I was so proud watching my daughter Cheryl graduate from University yesterday, l thought l would share a couple of pics with you
we could put pics of our pets, our cars, anything as long as it's clean (Kyo) :D
I wouldn't worry about that... no baby pics for you. I'll post some pictures of me and my mate's later. Wheres that really cute daughter of yours?
I wouldn't worry about that... no baby pics for you. I'll post some pictures of me and my mate's later. Wheres that really cute daughter of yours?
he he he...well out of your reach Kyo ;)
do you have to post pics of you??.....we want thrillin, not killin ::) :D
Congrats to you and your daughter billy. What course and what uni did she go to?
Congrats to you and your daughter billy. What course and what uni did she go to?
Thanx Dinner.......Cheryl did a human resources course at Salford Uni.
she is now a personell officer at Man U, she hires, fires, and disciplines staff there :)
I said 'first thing you do when you get back to work, is fire Christiano Ronaldo', she said 'no l wont he's dishy' ...typical woman LOL
Thanx Dinner.......Cheryl did a human resources course at Salford Uni.
she is now a personell officer at Man U, she hires, fires, and disciplines staff there :)
I said 'first thing you do when you get back to work, is fire Christiano Ronaldo', she said 'no l wont he's dishy' ...typical woman LOL
whoa she's already got a job at man u, thats cool ;) lol i think you're gonna need ronaldo if you wanna challenge for the title ;D
Thanx Dinner.......Cheryl did a human resources course at Salford Uni.
she is now a personell officer at Man U, she hires, fires, and disciplines staff there :)
I said 'first thing you do when you get back to work, is fire Christiano Ronaldo', she said 'no l wont he's dishy' ...typical woman LOL
whoa she's already got a job at man u, thats cool ;) lol i think you're gonna need ronaldo if you wanna challenge for the title ;D
She's worked there for 6yrs Dinner lol...........Naah we can do it without Ronaldo giving away free kicks for diving, all the ref's will be watching out for him now :(
here of some pics of me and my friends at a get together a yesterday.
just me and a couple of mates drinking....
looks like you had a good time lol
WOW.....nice pics Kyo.....Cheryl fancies yer now..........he he he.
Moi (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/gibbler1010/gypsy.jpg)
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/gibbler1010/eyes.jpg) :P
I still have a case in my closet ::) I'll share with her Billy. I have more pictures, I'll post them up when I have time. and maybe pictures of my fat :P I need to work out a bit more and lose some weight.
I still have a case in my closet ::) I'll share with her Billy. I have more pictures, I'll post them up when I have time. and maybe pictures of my fat :P I need to work out a bit more and lose some weight.
when l get another pc Kyo l'll post a pic of her showing a bit of leg, until then you will just have to suffer...he he he
OMG Gibbler......yer look just like a film star......mmmmmm.....l'm in love again :-* :-*
haha billy.. ::) :-* thanks..
You seem to enjoy looking sideways eh gibber? :D
hehe.. I dunno.. I guess.. ;)
Moi (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/gibbler1010/gypsy.jpg)
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/gibbler1010/eyes.jpg) :P
Moi (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/gibbler1010/gypsy.jpg)
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/gibbler1010/eyes.jpg) :P
I've got a few of Gibbler.......here's one.......(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v142/billyfridge/janet.jpg)
hory mory.. that's alot of me pics :D
Billy where's the naked ones????j/k ;D
Billy where's the naked ones????j/k ;D
HUH!!!.......l wish Minlo.........took me all my time to get that one off her :-\
somebody sharing dirty pics!
somebody sharing dirty pics!
are you offering DC??... ;D......Kyo will be interested, and l might be..... ::)
ha!.. I knew you were like that billy! ::)
... I soiled myself .... ::)
heres a pic of me
in the shower?
in the shower?
no, not in the shower. In the mirror in my bathroom
ha!.. I knew you were like that billy! ::)
lt's not what you think Gibbler, l'm only interested in the 'art' side of things ;)
Nice pic Dave ;D
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/gibbler1010/yeahbaby.jpg) yeah, Nanner i'm looking off again.. dreaming of my burnt car! (and yeah.. I got boobs) :D
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/gibbler1010/yeahbaby.jpg) yeah, Nanner i'm looking off again.. dreaming of my burnt car! (and yeah.. I got boobs) :D
As I gaze ,mesmerised by those lovely "eyes" I wonder if one of our members can spelll out in simple terms for our new folks on the forum,how to post their pictures. Image Shack or Photobucket, or straight from a photo on files.
I use photobucket :)
As I gaze ,mesmerised by those lovely "eyes"
WTF are you looking at? Certainly not her eyes... :P
what a ruckus
I use photobucket :)
l bet you need a big bucket to get them in Gibbler ::)
I will never tell.. ::)
A few of my friends (not one of me here, will perhaps find one of me later) at the last Halloween Party.
Nice pics Quantum......yer could have took the red eye out of the first one, you wally...even l can do that :D
Nice pics Quantum......yer could have took the red eye out of the first one, you wally...even l can do that :D
That's not red eye, that's her contact lens'.
Oh...right my daughter has a set of those, like a goat with slot like pupils....scarey lol
Oh...right my daughter has a set of those, like a goat with slot like pupils....scarey lol
Ahh, these are custom made ones, related to an Anime showcalled Naruto.
I'd be happy with a good pair of natural eyes, mine are getting knackered, got to go to optcians tomorrow....ugh...one of the drawbacks of being an old fart LOL
Yep. I wear corrective lenses also, mainly when I drive and watch porn ;D.
Once I get my sister's digi cam I'll post my mug-shot here as well.
Guess who this handsome stud is....
Wow! Billy, you're just what I have in my mind.. :o
Looks good in your 68? ;D
Here one is me and my band in front of the cafe before we perform
you can still see me with my long hair 8)
I bet you have to beat the groupies off with a stick Weera....LOL
nice pics all :)
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew Kyo!!!!.......even gibbler wouldn't go out with somebody looking like that....
he he he........................incoming...................
i am not sure if I should be happy or sad about that comment... so I'll just pretend it never occured
trust me I won't lose any sleep over it.
... that is assuming I sleep anymore at all... more like hybernate ....
... that is assuming I sleep anymore at all... more like hybernate ....
A controlled coma? ;)
hi ... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D..
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/gibbler1010/post.jpg) it's me againnnn
me and my girlfriend ... for two years already ;D
WOW...she is nice ;)....is the finger up nose a Dutch thing??? :D
Nope, it's just a very child-ish thing :P
At the risk of showing my face I'll stick in a photo of me and some girl (lol) taken last month going to an 18th.
WOW..........nice pic banana.........nice girl too ;)
and btw that is me being a dick there, I don't have quite a weird smile like that haha
hey it's nannnnner! :D
hey it's nannnnner! :D
har har
Well y'all already know what I look like (you've seen the profile pic on here) but since then I cut my hair, grew side burns and met my girl changin the profile pic to the one below. My missus on my lap, we are on a night out in Brighton... it was fun... brighton is fun...
WOW nice Kujo......pretty girl........lucky sod..... ;D
This is a pic of where i live. Close to a river which runs into the Pacific Ocean. Pretty spot.
This is a close up pic of the river going into the ocean. Very pretty to walk down along side of it.
and this is me.
Nice pics cissie......
so... im thinking that its about time that it was my turn.. :P
i'm on the left.. and yes, that is a medieval wizard on the right. haha.
and 2nd one is me hanging out in the Fjords of Norway last summer..
hey Chipper...look at ole you ;)
Great pics chip... i thought the pic of you in the avatar was you hehe.... may i ask which fjord are you in there.. looks like the ones they call the trolls or something.. may i ask where about that pic was taken. What a handsome guy you are.. mmmmm... wish i was a little younger.. hehe
Control yerselves girls, don't go getting all hot and bothered, you are not allowed to perv on our illustrious leader ::)
ooooohhhh... just watch us... mmmmm.... oops.. so sorry there chip.. hehe... nothing wrong with a girl perving.. i am sure Billy does it all the time..
thats me....
me in the marine corps
mmmmmmm... nothing like a man in uniform. Very nice. Thanks for sharing. Us women like to have the perv.. hehe
I know.... the uniform always got the chicks
My ex had two lots of uniforms... He is in the Corrective Services, and also in the Army, always looked great in uniform.. still does.. hehe.. i just hated ironing the damn things. So don't mind me if i have a drool over you in uniform every so often.. hehe ::)
My ex had two lots of uniforms... He is in the Corrective Services, and also in the Army, always looked great in uniform.. still does.. hehe.. i just hated ironing the damn things. So don't mind me if i have a drool over you in uniform every so often.. hehe ::)
Ironing does suck...
la di dum doooo :D
ummmm...? beautiful. nice pics gibby..
Your one very pretty girl gibbler. Lovely pictures.
Hmmmmmmmmm. you could comb yer bloody hair Gibbler ::)
Hmmmmmmmmm. you could comb yer bloody hair Gibbler ::)
;D haha... good onya Billy.. let me tell you something.. Gibbler is one very pretty femme fatale, if you hadn't already noticed, and she has something which i am sure you would love a little bit of. mmmmmmm... do i sense a little bit of jealousy there.. perhaps her next trim she could send you some for a transplant.
:o Cissie.....you cheeky...err...person, l'll have you know, grass doesn't grow on a busy street..............that's why women always have lots of hair :D
:o Cissie.....you cheeky...err...person, l'll have you know, grass doesn't grow on a busy street..............that's why women always have lots of hair :D
well then stop banging your head on the bedhead so much.. may give it a chance to grow.. ::) :D
Hmmmmmmmmm. you could comb yer bloody hair Gibbler ::)
my hair is naturally wavey.. ya doof ::) don't be hatin'
Okay my turn to skite.. i have 3 of the most beautiful grandkids.. ages 3 2 & 1... by my two daughters. I will share these with you, taken at christmas time.
edited by cissie
Here they are, Finn or Finneas, Mercedes, and Holly. Holly and Finn are brother and sister.
Here they are at Christmas time couldn't fit Finn on my lap too.
edited by cissie
This is me a few years ago ;D
Slightly more wrinkles now, but still a full head if hair ::)
Thats me on far right.
;D A more up to date one, Haloween in Nice France last year
Thats the devil in me. ;D
You need to click the button underneath the indented one above.. then copy the link into that. it will give you the (http://) to place the link in between... can't wait to have a perv.. hehe.. you must have more hair than Billy.
You need to click the button underneath the indented one above.. then copy the link into that. it will give you the (http://) to place the link in between... can't wait to have a perv.. hehe.. you must have more hair than Billy.
;D Everyone has more hair than Billy. Will have to try resize haloween picture as wife has been cut out,lol Only daughter in frame.
I just added the full picture on the bottom of the post.
Good god!!!!!.....they are looking for an understudy for Alien 5, with a face like that, you would get the part....he he he..........girls are nice though.
Good god!!!!!.....they are looking for an understudy for Alien 5, with a face like that, you would get the part....he he he..........girls are nice though.
;D lol. This was in a small Irish bar in Nice. They had a friend who did all the face painting for free. Great night.
Thanks to NightWatchman and Cissie, I am starting to get the hang of posting pictures again.
Ha, except that you hosted it twice... the way I did it is so that the pic is on the net and out there... you also attached it to your post so you could have just linked your picture to that rather than imageshack... but it still worked I guess.
Ha, except that you hosted it twice... the way I did it is so that the pic is on the net and out there... you also attached it to your post so you could have just linked your picture to that rather than imageshack... but it still worked I guess.
What happened was that I went back into my old e-mails to get image shack registration details and hosted picture from there. Forgetting that I have toolbar installed on IE. and hosted again without using links in convivea. Maybe next time.lol
I found a picture of Billy the fridge in his teenage days.........
<a href="http://img444.imageshack.us/my.php?image=billyoncruiseshipun6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/3682/billyoncruiseshipun6.th.jpg" border="0" alt="Image Uploaded by ImageShack Toolbar" title="Image Uploaded by ImageShack Toolbar" />[/url]
I found one of Billy on cruise ship in his early 30`s. MinLo, We could do Billies life history with some help from other members .lol
That seems odd, cos this is a copy of the pic that Billy sent me in PM and told me was him. I thought he was extremely handsome...mmmm... someone is lying here ::) ???(http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/6397/billywfl7.png)
eat yer hearts out guys :D
rip reel... me likes that.. (http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u167/cissie_01/avartars%20and%20emoticons/Tfr37e.gif)
What a handsome looking devil you are Billy. I had no idea.. (http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u167/cissie_01/avartars%20and%20emoticons/elmo.gif)
;D All kidding aside Billy, Do you still have any old photo`s (black and white) from years gone by?
These were the good old days. A short break after cleaning the bilges for loading a cargo of wheat in Canada for Manchester.Will take me a little time to get post right. I am in the photo somewhere.lol This was in the days before cissie was born. ;D And for anyone viewing the photo ,that is not Billy I have my arm around. ;)
How do you know it was before i was born.. mmmmmmmmm.... maybe your mistaken. ::)
By the way, thats a wonderful picture, looks to be in the 50's.. am i right??
l'll see if i can find some Tex...lol
l'll see if i can find some Tex...lol
;D I`m waiting ::)
l'll see if i can find some Tex...lol
;D I`m waiting ::)
don't rush me Tex...........you know l'm shy :-[
l'll see if i can find some Tex...lol
;D I`m waiting ::)
don't rush me Tex...........you know l'm shy :-[
I have been watching your posts Billy, i wouldn't say you are shy at all.. maybe a little lazy is more the word... hehehe.... i think Tex would agree with me on that one. ::)
l'll see if i can find some Tex...lol
;D I`m waiting ::)
don't rush me Tex...........you know l'm shy :-[
I have been watching your posts Billy, i wouldn't say you are shy at all.. maybe a little lazy is more the word... hehehe.... i think Tex would agree with me on that one. ::)
;D Never lazy. Adjusting the volume on Sky Sports takes a lot of professional expertise, as well as the gap between the hand and the pint of Boddies. everything has to be prejudged and calculated to the nearest centimeter. This man is not lazy. A prime example of man enjoying what he has worked for all his life. ::)
Point taken.. i do humbly apologise Billy.. just waiting to see these pics tis all. :-[
Point taken.. i do humbly apologise Billy.. just waiting to see these pics tis all. :-[
;D Now what did cissie look like a few years ago.??? ::)
(http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/25/15hw8.png)Aged 15
(http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/8315/cissie22hq0.png) aged 22
(http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/5003/tharmy1977ow7.jpg)Aged 23 when i was in the army reserve.
(http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/9596/ciswitchcp5.png)aged 45 thats me in the middle at fancy dress.. no i don't always look as good as that.. hehe
(http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/4039/smallcissieic9.png) 2 weeks ago. April 2007 aged 52.6
There you go Tex.. some oldies for you, including a terrible one in uniform.. hehe.. now you can have a laugh at the old shots. :)
;D Just viewed the album. Super job cissie, now if we can just get billy to show his all.lol
Okay, as you know i just came back from a week in melbourne and Bendigo in Victoria, where my daughters and grandchildren live. 20 hours drive from here or a 2 hours flight. I haven't seen them since Christmas, and thought i would share the little ones with you. I am biased and i think they are gorgeous.
We have Mercedes (33months) from daughter number 2. Finneas (15 months) and Holly (3 1/3) from daughter number one. Of course thats their proud Booka in the middle.
This is my eldest daughter Aleisha with her youngest Finn.
This is little Mercedes
This is her mum Heidi and my baby daughter.
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/gibbler1010/a319da56ca7b2b7e6ec11b7535ad488a0_l.jpg) albino me :D
No Gibbler.........an Albino has pink eyes, whereas, your pretty eyes are blue :-*
Gibbler your a very pretty girl. Do you have some more shots of the real gibbler..
these are all just webcam shots.. sorry for the bad quality :)
these are all just webcam shots.. sorry for the bad quality :)
Eeeeeeeeew...........are you popping yer zits Gibbler :o
you're an idiot :D
you're an idiot :D
You have beautiful eyes gibbler, and you look gorgeous when you smile.. mmmmmmmmm.. that doesn't sound right.. you are gorgeous, but i like the happy look of when you smile... yes.. thats better.. :D
well thanks Cissie.. and yes billy.. I meant you! ;D
Poor Billy... i am sure he is just kidding.. he has a very warped sense of humour it seems.. hehe
i do know
hello oliver twist.... you do know what
;DJust a couple of vacation shots.
The gorge at Rondo.
View of Gibraltar.
Looking out of cable car near top of Gibraltar.Ships at anchor, waiting to get into Algercias harbour(Spain) 30 plus others waiting.(http://img363.imageshack.us/img363/4381/spain067gz6.jpg)
Two of my little barbary ape friends
The barbary apes in Gibraltar, quite tame and like to pose for photo`s.
Lots more but dont want to bore you.
Good pics Tex and I love those apes! They look very nice to ppl.. :)
Good pics Tex and I love those apes! They look very nice to ppl.. :)
;D Just for you Weera. lol
(http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/7218/weeraspecialma1.jpg) I make friends with all mammals.lol
Great pics Tex. I adore monkeys and elephants.. so your monkey shots are great..
*Cissie scratches under her armpits.. * ;D
*Cissie scratches under her armpits.. * ;D
;D I can recommend some cream if it might help lol
cheeky bugger.. ;D
Here's some new pictures of Arieanna......
This is Arieanna and her cousin........Her cousin is only about 4 months older but is 13 lbs heavier......Anyhow their both adorable!
Arieanna in her Easter dress
She's gonna hate pink eventually because Tera always dresses her in pink.......If I was as photogenic as her I'd post some of me but I'm not..... :D :D :D ........
Good pics Tex and I love those apes! They look very nice to ppl.. :)
;D Just for you Weera. lol
(http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/7218/weeraspecialma1.jpg) I make friends with all mammals.lol
very nice Tex............but you could have put some clothes on....think of the ladies....... >:(
Good pics Tex and I love those apes! They look very nice to ppl.. :)
;D Just for you Weera. lol
(http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/7218/weeraspecialma1.jpg) I make friends with all mammals.lol
very nice Tex............but you could have put some clothes on....think of the ladies....... >:(
That is Tex's new "lady friend"....Thats her nagging on good ole' Tex....Didn't you get the wedding invite Billy???? Billy how dare you look at Tex's finance's private parts >:( :D
;D ;D ;D
I`m hiding my face in shame,lol (http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/2766/spain062nb4.th.jpg) (http://img357.imageshack.us/my.php?image=spain062nb4.jpg)
Want the photo enlarged? At least its decent this time ;D
;D ;D Right billy if your watching. Am I anyway close???
Did I get the colour right ?
The Previa is both huge and hugely impressive as a people carrier that first addressed the problem of where all the MPV occupants were going to put their luggage. Although buyers get a lot vehicle for their money, it's not such brilliant value for money when you compare specification, equipment and flexibility with many rivals. Only the GL initially got a driver's airbag and ABS brakes, although an electric sunroof is standard. The Chrysler Grand Voyager and Renault Grand Espace are its biggest rivals, but the Previa can still make an egg-shaped case for itself. Not surprisingly it seats eight!
Power is not an issue for most MPVs, and the Previa proves to be a very willing performer. The one 2.4 litre petrol engine may not be economical, but it makes up for that with eager performance which sees it to 60 mph in just over 11 seconds and a top speed over 110 mph. The automatic gearbox though on the GL and GX blunts that performance edge.
Will try another colour just for fun. ;D
mine is a proper car, not a kiddie car like that Tex...........
1990, 2ltr deisel turbo automatic, 8 seater, tinted windows, A/C, cool/freezerbox, all back seats fold flat to make a useful bed ;) electric windows, mirrors, locking, immobiliser etc etc
she is a Toyota Town Ace, and I love her :-*
;D ;D Looking good Billy, Give us some specs, year,engine etc. You should be able to set up a keg of Boddies somewhere in there. ::)
;D ;D Looking good Billy, Give us some specs, year,engine etc. You should be able to set up a keg of Boddies somewhere in there. ::)
;D Well billy I`m waiting
;D ;D Looking good Billy, Give us some specs, year,engine etc. You should be able to set up a keg of Boddies somewhere in there. ::)
;D Well billy I`m waiting
look under my picture Tex.....................derrrrrrr....wally :D
;D ;D Looking good Billy, Give us some specs, year,engine etc. You should be able to set up a keg of Boddies somewhere in there. ::)
;D Well billy I`m waiting
look under my picture Tex.....................derrrrrrr....wally :D
Now I see ;D. Question asked on 22/8 and you edited on the 23rd.lol
okay.. i thought billy was gonna post some pics.. mmmmmmmm... come on billy.. where are those pics you promised huh?
I don't remember promising some pics, but if you insist.........
anybody know who this sexy girl is?? ;)
Is that your girlfriend Billy :-[
Is that your girlfriend Billy :-[
yeah right....i wish.....she is too young for me Cissie ::)
well, there aren't too many of us females on the forum, so am I more your age Billy ::) hehe
well, there aren't too many of us females on the forum, so am I more your age Billy ::) hehe
checks Cissie's profile........you certainly are Cissie (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v142/billyfridge/emoticons/sleeez.gif)
ooooohhhh..... Billy.. are you giving me the eye.. hehe.. i am awfully flattered. Your place or mine.. ;D
I don't remember promising some pics, but if you insist.........
anybody know who this sexy girl is?? ;)
;D ;D ;D Princess Gibbler from Long Island. Hit my karma billy lol.
Not in Long Island anymore.. well for the moment.. Back in my motherland ;)
Not in Long Island anymore.. well for the moment.. Back in my motherland ;)
don't tell him where Gibbler...........he'll be after pervin on yer.....he he he
I hope that I don't get in trouble for this pic hehe.. if so feel free to pull it :)
WOW :-*............err..........to pull what Gibbler?? :o
hahaha.. you know what I meant.. ya perv!
well, there aren't too many of us females on the forum, so am I more your age Billy ::) hehe
checks Cissie's profile........you certainly are Cissie (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v142/billyfridge/emoticons/sleeez.gif)
well you almost got me excited, until i saw the next message, then i realized.. your just a tart Billy....
Tex!!!!!!!!!!!!.... oh Tex!!!!!!!!!!!! where for art thou Tex!!!... seems Billy wishes to have a harem and i am certainly not into that.. hehe
WOW :-*............err..........to pull what Gibbler?? :o
Ya Perv... i'm with Gibbler on that one.
Not in Long Island anymore.. well for the moment.. Back in my motherland ;)
don't tell him where Gibbler...........he'll be after pervin on yer.....he he he
;D ;D I reckon Gibb is back in Mapleleaf country on the east coast.????
;D Piece and quiet from a hectic life on Long Island. Billy still doesnt know where you are. Maybe we will explain someday. Stay away from the lobster until you get settled ;D
best wishes.
Tex... it seems you know where everyone is ::)
Tex... it seems you know where everyone is ::)
;D Yup. With my exclusive web cam software I am able to watch your every move.
omg.... i will have to start changing in the cupboard then, and showering with the lights off.. norty Tex !!!!
omg.... i will have to start changing in the cupboard then, and showering with the lights off.. norty Tex !!!!
;D I always shower with the lights out. Dont want anyone getting too excited. ::)
The webcam is only used when you are at your PC and cant roam around the house. So put a robe on next time as your having your coffee and pressing the buttons..We do not intentionally pass on any videos or personal information regarding our members. If you feel you wish to make a complaint please PM this member who may or may not refer you to a third party, who will not be known to me. ;D
hehe... you didn't really think i believed that people could see me did you. I use my web cam for talking to people.. family and friends only.... have done for 10 years. It's so much better.. i can see the grandkids this way as well, and they babble on as if i was in the room with them.
i was thinking of getting a wireless web cam... now that would be fun.. could go outside with them then. :)
;D Yup. With my exclusive web cam software I am able to watch your every move.
I knew there was a good reason not to buy one ;)
I am gonna test him out this weekend... will do a nudie run around the garden, and he will have to tell me at what time of day i did it.. :) ;D
I am gonna test him out this weekend... will do a nudie run around the garden, and he will have to tell me at what time of day i did it.. :) ;D
Sorry cissie but the programme is carefully monitored not to show extremities from flashers (Especially "down under" shots) Please forward all intended material and I will forward to Billy for approval. ::)
In yer dreams Tex :D
In yer dreams Tex :D
;D Worth a try billy, cissie might fall for it.lol
Well Tex... i did the gardening at the weekend in the birthday suit, then did some sun baking... didn't see or hear from you at all... but i think Billy was perving over the fence.. ::)
Well Tex... i did the gardening at the weekend in the birthday suit, then did some sun baking... didn't see or hear from you at all... but i think Billy was perving over the fence.. ::)
be careful of them rose thorns Cissie, :o
hahaha.... i don't have roses Billy, just palm thorns.. :)
Here's a shot of my ugly mug:
Thanks Quantum. Always good when you can put a face to a name. You are much younger than I imagined :)
Thanks Quantum. Always good when you can put a face to a name. You are much younger than I imagined :)
Yeah and I've been around on this forum (in one carnation or another, it used to be the DietK forums) since I was 16 / 17 I think, scary.... Now I'm almost 22, I feel so old hahaha...
old OLD, haha try my spine for climbing, lol. Nah just kidding I am not that old blough right ;D
Thanks Quantum. Always good when you can put a face to a name. You are much younger than I imagined :)
Yeah and I've been around on this forum (in one carnation or another, it used to be the DietK forums) since I was 16 / 17 I think, scary.... Now I'm almost 22, I feel so old hahaha...
hmmm....22yrs eh....yer about 70yrs off yer zimmerframe....i'm about 4 yrs off
stop making me jealous Quantum...he he he
well done Billy... 4 years off..... I have just got off mine....(http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u167/cissie_01/avartars%20and%20emoticons/36_2_17.gif)
well done Billy... 4 years off..... I have just got off mine....(http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u167/cissie_01/avartars%20and%20emoticons/36_2_17.gif)
Great news cissie. I`ll pay the postage and packaging to Manchester, could you put a wee "bow" on it. We can pretend its a gift fom the Chelsea Supporters Club. >:D
go away in short jerky movements Tex...he he he
Hi all.
First thing I saw when I opened this thread was a picture of Billy's daughter and then immediately the old Lowry bridge behind her. uninteresting fact of the day. I built that bridge. ( well, me and quite a few others of course ) We built the deck and suspension over at my Dad's yard alongside No.3 dock at Manchester dry docks. I also personally welded every single stay for the hand rails. Tell her not to lean on them!.
This would be me, sort of.
Cool Pic. Your clever doing that to the photo.
Hi all.
First thing I saw when I opened this thread was a picture of Billy's daughter and then immediately the old Lowry bridge behind her. uninteresting fact of the day. I built that bridge. ( well, me and quite a few others of course ) We built the deck and suspension over at my Dad's yard alongside No.3 dock at Manchester dry docks. I also personally welded every single stay for the hand rails. Tell her not to lean on them!.
This would be me, sort of.
I leant on them (drunk)..seemed ok to me...LOL
Cool Pic. Your clever doing that to the photo.
That's nice of you to say so cissie. It's not so clever when you know how. I'm a bit of a dab hand with photoshop..
That was done as a profile picture for Devart. I'll be happy to do something similar for you if you send me a decent quality picture to work with.
Here's one of me in normal mode.
(http://www2.b3ta.com/host/creative/47549/1199776895/thumb.41918755bd0821c260o.jpg) (http://www2.b3ta.com/host/creative/47549/1199776895/41918755bd0821c260o.jpg)
Click for bigger (301KB)
Cool thanks... I might take you up on that one.
I found a picture of Billy the fridge in his teenage days.........
Omg I totally stole this! I adore peewee! In my own sick demented way.. :D
Oh yea, here is me :P
I found a picture of Billy the fridge in his teenage days.........
Omg I totally stole this! I adore peewee! In my own sick demented way.. :D
Oh thanx luv ;)
please be aware that there are other girls using these forums, and we dont want them to get sexually frustrated, and perving on my pic......do we!!!! :D
I like your pic, by the way........wooo hooo >:D
Oh yea, here is me :P
Lovely to meet you. I also am a female. Just watch out for Billy, he seems to have a thing for women ::)
He's pretty harmless, but a forewarning is a must, same with Tex ::)
Nice to meet you as well.
And it's ok, lucky for them, I happen to like guys. :D lol
Nice to meet you as well.
And it's ok, lucky for them, I happen to like guys. :D lol
Who can blame you Luv, after all we are the superior sex ;)
Nice to meet you as well.
And it's ok, lucky for them, I happen to like guys. :D lol
Who can blame you Luv, after all we are the superior sex ;)
We will let you think that Billy, but we know better :-*
Nice to meet you as well.
And it's ok, lucky for them, I happen to like guys. :D lol
Who can blame you Luv, after all we are the superior sex ;)
We will let you think that Billy, but we know better :-*
chip has a girl friend!! [high5]
chip has a girl friend!! [high5]
OMG............now I know why he's been away a lot [eyes]
Hi Steph ;D
Our new boat, so much fun. Haven't taken it out to sea yet, just the rivers and waterways, but one of the rivers going out to sea was really choppy last week, and it was so much fun. I forget I am not a teenager, and will possibly end up in the water as I was standing on the front.. riding it like a jet ski. I suppose I should remember I just got a new knee and look after it, but hey... you only live once. [rofl]
okay, here is a recent pic of me... don't all throw up at once.. :)
Couple of photos of my girl atm:
At the top of a hill we walked :)
At work.
Nice pics Quantum...she is lovely.....you lucky sod ;D
She's very pretty Qantum... well done. :)
How's your love life lately Billy?
She's very pretty Qantum... well done. :)
How's your love life lately Billy?
he he he....about the same as your spelling Cissie [LOL!]
[lol] pleased to hear it.
My spelling is almost perfect... so you are one lucky guy it seems. :)
I knew this day was on the horizon, so here I am people:
I knew this day was on the horizon, so here I am people:
I hope thats your car keys your holding in your left hand >:D
Nice pic Half ;D
behave Tex [slap]
Not me But my Bike a Quadricycle its a work in progress built in the 1970s as a rental bike for center island in Toronto Canada . I received in very bad shape. 4 flats the rubber was all beat up missing steering parts .
thr seat was falling a part the back was missing I have added a 3 1/2 HP electric 24 volt motor and cotrolls
new rubber on all tires . new brake cables .new drum brakes . new seats .
lots to do yet like a paint job and new canopy
WOW.....nice project Moggy, I bet you spend many happy hours doing that ;D
working on a new controller for the motor the old was over heating and shutting down . also a larger battery pack to double the range .
as billy said, great work on your part. we could use you on computer repairs.lol.i lived in schomberg for a couple of years just north of toronto. are you anywhere near there?
I used to live in Richmond hill back in the 80s I am closer to buckhorn now
This is my "LapTop" kitty ...... Cleo
This is my new update...Chloe
Nice one Billy.
I just spent 30 min + going through the entire thread on members pictures. What a breath of fresh air,brilliant. We have Gibbler/Billy/Quantum/cissie/Half/Rad Dave/chip and many others showing us all a little bit more of themselves. I would recommend this tour to all our members. EXCELLENT.
she is a cutie
I have just given myself a trophy for achieving my 1,000th post.......he he he
I think I will sell it to Chip to reward members who achieve this lofty status. [hmm]
I have just given myself a trophy for achieving my 1,000th post.......he he he
I think I will sell it to Chip to reward members who achieve this lofty status. [hmm]
Your just spoiled rotten,hope you send one to me when I reach this point >:D
;D Well since this is members pictures and I have finally got my lazy ass back into my old Imageshack account. Will try to post a couple of photo`s of my daughter who ran away abt 3 weeks ago to ice skate in the shows on 8 month contract in Spain. Lots of grease paint and costumes. Didnt even recognise her.He,He
(http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/7990/178rb2.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)(http://)
hope that worked
Very nice Tex.....my 24yr old son says, and I quote ''wow she's fit'' and that is a tribute coming from that young stud...LOL
Very nice Tex.....my 24yr old son says, and I quote ''wow she's fit'' and that is a tribute coming from that young stud...LOL
big breaths,and I`m only 19. He He.
Fuzzy...are you pervin on the girls??
It is so sad that there are so many sick perverts out there on BeBo MySpace and Facebook. An innocent picture of my daughter complete with extra make up for the show. The same one I posted on here(reply 219). They are calling her a P*ki bitch and Islamic wh*re,(I realise this is not politically correct). What is up with these sad people, do they not have a life,or do they intend spending their life in the gutter.Did their father or mother never take them to the pantomime to see "Alladin" assuming they knew their father. They are all from UK and mainly Scotland.
Thank goodness we on convivea have not stooped that low,not that we would let them. If there is anyone out there with the technical know how to stop this crap ,I can supply IP addresses and handles etc via PM.
It is so sad that there are so many sick perverts out there on BeBo MySpace and Facebook. An innocent picture of my daughter complete with extra make up for the show. The same one I posted on here(reply 219). They are calling her a P*ki bitch and Islamic wh*re,(I realise this is not politically correct). What is up with these sad people, do they not have a life,or do they intend spending their life in the gutter.Did their father or mother never take them to the pantomime to see "Alladin" assuming they knew their father. They are all from UK and mainly Scotland.
Thank goodness we on convivea have not stooped that low,not that we would let them. If there is anyone out there with the technical know how to stop this crap ,I can supply IP addresses and handles etc via PM.
Don't let them get to you Tex, that is what they want!!....instead, feel sorry for the, poor mentally deficients.
Well after ten days of 25oF and around 24" of snow a new record breaking the last one set 40 years ago with a "White" Christmas to boot ...... a picture of my Jeep and Mustang.
Happy New Year ..... everyone !!!
;D Great photo fuzzy.
Might have cleaned yer windscreen,lol
Happy New Year
that is what i will be wearing MinLo.....Gibbler will wear dresses, but i will wear the pants...lol
hehe.. handsome git.. ..;)
hehe.. handsome git.. ..;)
I know Gibbler, so name the day, and I will make an honest woman of yer lol xxx [eyes]
i/ll buy a good supply of viagra for ur guyz wedding present....since good ole Billy/s got 30+years on Gibby, he/s gonna need all the help he can get to keep with Gibb...LoL
i/ll buy a good supply of viagra for ur guyz wedding present....since good ole Billy/s got 30+years on Gibby, he/s gonna need all the help he can get to keep with Gibb...LoL
STFU...MinLo!!!!!!.....I told her I been working out [max]
(http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/3176/billygibrv9.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
(http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/billygibrv9.jpg/1/w212.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img216/billygibrv9.jpg/1/)
Thadda Boy Billy.....perfect placing of the head..... :D
Take off the tophat......unless Gibb's into hats.....LOL
She could have some kind of hat fetish...... ;D
Now all ya gotta do is stick ur tongue out and turn around :P (http://www.smileyarena.com/emoticons/Main/Humour/ass3.gif)
pop some of MinLo's wedding present (http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/711/viagramu0.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
then pump (http://www.smileyarena.com/download.aspx?File=emoticons/Main/Humour/pumpup.gif)
and there will be a happy wedding (http://www.smileyarena.com/emoticons/Main/Adult/onbed.gif)
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I might have to delete my own post......... 8)
eat yer heart out MinLo...she didn't complain [eyes]
ooops....pic too big [wacko]
OMG thats TERA!!!!!!!!
How could you Billy???????? >:( >:( >:(
I thought we were buddies...........
I knew something was weird about our friendship
You were like my GRANDPA!!!!!!!!!
Tera has Brown hair dyed red........ :D
How much did she charge Billy???? ??? ??? j/k ;D :D ;D :D ;D
She cost me a lot MinLo, had to get her drunk, and boy could she put the vodka away [happy]
She cost me a lot MinLo, had to get her drunk, and boy could she put the vodka away [happy]
Vodka = $30.00
Gas to drive her back to your house = $5.00
Cigarettes =$4.00
One nite of fun with a beautiful young lady that ends up with Billy sleeping with her =
[rofl] [agree] [beerchug] [agree] [rofl]
For your info MinLo, that girl is my daughter Adele [slap]
you guys are nuts! :D
Heeeey....Gibbler...please leave our nuts out of this [max]
For your info MinLo, that girl is my daughter Adele [slap]
I had a feeling it was yer daughter !!!
In was in the back of my head because I remember telling you that she was pretty.....
And you told me she was took by some good chap.......
You posted the pic here or on DK......
Ya sick bastard.....LOL
I'd have to say you have a more dirty mind than myself Billy.....And that's quite accomplishment :D :D :D
If I go to hell yer coming with me Billy...... >:D >:D >:D
@Gibb.....you can keep my nuts in the discussion as long as you don't hurt them.... he he he
*Tera slaps MinLo across the face*
If Kyo was still active here, I could see these last couple posts gettin even dirtier....... ;D
I miss Kyo's humor!!!!It was awesome :D
aaaaaw...our Kyo...sniff...I still speak to him occasionally when we happen to be on MSN at the same time, last time we spoke he was nearly finished college.
I will certainly go to hell with you MinLO, if only to push you into the abbyss. [shifty]
will you ask Terra if she found my mobile under your bed please [eyes]
we found your cell......
you have missed calls from:
George Michael
Miss Coco Peru
Rev. V. Gene Robinson
Boy George
you got sent a text with this link......the message said somebody has responded to your question with an answer!
http://forums.about.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?msg=6835&nav=messages&webtag=ab-gaylife (http://forums.about.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?msg=6835&nav=messages&webtag=ab-gaylife)
LOL ;D :D ;D ;D :D ;D LOL
Billy I think we should just ban ourselves to get over with what may happen to us in the near future
you wanted me to cover my eyes?? oops. :P ??? >:D ^-^ :o
If you see anything that offends you Jchen, feel free to karma smack the offender...errr...except me [shifty]
Me aka DrunKnJSD
Me aka DrunKnJSD
Me aka DrunKnJSD
Just joined this forum and here is me :)
Me and my son William...
William graduated from Manchester University UK yesterday, He is now a Doctor of Philosophy.
I am soooooo proud of him.........
[beerchug] And so you should be Billy. Another great achievement and another happy memory.
Hope you got william a pint of "boddies" ;D Well done.
congratulations [beerchug]
thankyou, and welcome to Convivea Sandra ;D
My Tatto
Me and my son William...
William graduated from Manchester University UK yesterday, He is now a Doctor of Philosophy.
I am soooooo proud of him.........
Now that is something to be proud of! I think we all know where he got his smarts from.
Me and my son William...
William graduated from Manchester University UK yesterday, He is now a Doctor of Philosophy.
I am soooooo proud of him.........
Now that is something to be proud of! I think we all know where he got his smarts from.
It can't be me Syn and it certainly wasn't his mum.................hmmmmmmmmmm [hmm].................LOL
MINLO ! ! ! ! [mad] [max]
Great to see some faces to all the posts!!! Maybe someday when i work out HOW !! I will add mine !! LOL
Me and my son William...
William graduated from Manchester University UK yesterday, He is now a Doctor of Philosophy.
I am soooooo proud of him.........
Now that is something to be proud of! I think we all know where he got his smarts from.
It can't be me Syn and it certainly wasn't his mum.................hmmmmmmmmmm [hmm].................LOL
MINLO ! ! ! ! [mad] [max]
Sorry Billy I was gonna tell ya but i couldn't find the right time...... ;D ;D ;D
New one.. O0
woooo hoooo Janine...I need a new pin up for my bedroom [eyes] [eyes]
lol billy.. you cheeky bugger.. [rolleyes]
Miss all of you guys!
nice pics:)
Beautiful girl!
hi dear!
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