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Messages - Quantum

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Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: why che? freeware application?
« on: May 14, 2008, 01:41:05 am »
thanks for your respond..

wel in my case i have experienced getting the pop up even when i use the  "return" / "Enter" button on my keyboard after typing the search phrase or even just by clicking on the "search" button...

currently using 1.0 60 build

thats why i was so anoyed by it to uninstall it.. i will give it another try as i think its one of very usefull applications

I used to get that, wasn't able to reproduce it though recently so didn't report it as a bug, also found it very annoying.

Computers - Technology / Re: New project no 2
« on: May 13, 2008, 09:20:55 am »
I don't know Intel mobos very well, but I've never had anything but problems with ASUS mobos, so even though the high end ones are supposed to be the best I still avoid all ASUS products.

I don't know why you linked to that article, it even says what I said:

"So if you want to fully utilize your physical memory of 4 GB or more in Windows Vista, the only way is to install 64-bit Windows Vista operating system"

It's not that 32 bit CAN'T take 4 GiB, it's just not going to use it very well.

The 9000 series is only a slight revamp of the 8800GT, so it's not exactly old. Not telling you to go with all the latest stuff, but some times they have a better price/ performance point than older stuff. It's not worth excluding a product just because it's new, they don't have the same kind of premium that they used to, it's a very competitive market.

Computers - Technology / Re: New project no 2
« on: May 13, 2008, 04:15:40 am »
What OS and how much RAM are you going for?

Also you looked at the VelociRaptor hard drive if you're going for gaming?

Just getting the hang of Vista 32 and havent had any problems and will stay with Vista, Is there much of a difference on 64 bit?.
Will probably run max 4GB ram for now at 800 dual memory.  The VP hard drive, do you have a link? Is that 10,000rpm instead of 7,200rpm. Will probably start playing some games as I find more time. Tks

What's the point of having 4 GiB of memory when 32 bit versions of windows can't effectively use more than 2? (They can use more than 2, you just don't get the same performance benefits).

Here's a quick review of the drive:

Yes it's 10'000 RPM, 300 GB. A faster hard drive should make everything from loading windows to bootting applications snappier, load times on games are reduced but not much more (you don't see the difference with gradual small data chunks being loaded like during the level of a game).

Also if you're not gaming then why the very excessive graphics system and have you looked at the alternatives? Especially the 4870 X2 that's supposed to be out in a week to 2 weeks time.

Computers - Technology / Re: New project no 2
« on: May 13, 2008, 02:19:43 am »
What OS and how much RAM are you going for?

Also you looked at the VelociRaptor hard drive if you're going for gaming?

Computers - Technology / Re: Windows XP Service Pack 3
« on: May 11, 2008, 09:16:44 pm »
Is this worth me installing? Is it technically "out" yet? I don't really want to be installing a virtual beta version of it...

Yes it's technically out now, not it's not a beta version. Either download the partial version from the windows update site (this will work out which bits of it you don't need because you'll already have a whole load of security updates) or download the full version here:

Computers - Technology / Re: One for you Quantum et-all
« on: May 04, 2008, 09:00:02 am »
;D just a short update on the his x1950 pro q3 ice agp graphics card. using the e4500 core 2 duo processor, i didnt realise i could change bios at start up to 1066 fsb which cpu supports. now getting better results . original cpu at 2.2ghz now at 3.3ghz with room for much more. futuremark 3d results now well into the 6500 score. broadband speeds on toast over 7mb. graphics are good but nothing like the scores on the 8800gt sli rig over 13000 marks now).
still testing.

Be careful about overclocking too much, ultimately no matter how carefully you overclock it does increase wattage and does reduce the life of a CPU, if you increase voltage it does this even more so.

Gaming / Re: Ban this filth
« on: April 29, 2008, 10:03:00 am »
Propaganda. You have hit the nail on the head. When a young person has the choice of sitting down and pouring over a manual,or watching explicit details  step by step visual instructions on a video with someone actually showing them how to do it ??. Mind you, we are talking altered video`s by those who wish to inject their hatred on general mankind. Normal video games are not in question here. And dont forget that a lot of young ones in todays society have poor skills at reading and video footage is more appealing.

Your original link was in fact asking to ban normal video games.

Video footage maybe, I doubt terrorist organisations currently have the technical competence to make even mildly interesting video games.

Gaming / Re: Ban this filth
« on: April 28, 2008, 06:18:16 am »

You honestly think a Video Game can teach people to kill someone more than a James Bond movie or a spy novel?  ::)

Yes.! Very much so.  People recognise James Bond for what it is "a movie for entertainment". But an altered video game showing precise details on how to make a bomb,and making it seem that this is a great idea on how to serve your leaders is another.

So does a bomb making manual, much better as well. Where do video games come in to play as an more significant than current propaganda?

Gaming / Re: Ban this filth
« on: April 27, 2008, 09:34:26 am »

You honestly think a Video Game can teach people to kill someone more than a James Bond movie or a spy novel?  ::)

Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: Build 6 virus reports
« on: April 27, 2008, 12:33:44 am »
Are these false positives?

Yes, at a guess it's to do with the new packer that Bit Che uses.

Gaming / Re: Ban this filth
« on: April 26, 2008, 08:13:15 am »
Would you not agree that modern technology has made it easier for fanatics to get to the young ones in their society. ie. you hand over a video that has been altered to show good over evil to a young person when in fact it is evil over good.

I would not

A percentage of these teenagers will run with the idea and think they are doing the right thing for the "cause" and kill/maim anyone that happens to be on site.

None that wouldn't have been swayed by a fanatical speech

We are all surely aware that random killings are against moral calls from any religion. All religions have been guilty over the centuries of horrific acts of violence. But why in this 21st century do we still have clerics who wish to take us back to pagan days.

Same reason we have politicians that want to take us back to "Victorian Values", most people are generally not that clever or rational.

Music - Movies - TV / Re: Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
« on: April 18, 2008, 11:53:28 pm »
Not that I agree 100% with what you posted Quantum (nice if you posted where you ascertained those statements) but the topic at hand is: go and watch the film first; then post your thoughts... ;)


I watched the trailer and found its out of context references intellectually offensive, I'm not going to watch the film.

I am at heart a mathematician and a scientist, I've worked in and around the scientific community. While I've not got to the point where I've got published papers, I'm more than confident that I will get there. These statements come from experience and intellectual analysis, something that that trailer seemed to lack completely.

I'm more than willing to have a discussion on anything I've said, I am open minded about things, and if you can point out where I'm wrong and give good reason I would be more than willing to concede a point, that said I'm fairly confident in my statements.

Computers - Technology / Re: My new project
« on: April 18, 2008, 09:15:04 am »
As usual MS screw up a simple upgrade to vista from winxp. I`m on other pc at moment.
Followed all the instructions to upgrade. It loaded all the files etc but never got to the welcome page. Wont boot up to vista. Setup is still available, and changed boot up to cd-rom etc, no luck.
So I now have pc with no vista or winxp.
Its only when I used this pc to check out vista problems on upgrades, that I found that this is a common problem which MS have yet to fix. Cd-rom was vista home premium edition.
Any thoughts on how to get my winxp back. Tried booting up with winxp cd-rom which was ok .Hit repair etc but no luck. It will allow me to completely format drive. YUK!. Maybe I`ll sleep on it tonight and decide in morning.

Try doing a straight install of Vista. When I did that it moved all the documents and settings and program files to a folder called windows.old, so you can cut and past them to where you want. Worth a try, maybe.

(it gives you this option during before having to actually install, so you can back out beforehand if needs be).

Computers - Technology / Re: My new project
« on: April 17, 2008, 12:41:47 pm »
Just a simple 20" Acer 1680x1050. Resolution should not have to be reliant on a bigger screen size. Otherwise we will all be sitting in front of a 42" flat
My little computer den is built in under the stairs, off the kitchen,and believe you me the 20" screen is more than adequate. Hopefully quality will increase soon along with better resolution for this size.

With Vista 32 bit cd-rom .Can I install directly over the winxp ,or do I have to formatt and start all over again?

There should be an upgrade process if you stick the Vista disk in, it should manage all your programs and settings and import them in to Vista.

I've got a little old 19 inch CRT here with 1600 x 1200. High quality for the win, bring on the ultra clear scalable vector interfaces already! Plus it's about time we got some serious colour depth from our monitors, none of this 6 bit nonsense from TFTs, bring on displayport and a full 10 bit!

Look forward to the day when I can get a much better quality monitor than I have now.

Music - Movies - TV / Re: Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
« on: April 17, 2008, 01:46:04 am »
What science is and what science isn't:

Science isn't belief.

Science is a hypothesis which states something about the natural world. Scientific theories must correlate to the real world, they must be able to make predictions about events, they must testable with empirical evidence, reproducible AND above all there must be a method to prove them wrong (kind of comes with testable, but worth re-state).

Intelligent design is theology not science, there is no way to test for it, there is way to make predictions with it, there is no way to gather empirical evidence on it and it is a belief.

I find it hilarious that he used that argument that living in Galileo's time wouldn't of been an issue if he had published that article! Of course not! Galileo was put under house arrest for arguing that the Earth revolved around the Sun!

Articles have to be well edited and thoroughly peer-reviewed to go in prestigious scientific journal. If the editor decided to put in and defended something that wasn't well peer-reviewed, wasn't scientific and just propagated a theological view point without any good understanding of science or mathematics then it doesn't surprise me that he found it difficult to seriously carry on science after that.

Free speech is tolerated! To say that it isn't is naive and quite frankly foolish. You don't see the Communist manifesto in republican weekly. Science has always been harsh and critical to those ideas which aren't scientific and are new. There are good reasons for this, non-scientific ideas are non-testable and just waste scientists times (think astrology and alchemy, they aren't seriously taken anymore).

New ideas are harshly treated so they have chance to prove themselves, if they can survive and show themselves and flourish to be true in such a harsh environment, then it's a good test to make sure these ideas are just concocted artificially in the minds of scientists. If you want to disprove evolution (and I'm not using the world Darwinism because that has been horrible twisted and tortured by people who don't understand evolution) then come up with testable, predictable, empirical science.

Evolutionary psychology (Nazism to Planned Parenthood) is a pseudo-science, it mimic's science. It makes the fatal flaw that most pseudo-science's make, which is to make predictions about things which have already happened. This means it can claim to be 100% correct, reproducible and testable, but this is in fact rubbish, because it can't do any of this, because the whole point of a scientific hypothesis is to be able to predict things. My observation of evolutionary psychology, is like most pseudo-sciences, is that it exists to further the political aims of the people who spout it, these are usually sexist aims and occasionally racists ones. They often use the argument that society is how it is because that's who we are, so we shouldn't change this and I've even heard it be used to conclude that liberal independent women are the downfall of modern society.

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