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Messages - Quantum

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Computers - Technology / Re: New project no 2
« on: July 17, 2008, 10:53:19 am »
If that was the monitor and keyboard to that computer I'd tell tex to do that anyway  :P

Gaming / Re: Farcry 2
« on: July 16, 2008, 07:21:02 am »
It looks fantastic, I think it's funny how much prettier it looks than Afrika which is supposed to be just about look pretty in an African style environment.

Browsers / Re: The Best Firefox Add-Ons
« on: July 16, 2008, 07:19:12 am »
1) Firebug
Essential if you do any web development, especially javascript stuff.

2) Downloadthemall!
A really good power user download manager

3) ReloadEvery
Reload every given period of time

4) Undo Close Tab Button
Oh my god this saves me so much time!

All really good, I especially recommend 7-zip as a brilliant WinZip/WinRAR alternative.

Computers - Technology / Re: Live Mesh Is Now Open
« on: July 16, 2008, 07:14:44 am »
I like this whole cloud thing, I just don't really trust Microsoft with my data, wait for other good competing services I think  :)

Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: Feature Requests...
« on: July 10, 2008, 08:04:27 pm »
Both Firefox and IE use magnifying glasses as their search icon.

And speaking of making it more "browser like" it would be awesome if middle click had the same functionality as in browsers, i.e:

Middle Click Search Button = Open Search in New Tab
Middle Click Tab = Close that Tab

General Discussion / Re: Bad/Sad News - My Computer = Dead :(
« on: July 10, 2008, 08:44:16 am »
Awesome Chip  ;D

Sorry I couldn't help with moneys, but if you ever do come across the pond, be sure to drop a bell!

Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: Feature Requests...
« on: July 09, 2008, 07:38:58 am »
It would be nice to have a very recognisable "new tab" button  :)

However, if icons are introduced, it'd be nice to have localized tooltips for them as well.

Computers - Technology / Re: connecting two computers
« on: July 06, 2008, 01:15:10 am »
Have you set both them up on the same local network?

Go to Control Panel and find "network setup wizard", run this on both computers and make sure they have different computer names but the same workgroup name. Restart both of them.

Then you should be able to access the shared folders in "My Network Places", if you don't know where that is, look it up in the help or something.

Computers - Technology / Re: New project no 2
« on: July 03, 2008, 08:46:53 am »
Correct again Quantum, nvidia have released  top of the line GPU cards GeForce 260 and 280. Look very impressive for any gamers out there. Sorry forgot to post link,but info on nvidia web site. Checking on prices.

They're good on performance, but not so good on the price/performance ratio, the GTX280 occasionally gets outperformed by the 9800GX2 which is £80 less and also occasionally gets outperformed by AMDs new 4870 which considerably less!

AMDs 4850 and 4870 are blowing away nvidia's line-up on price/performance ratio and there's talk of a super-4870 and the 4870 X2 comes out in less than a month. This with nvidia's defective laptop GPUs that they announced today, has make nvidia's stock take a nose dive. Looks like the GPU market will once again be extremely competitive by the end of this year, AMD is getting a big enough leg up to take nvidia on again seriously, with Intel jumping in the GPU bandwagon in the next couple of years it should make a very promising experience for consumers.

General Discussion / Re: I'm Voting Republican
« on: July 03, 2008, 08:38:02 am »

Yeah, never mind about the huge economic benefit of being in the EU, the fact that the treaty would give us more power in the EU and help it actually function and reduce the bureaucracy.

Sorry Quantum. Its all Bul*shit. The bureauarcy couldnt get any worse

I agree! The bureaucracy is awful in the EU at the moment, because we've expanded the number of member states without changing the system to cope with the number of states, as you increase the number of states under the current system the complexity increases exponentially. That's why we need a new system.

Just one huge bandwagon  to feed the huge salaries that your bureaucrats are presently getting. They are crippling the EU with their idiotic rules. And the UK has been at the end of these rules. Try telling the French farmers that they have been millking the system too long and see what an uproar this will produce,!! In the meantime EU keeps on piling more and more sanctions on our fishermen but allows Spanish fleets to catch as much as they want in UK waters. Yes give me a salary of £360,000 pa and I would be willing to sort some of these greedy b*stards out and offer some common sense to what a common market is all about. Bureacarcy is at its all time high and we dont need to be joining these sleeze balls.

I agree, but in less harsh terms and would more carefully support the pros of the EU as well. But your main points are right:

* Governments and ministers in the EU milk the undeserved benefits for all they can (and just because you don't hear about it as much in the British press, don't think the British don't do it as well)
* Member states push forward idiotic rules and end up make some situations ridiculously complicated (and it is member states, don't think it magically comes out from Europe and we can just blame Europe for it, we're part of the problem we are pushing forward the idiotic rules).

To solve this we need to:

* Reduce the complexity of voting
* Make it so some member of the council of ministers can't just push forward some stupid policy regardless of democratic and economic interests
* Completely open up the legislative and financial process to public scrutiny
* Create a system where the EU can have governed directions so we are actually a global economic player

The EU constitution pushed forward a little on these points and The Treaty of Lisbon half-heartedly pushes forward on most of these points. However the anti-EU crowd that understand this deploy propaganda to make it look like they do the opposite, because they know keeping the current system is more frustrating for people that what would be achieved under a new reformed system which gives them more fodder to attack the EU.

General Discussion / Re: I'm Voting Republican
« on: July 02, 2008, 09:50:20 pm »
Where the hell do you find this lot
Its probably similar to UK government. ie. We dont care what you think, we are going to do what we want to do. Gordan Brown throwing us into a EU treaty which we dont want,no referendum from the people. Such an As*hole. Sooner Labour goes bye,byes the better.. They are crippling the working class with their taxes and poor performance.

Yeah, never mind about the huge economic benefit of being in the EU, the fact that the treaty would give us more power in the EU and help it actually function and reduce the bureaucracy. Let's go with Conservatives who wouldn't have gone with the minimum wage, wouldn't of pushed for workers rights and still single out sections of society to blame for all the problems like single mothers, that's going to work out well.

I agree the tax system is screwed up when you take in to account of all taxes the poor pay a much bigger % of their wage than the rich, but that's nothing new under Labour and I have absolutely no doubt that the Conservatives will enhance this considerably as all right wing parties do in a capitalist society.

Computers - Technology / Re: New project no 2
« on: July 01, 2008, 08:20:26 am »
Guess they changed the links, still keep an ear to the tech news, might be useful.

Computers - Technology / Re: New project no 2
« on: June 29, 2008, 09:50:21 am »
Awesome  ;D sounds like you've had a lot of fun doing that. Getting your computer finely tuned to it's optimum is a lot of fun.

You looking in to these new PhysX drivers? Should be able to make a real jump in your 3DMark performance,news-28597.html

Computers - Technology / Re: wireless broadband routers
« on: June 29, 2008, 09:43:42 am »
Routers are like graphics cards, you can read specs and marketing nonsense till the cows come home, it's all about benchmarks, benchmarks and reviews.

If you find some good reviews go for it, but keep these in mind:

* You need draft n cards to get the draft n signal
* Mixed signals (any combination draft n and g/a/b) can reduce the performance of a router dramatically, check out benchmarks in the area if you can. You might only be using the g signal for now, but you'll probably want to upgrade in steps to n eventually.

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