. :)
Thank god for that.....l was getting worried about yer Weera....what with yer not replying to my emails, and the second quake and all ;)
Have been keeping in touch with Weera. He is still beating out the rhythm on his drums. Had a few problems with his internet but safe and sound . Some of his relatives were affected by the second quake but he still manages to send me a message now and then
Thanks guys. we just had a quake this afternoon about 6PM Jakarta. And here in Jakarta we can feel it. Hope this whole mother earth thingy will soon stop. Got a little bit scared you know. :(
But it's giood to be back with you guys, atleast I know where to find me some info almost about anything :)
Weera.....l'd be shitting myself if l lived where you are......l would build an effing ark...l'd be captain, you could be first mate, and it would be for women and children only, the men can swim for it ::)
Weera.....l'd be shitting myself if l lived where you are......l would build an effing ark...l'd be captain, you could be first mate, and it would be for women and children only, the men can swim for it ::)
LOL Tex will be angry at you billy for not letting him on the ship.. :D
Btw we had another quake at 7 PM. God how this thing gave me the stress :(
I believe we shouldn't talk about it here right? ;)
Hi to all, i'm very happy to stay in this fantastic forum ;D
Hi to all, i'm very happy to stay in this fantastic forum ;D
Good on you ,keep posting. Your very welcome
I am a newbie.. and so far i enjoy it.. look forward to posting more. :)
I am a newbie.. and so far i enjoy it.. look forward to posting more. :)
Even members from OZ are
Dont forget when you make a new topic post we can hit your karma button and make you feel
Dont be afraid to post a new subject, General Discussion if your not sure but check the subjects out.
aww shucks thanks... am i the only aussie one in here.. hehe.. just cos i am under all you people.. long way away... nice to have some good topics to post on..
aww shucks thanks... am i the only aussie one in here.. hehe.. just cos i am under all you people.. long way away... nice to have some good topics to post on..
Nope "The Night Watchman" has recently moved from NZ to OZ. He has a big stick ,so watch out. ;D No more sheep, just kangeroooooooo`s
Dont forget your "Nam Yo Ho Rengi Quo`s" lol
gehh don't start Tex.
Yep I recently moved over to Perth. Most likely you're gonna tell me that I'm "an idiot and should have moved to Sydney/Melbourne". If that's the case you're gonna need to go to Perth and see why I moved here instead ;)
gehh don't start Tex.
Yep I recently moved over to Perth. Most likely you're gonna tell me that I'm "an idiot and should have moved to Sydney/Melbourne". If that's the case you're gonna need to go to Perth and see why I moved here instead ;)
Tell us more about Perth. I still have kin living there. Emmigrated there a while ago.
have you given any thought to emigrating to Oz yerself Tex????? :D
Not unless I was40 yrs younger and Cissie wasnt taken. Such a refreshing touch to this forum. Keep up the good work Cissie. ;D
Now I can post like Billy.
cheeky bugger like handsome men like me, dont you Cissie ;)
gehh don't start Tex.
Yep I recently moved over to Perth. Most likely you're gonna tell me that I'm "an idiot and should have moved to Sydney/Melbourne". If that's the case you're gonna need to go to Perth and see why I moved here instead ;)
Tell us more about Perth. I still have kin living there. Emmigrated there a while ago.
What's there to say really? There's a beach that runs along the coast of the whole city (basically if you go east into the desert that's all you get lol). It's nice and hot most of the time, the rain is welcomed. A population of 1.47 million people, and I'm in there somewhere...
I know what you mean Night Watchman.. I live 3 km from a few beaches too... we may have to compare pics.. now that you have been kind enough to show me how to do it.. I will show you mine.. and I have seen yours.. are you anywhere near Cottesloe?
I know what you mean Night Watchman.. I live 3 km from a few beaches too... we may have to compare pics.. now that you have been kind enough to show me how to do it.. I will show you mine.. and I have seen yours..
oooooooooooooooooooooooh :o
have you given any thought to emigrating to Oz yerself Tex????? :D
Not unless I was40 yrs younger and Cissie wasnt taken. Such a refreshing touch to this forum. Keep up the good work Cissie. ;D
Now I can post like Billy.
cheeky bugger like handsome men like me, dont you Cissie ;)
I think I will keep out of this one.. however I must say Tex.. thank you for the compliment.. however.. if you were 40 years younger.. then i think i would be 20 years older than you... may have to do your math.. hehe
What's there to say really? There's a beach that runs along the coast of the whole city (basically if you go east into the desert that's all you get lol). It's nice and hot most of the time, the rain is welcomed. A population of 1.47 million people, and I'm in there somewhere...
Dont you get fed up moving due to proffessional reasons?. Will there be another down the line? We get rhe Aussie tourists over here with their hats and corks hanging from them ;D Dont want to end up talking like
Dont you get fed up moving due to proffessional reasons?. Will there be another down the line? We get rhe Aussie tourists over here with their hats and corks hanging from them ;D Dont want to end up talking like
Kind of, but it's always a move forward. I don't HAVE to move, I move because it will push me forward, and yes, since I'm doing film, next move will most likely be to America, although that's a bit in the future yet.
So......we could even see you at Pinewood UK Banana ;D
So......we could even see you at Pinewood UK Banana ;D
yeah but the word is... Bond will be moving out of the UK because Pinewood is too expensive!
What's there to say really? There's a beach that runs along the coast of the whole city (basically if you go east into the desert that's all you get lol). It's nice and hot most of the time, the rain is welcomed. A population of 1.47 million people, and I'm in there somewhere...
Dont you get fed up moving due to proffessional reasons?. Will there be another down the line? We get rhe Aussie tourists over here with their hats and corks hanging from them ;D Dont want to end up talking like
Careful Tex ;D I don't own a hat with corks on it.. never have.. don't even have one of those silly hats.. they are for the jackaroos and jillaroos.. and boot scooters.. which i am neither of.. and as for talking like an aussie.. well someone on here thinks i talk more like a Londoner.. hahahahaha.... totally confused now i am.. when i was an aussie tourist over there.. the only thing aussie i had was my tube of vegemite.. hahahaha
You don't fight crocodiles do you cissie :o
Crocodiles... mmmmm... no.. too girly for that i am afraid...... don't know what gave you that idea.. not all women over here are butch.
Crocodiles... mmmmm... no.. too girly for that i am afraid...... don't know what gave you that idea.. not all women over here are butch.
;D I am finally glad that now we have a lady that can help keep Billy in his place.
Perhaps this will make other females feel more welcome to convivea forums (as the post suggests) ;)
Never mind all that guff Tex.................Cissie seems to be a straitforward Australian lady, who can make her own mind shut yer cakehole ::)
Okay... truce boys.. back to your corners.. thanks for calling me a lady.. hehe.. feel like a little girl at times.. but not here to stop the conflict between you two.. rofl.. mmmmm... seems you two are like little boys as well.. hehe
Okay... truce boys.. back to your corners.. thanks for calling me a lady.. hehe.. feel like a little girl at times.. but not here to stop the conflict between you two.. rofl.. mmmmm... seems you two are like little boys as well.. hehe
;D Well Billy, seems like cissie has got our number. Should we go to plan "B"
Cissie.....Tex is a ''little'' boy...... :D
l think yer right
Cissie.....Tex is a ''little'' boy...... :D
l think yer right
;D and I accidently hit her karma button as you said that. ::) Nah!!! I am not in the mood to smite tonight. Keep a close watch Billy ;)
Hello everyone.
I have been a Bit Che user for a while now, and a forum lurker for a bit.
I finally made an account yesterday.
You all seem to be an interesting bunch here.
Hello Alix.......welcome to Convivea forums, l hope we can keep you interested, and entertained, ;D
Cissie.....Tex is a ''little'' boy...... :D
l think yer right
;D and I accidently hit her karma button as you said that. ::) Nah!!! I am not in the mood to smite tonight. Keep a close watch Billy ;)
hehe... thanks Tex.. thats so sweet of you.. and its me who is keeping a close watch.. hehe... ::)
Hello everyone.
I have been a Bit Che user for a while now, and a forum lurker for a bit.
I finally made an account yesterday.
You all seem to be an interesting bunch here.
Your a newbie like me.. well done.. i am trying to learn a little in here as i chat away in other threads.. have learnt many things already.. re posting pics and stuff.. many things technical and another is to watch out for some of the guys around here.. mmmmmm.... they are a little cheeky. :)
Cheeky, you say? Always the most fun.
I was surprised to find the forum in the state I did, having never seen a weird little community clump together around a piece of software before.
I haven't been active on a forum since my own collapsed back in 2001, so I'm sure to get a bit goofy now and then.
Most shocking has to be that this "Bit Che" thing isn't more popular.
Seriously, I used it twice and couldn't believe this wasn't a standard tool already.
Is there some practical matter I am over looking?
Crocodiles... mmmmm... no.. too girly for that i am afraid...... don't know what gave you that idea.. not all women over here are butch.
I was going to comment that the men weren't even that butch, then I was this picture of
Auusies are scary.
[NOTE: I'm sure the fact that this picture was the scariest I could find ruins the joke, but watch her in "Street Fighter", she kicks people. Then there is this weird close-up of her butt, I didn't understand that until much later.]
Auusies are scary.
[NOTE: I'm sure the fact that this picture was the scariest I could find ruins the joke, but watch her in "Street Fighter", she kicks people. Then there is this weird close-up of her butt, I didn't understand that until much later.]
hehe... thats Kylie Minogue...and no she is not that scary.... far from it... as most of the Brits would know. I really don't know what gave you the impression that aussies are scary... but if i can bluff some of the boys on this forum.. i may be able to work some magic in my favour.. hehe... well what are females for.. High Five to you... *slap* great to see another fem fatale.
Most shocking has to be that this "Bit Che" thing isn't more popular.
Seriously, I used it twice and couldn't believe this wasn't a standard tool already.
Is there some practical matter I am over looking?
Well it is a pretty new piece of software. It's grown pretty fast from what I could see. Give it a year now and I reckon quite a lot of people would know about it, it's plainly obvious how much you need it when trying to download a torrent, soo many sites now!
Hello everyone.
I have been a Bit Che user for a while now, and a forum lurker for a bit.
I finally made an account yesterday.
You all seem to be an interesting bunch here.
Your a newbie like me.. well done.. i am trying to learn a little in here as i chat away in other threads.. have learnt many things already.. re posting pics and stuff.. many things technical and another is to watch out for some of the guys around here.. mmmmmm.... they are a little cheeky. :) can you say that about the male Convivea members??.....we are all perfect gentlemen,....err... with the possible exception of Kyopedlr, who you haven't met yet ::)
Well it is a pretty new piece of software. It's grown pretty fast from what I could see. Give it a year now and I reckon quite a lot of people would know about it, it's plainly obvious how much you need it when trying to download a torrent, soo many sites now!
I know Bit Che is fairly new, it just seems like the sort of function that would have been standard a year ago.
Things are better this way, I can feel like I have a little secret for a while. haha
hehe... thats Kylie Minogue...
Oh, I know it is her. Somehow her name got cut out.
Watch "The Magic Roundabout" and tell me she isn't scary.
hehe... thats Kylie Minogue...
Oh, I know it is her. Somehow her name got cut out.
Watch "The Magic Roundabout" and tell me she isn't scary.
Okay.. i will look for it.. thanks for the tip...
- can you say that about the male Convivea members??.....we are all perfect gentlemen,....err... with the possible exception of Kyopedlr, who you haven't met yet ::)
Mr Billy... how can you possibly say that.. a perfect gentleman however would not put down another whom one has not met yet... mmmmmm..... I find that everyone in here is friendly... most are very technical and thats good.. cos thats what this site is about and i am learning some.. so all is good.. I rest my case though when i say some are cheeky... tsk tsk.... seems i caught the fish in the first bite... nice one... :) usually i am the fish in real life... hehe
usually i am the fish in real life... hehe
;D My line just wont reach that far,
usually i am the fish in real life... hehe
;D My line just wont reach that far,
shame for you Tex............fortunate for Cissie :D
usually i am the fish in real life... hehe
;D My line just wont reach that far,
shame for you Tex............fortunate for Cissie :D
awww.... Mr Billy, does that mean that your my knight in shining armour sticking up for me... oh how sweet...thank you..hehe :-*
anytime cissie......if he chases you, hide behind here.('ll be waiting ;)
oh Mr Billy, that is so kind of you............................................. or is it ??? Just wonder why its behind a couch and not just sitting on a couch to protect me........... is there an alterior motive......... seems you two are a little shadowed in your intentions for a sweet innocent person such as me..... ;)
I just finished taking a poll of 70% of our members . 99% said that they would never go behind the couch with Billy The other 1% said "What`s this all about".
I just finished taking a poll of 70% of our members . 99% said that they would never go behind the couch with Billy The other 1% said "What`s this all about".
Thank you Tex for you advice.... seems i will just have to go with my gut instinct then hehehehe :)
I just finished taking a poll of 70% of our members . 99% said that they would never go behind the couch with Billy The other 1% said "What`s this all about".
Thank you Tex for you advice.... seems i will just have to go with my gut instinct then hehehehe :)
;D Sorry cissie I also forgot to mention that the 1% was Billies answer.
hhehehehehe... now why doesn't that surprise me.. i am sure he is harmless.. i have seen fellows like him before.. they are very shy when it comes to the crunch.. hehe.. ;)
In all fairness to Chip who started this post to welcome new members to the forum. I think us lot may be guilty of hi-jacking the post for a bit of banter,
A new member after reading our last lot of posts would think we are all crazy lunitics ;D
Should we not say once more "Welcome to Convivea Forum"?
In all fairness to Chip who started this post to welcome new members to the forum. I think us lot may be guilty of hi-jacking the post for a bit of banter,
A new member after reading our last lot of posts would think we are all crazy lunitics ;D
Should we not say once more "Welcome to Convivea Forum"?
;D That post seemed to kill all the
New members and old, please feel free to post any comments as to why you feel welcome in convivea forums.We dont bite or whip members into submission(but for those interested in the whip pls PM Billy).
Personally ,this forum is a breath of fresh air and a great way to meet and discuss with members of all walks of life..
hello all.. whats up ^_^
dude~ wer can i get the Convivea account?
i can`t use Convivea.. hope you can help me~
hello all.. whats up ^_^
dude~ wer can i get the Convivea account?
i can`t use Convivea.. hope you can help me~
Hi Yah "forwhat84" . See that you are able to post and read forum. Are you talking about Bit Che and Guevara account(may not have spelt that right). If so you need to PM Chip for instructions. Click on any chip in the forum to send message to him.
oh sory~ my eng is bad.. thanks 4 ya help~
oh sory~ my eng is bad.. thanks 4 ya help~
Not to worry. Your english is good.. Keep posting.
hello all.. whats up ^_^
dude~ wer can i get the Convivea account?
i can`t use Convivea.. hope you can help me~
I hope you're not mistaken... Convivea products are free to download and you don't need to sign up for anything to do so?
Bit Che Guevara is just an addition or "upgrade" to the product.
oic.. thank for the head up.. btw wer is chip? i done send him a msg about the Bit Che account, "upgrade" to what? vip version? hehehe ;D this is my 1st time posting at a forum~ hope all of you can give me a tips or 2 ^_^
oic.. thank for the head up.. btw wer is chip? i done send him a msg about the Bit Che account, "upgrade" to what? vip version? hehehe ;D this is my 1st time posting at a forum~ hope all of you can give me a tips or 2 ^_^ -- read this
Chip's quite busy this couple of weeks, so not got much time to spend on the forums.
Good day, I am maxpard, do not know English well, I I am Italian. I hope well to follow to you equally :D :D :D
To DXN3585 and maxpard. You are both very welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy
Welcome Maxpard and DXN3585 we hope you can enjoy our forums, and that we can be of service to you, you only have to ask ;D
Welcome Maxpard and DXN3585 we hope you can enjoy our forums, and that we can be of service to you, you only have to ask ;D
Il sig. Billy, può voi anche renderlo benvenuto alla tribuna
thank you Mr Billy ;D
Welcome Maxpard and DXN3585 we hope you can enjoy our forums, and that we can be of service to you, you only have to ask ;D
Il sig. Billy, può voi anche renderlo benvenuto alla tribuna
thank you Mr Billy ;D
Sono sicuro il Billy potrebbe se desiderasse a Tex, io pensa che nasconda le cose molto.
Welcome Maxpard and DXN3585 we hope you can enjoy our forums, and that we can be of service to you, you only have to ask ;D
Il sig. Billy, può voi anche renderlo benvenuto alla tribuna
thank you Mr Billy ;D
Sono sicuro il Billy potrebbe se desiderasse a Tex, io pensa che nasconda le cose molto.
Free translation.--I am secure the Billy would be able if wanted to Tex, I hung that hide the things a
Billy is fluent in Italian and has many friends at Fusco`s icecream parlour ;)
hahaha,..... well mine was spanish not italian.. hehe... it was suppose to be, that billy is not as silly as he looks, and i am sure he understands more than he makes out.
Hello all. Just a quick post to say thanks for a great program in Bit Che. has made the world of searching alot easier. I am new to the forums here but look forward to discussing alot things with everyone here. Catch ya laterz!
Hi Jimster and welcome ;D
welcome jimster
congrats to user mandragora5 for being an active member of the convivea forums and also for having his account unlocked.
i think we should start using this thread, or maybe start a new one to welcome new active members, or possibly also to nominate members for having their accounts unlocked :)
One thing that might be nice to see on profiles, is the country that members are located in. Would give us a broader picture of where we all come from. A little red * indicating a compulsary requirement when registering. Maybe some day we can compile a percentage list of members / countries. On second thoughts could you make that a little blue * ;D .
Might be good to show a little warning under shoutbox. Not to be used for questions. Pls start new thread etc.
ahh.. missed your comment texas for some reason, but i think requiring the country is a great idea. ill see what i can do to make that a requirement..
also, couple minor forum changes, the navigation links are now in a list/row at the top and bottom of each page..
"Convivea Forums | Forums | Convivea Chat | Post reply ( Re: Welcome to Convivea Forums! )"
let me know if you guys like it better or if i should go back to the Tree Link view as before..
and then i also changed the recent post box on the forums main page to show the last 15 posts instead of 5.. i think that will make it easier to see whats going on here at a glance? :)
added some new links for "Recent Posts" and "Unread Posts" for individual boards..
so now if you only want to see the Recent Posts of the "Convivea Chat", just click that link (in between the "Pages.. Go Down" and the buttons for "Mark As Read" at the page top and bottom of the page)
is the placement annoying in the center? should i move it over to the left or right?
another update... added some new goodies to the convivea homepage:
more thoughts ?
I think it looks awesome... :)
ok texas/everyone else !! :)
i added the "Location: " field onto the registration form..
and also you will notice now on everyone's forum posts, you can see their location / age (if available) and i rearranged some of the info so that it looks better :)
yey! finally...
McCool, now if we can only implement 'Google Earth' to actually see what Tex and Billy are up to I'd feel more
McCool, now if we can only implement 'Google Earth' to actually see what Tex and Billy are up to I'd feel more
Well here i am! I'm MadFish and i am a newby as they tell me...
so hi! wasup?
Well here i am! I'm MadFish and i am a newby as they tell me...
so hi! wasup?
;D And you thought we wouldnt answer your post
Welcome to this crazy world. enjoy
Hello All
i just wanted to stop in and say "thank you" to chip and all others that have contributed to Bit Che
Hello All
i just wanted to stop in and say "thank you" to chip and all others that have contributed to Bit Che
;D Welcome harpo.!
Hey People, just hooked up to this forum and it seems great. Donated as a sign of good things to come. Hope to be able to add something of value here. :D
Hey People, just hooked up to this forum and it seems great. Donated as a sign of good things to come. Hope to be able to add something of value here. :D
Well done kevdriver. Good to have you onboard.
Just saying hello from the UK just discovered this great piece of software ' Bit Che ' will be donating shortly to show my support!!
Keep up the dev'ing.
Welcome aboard A7mag3ddon, hope your stay is pleasant and informative.
Again ,just to bump this thread.
To all our new members ,a very warm welcome to our forum.
Please feel free to post in all the topics. Your views and comments are most welcome and will help to keep the interest going.
Hi People. I am new here. :) I am from the sunny Island of Malta (not so sunny today :( )
I see that this is a very friendly forum. I am going to love being in here
Hi friends
Just found this place and new to all of it. I have d/l most of what I can find and am in it for the long haul. Will be studying forums for the next few days and looking forward to hanging with you all. Bit torrent is a strange and new experience I am finding. I am so used to using bearshare this past few months I am a bit lost but will get there.
Cheers! :)
;D A very warm welcome to you both. Hope you enjoy the posts. Any input you have will be appreciated.
Again ,just to bump this thread.
To all our new members ,a very warm welcome to our forum.
Please feel free to post in all the topics. Your views and comments are most welcome and will help to keep the interest going.
Our Mods are standing by to give you your first karma points. If you even say hello on this thread and provided I`m not on the Jack Daniels You will start to become one of the of the mad crowd. A warm welcome to everyone.
Welcome Chaya....enjoy your stay in Convivea, hopefully we may be of use to you ;D
tanks for havin me bruttah
wah say jimmy boy
hello all :D
hello all :D
Hello Stef ;D welcome to Convivea Forums...
when ever i update my bitche scirpt
its giving an error that (error downloading scirpts :connection forcefully rejected)
why plz help me
when ever i update my bitche scirpt
its giving an error that (error downloading scirpts :connection forcefully rejected)
why plz help me
Post your query on Bit Che section and you will get some help. Welcome to the forum.
I am new to convivea. I have been using bitche for a long time. Yesterday I went to use it and the page and the icon just disapeared. I looked in c: drive and there was a folder for bitche and everything was there except the icon to make the bitche search box come up. I wiped it off the computer through search and tried to reinstall it and a box came up saying that bitche was moved or removed. I even tried system recovery to no availle. I have tried all the various versions of bitche and the same thing happened with all of them. It feels like some kind of malware attack. I am trying to find out if there is an answer short of formating my hard drive. Please help me.
Needy Man,
Bob ???
First time on the forum..Will take time to have a look on everything.
Thanks for this O0 so good..
Welcome Sbimbiou, nice to see you, i hope we can be of use to you [happy]
Hi There if i donate 5 pound doews that mean i can download more things and have more of a choice because i ahve noticed that when i search for something it comes up at the bottom of the bit che screen that some items get removed is this because im on the freeware one if anyone can help me can you please email me on
thanks barry :)
Hi There if i donate 5 pound doews that mean i can download more things and have more of a choice because i ahve noticed that when i search for something it comes up at the bottom of the bit che screen that some items get removed is this because im on the freeware one if anyone can help me can you please email me on
thanks barry :)
Just post in the BitChe thread at bottom of forum page ,giving your payment id no/transaction and one of the Mods will activate your account.
Welcome to the forum.
Just wanted to say hi all. Hope to get more involved (evolved) when I get out of this VA Hospital.
Hi ONVet....welcome to Convivea, We hope you enjoy your stay ;D
Hi folks,just thought i would say hello.
hello Conv. People.. i'm new here and it's my first post... i need some help downloading in torrentleech.. thanks...
hello Raven
hello everyone :D
is there someone can help me? :(
the problem is that i can't register to bit che!!!
what should i do???????
can anyone help me? :(
Hi folks, I will try to make a positive contribution to the forum, however I am a newbie to this world, but I am a willing learner, and I hope I can help along the way. Maybe make some new internet friends.
Take care for now
Hi folks!
This is my first time here. I do thank all of you to allow me to join Conviivea Forums.
Im from Brasil ( or Brazil ) from Santa Catarina State . I enjoy reading all tips and advices I have so far found here. So I would like to show my best regards and aks my excuses for my so poor english.
Hi folks!
This is my first time here. I do thank all of you to allow me to join Conviivea Forums.
Im from Brasil ( or Brazil ) from Santa Catarina State . I enjoy reading all tips and advices I have so far found here. So I would like to show my best regards and aks my excuses for my so poor english.
Hi Jackal357,
Welcome to the Convivea Forum hope you enjoy your time and the information here !
Welcome have been a busy little newbie ;D
Hi all, I'm also new here. Just installed the Bit Che program and saw that there was also a forum to join. So here I am ;D Thanks for having me ;)
Hi Ramsteen ;D....come and join 'the rabble' you are more than welcome. [yes]
hey hows it going,,, welcome....
Du hast mich gefragt und ich hab nichts gesagt
good to see that there are people here who know Rammstein >:D
you should play around in the 3 word forum... Give it a try.
hi to all,
i'm a newbie... from italy :)
i hope to stay good here :D
sorry for my english :D
hi to all,
i'm a newbie... from italy :)
i hope to stay good here :D
sorry for my english :D
Welcome to the forum. You could be a policeman in 999 is emmergency telephone number here.
Hello, and welcome Paride999 we hope you enjoy your stay at Convivea ;D.
check 'Bit Che translators' in the forums, we might need an Italian translator.
Hello All
I am a new member. Living up here in Canada and freezing with the snow
Hi Crash, and welcome to Convivea, our sweet Gibbler is in Canada. ;D
hi all,im sadie2 like the setup [rolleyes]
hi all,im sadie2 like the setup [rolleyes]
Howdy sadie2,
Welcome to Convivea forum !!
Hi Sadie2.....welcome....please fill in your gender.
Hey guys I'm peacefulguy an ole fart from aussie lol, new to the forums, but this is a good one ;D
Take care and have a great weekend
Welcome PeacefulGuy!!
Welcome to our peacefulguyplace :D :D
Not too many peacefulwomen around here, Billy scares them away!!! ;D
Hi, and welcome Peacefulguy ;D
I have a lot of Australian friends on the net.
We hope you enjoy your stay.
thanks MinLo [slap]
Trying here in my best English.
So if I post less that's why.. ;)
great forum, seen much information going by when I read the topics.
...can someone please tell me what to do? ???
im just a stupid Dutchman, whit wooden shoes ;D
can someone please help me ?
my English is very bad, ;D
im just a stupid Dutchman with wooden shoes :)
Hi everyone,
I'm from Bahrain and I'm new to the forum and BitChe. But I'm pretty good with computers, so if anyone needs advice don't hesitate to PM me.
P.S. And I donated $20, this is a great little program!
ive heard alot about this program. so the first thing i did when i had registered.. was donating..
chip appreciates that very much and welcome to Convivea sunkite24
welcome all new members
great program. cool site. glad i joined. gotta donate!
THinking im in over my head here :-\
Love the name HARRYBARRACUDDA !!! Feell free to help me with advice any time you Im way behind the 8ball when it comes to computers!! all i want to do is download some movies without having to wade through all the dodgy fake that the case with Bitche??
And a few of you said donate? HOw/why/where? PLSE???
English please!!!
So this is where I introduce myself and wait for the welcoming party, huh?
Mo'a Anbesa O0 from Ethiopia currently staying in Norway. Although I heard about bitche a few times before, I never got around to checking it out for myself. With what I have seen so far, I think I can safely say; I know where to get my torrents from now on and talk about this and that while I do.
[hmm] Interesting!
So this one is for me [welcome]
Welcome to the forums :-)
Please let me know how one can add more and more torrents websites to increase the searching capability of Bit Che.
KISS my rectum Tex......he he he.
can anybody tell me what 'karma'....[applaude] and [smite] mean ???
Karma is how much people like you (the total number of times someone presses applaud)
I assume where applaud adds to Karma, Smite takes it away.
so applaud is Like of fb? and Smite? what is the site's relationship with Che Guevara?
I donated $ 5 a few months ago and have not heard back about the access to Guevara version: I probably forgot to register on the forum or to indicate my address email ...
Will you check that?
Thank you very much!
haha.. yeah! i really already setup the entire mod last week but I forgot that would go edit the actual template for this particular skin due to the fact I guess it just shows up found on the default skin from the package.. i will certainly do that either tomorrow or even the next whenever i acquire a complimentary hour and / or 2..
hi everybody ,I am evan and so far I'm enjoying it ... :)
you will get on well with Tex then....he he he
Hello guys. Newbie is on board. Nice to be here. :)
I guarantee to feel on my best disruptive behavior and also solely take the p**s from individuals from Manchester or perhaps Man U fans.
This might be such as a breath of fresh air viewing everone rear on top of once more.Pretty much feels such as a great BLUE day
;D Hello raybackjoe,
Great to see you have started with the correct attitude, lol
Kindly allow me to learn how one could add even more and more torrents web sites to increase the searching capability of Chunk Che.
bitche does not work anymore I tried all the versions and then I donated 10 $ for the plus version
Welcome to Convivea Forums!
We hope you enjoy using your forum. If you have any problems, please feel free to post a comment here for assistance.
Chip Warner
Convivea, Inc.
I promise to be on my best behavior and only take the p**s out of people from Manchester or Man U fans.
This is like a breath of fresh air seeing everone back on again.Almost feels like a great BLUE day
If you have any problems, please feel free to post a comment here for assistance.
::)audacity ( temp mail ( origin (
I promise to be on my best behavior and only take the p**s out of people from Manchester or Man U fans.
This is like a breath of fresh air seeing everone back on again.Almost feels like a great BLUE day
If you have any problems, please feel free to post a comment here for assistance.
You always shouted when you wanted . Hi Dinner, Long time no talk. Good to be back. Hope I can understand whats going on
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