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Messages - Quantum

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True nothing is 100%
But isn't it better to have something rather than nothing? What would you suggest Quantum?

But there's no evidence that people who use this are even 1% more safe. This is from a public list of IPs, so all the MPAA or the RIAA have to do is use a different IP that's not part of their registered companies one, that's the easiest thing in the world to do and it's not even like it's illegal.

I've never particularly trusted its effectiveness and also its been known to much up steam, so thanks, but no thanks.

Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: PC Tools Antivirus...
« on: October 24, 2007, 08:40:31 am »
Probably because there is an "x.exe" in the Bit Che folder, tags it on the name alone. I don't use an anti-virus these days, but I remember it being a problem when I did.

General Discussion / Re: I Finally Got Caught - HELP
« on: October 20, 2007, 10:48:49 am »
Another option to get rid of AL those nasty agency's that are watching what you download is to download PeerGuardian.
It monitors al your contacts and automatically refuses all the ip's that are known to be from governmental institutes or anty pear to pear networks, you can even shut out specific ip's and also university ip's an ip ranges.
It is a nice small program not only useful for torrent downloading but also for other sharing systems,
I should take a look at it :)

PeerGuardian breaks some games and has dubious effectiveness. If a company wants to spy on people, they will likely not use their publically listed IP. Also the RIAA rarely present any evidence at all that the person in question is responsable for the actions that they claim.

Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: problem registering bitche
« on: October 16, 2007, 12:33:20 pm »
hello i have registered to this forum with this id but i cant register the bit che guevara version why????

You can't just get the Guevara Edition by registering to the forum, you need to do one of the things on this list:

General Discussion / Rules: Read before posting a new article!
« on: October 16, 2007, 12:26:43 pm »
  • Don't link to news articles where you have to sign up to view the page

  • Please include a quote from the news article summarizing the story, it should be about 1 paragraph and not the whole article: e.g:

Scientists think they have found a new species of giant plant-eating dinosaur, Futalognkosaurus dukei, that roamed the Earth some 80m years ago.

It would have measured at least 32m (105ft) in length, making it one of the biggest dinosaurs ever found, Argentine and Brazilian palaeontologists say.


General Discussion / Re: Firefox 2 Beta 2
« on: October 11, 2007, 11:15:11 pm »
Well if you're interested at all, apparently getting Firefox 3 to be as bugless free as the developers would like it proving to be quite a challenge. As it stands there will now be an alpha 9 as a lot of the bugs that need to be fixed to achieve 'beta quality' won't be fixed until milestone 10. Which means Firefox 3 final probably won't be out till early 2008.

P2P - Filesharing / Re: HDbits banned clients
« on: October 11, 2007, 11:14:12 pm »
Possibility of cheating, they don't want to have to deal with legacy clients and potential security holes. uTorrent is a prime example, it's possible to cheat the server with one of those recent 1.7.x versions.

Computers - Technology / Re: HP new gaming system.
« on: October 11, 2007, 11:12:09 pm »
There's a review of it at Anandtech, they say it's surprisingly competitively priced. The actual parts with a cheap case could be done for cheaper than HP offers, but the parts + the case works out at probably not a lot more if you could buy the case separately.

Scripts & Development / Re: Update TorrentSpy script?
« on: October 11, 2007, 12:29:52 am »
sort of off topic but do u guys know if a they have a site like that for demonoid canadian users? because i would sure like to have my demonoid account back lol

Doesn't the actual demonoid tracker block Canadian IPs? So even if you could search the site it would kind of be pointless without setting your torrent client to proxy, which would slow down it considerably I imagine.

Computers - Technology / Re: Firewall Software
« on: October 10, 2007, 09:09:37 am »
Hello. I'm alse new to Bit Che. I can't seem to get Windows OneCare Live to recognise Bit Che and allow it to access the internet. Anyone out there with the same problem or a solution? I'd appreciate any CONSTRUCTIVE help! Everyone has opinions on firewalls and other programs! Thanks guys!

I'd post a separate topic about this, I've never encountered this issue.

Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: Suggestion - Dates
« on: October 10, 2007, 12:16:22 am »
Yes a dates column would be useful and has unsurprisingly been suggested many a time before. IT was originally not included as a concern that it's not a universal thing. However Chip is supposed to be adding it for Bit Che Build 60, or as it will likely be a Bit Che v2.

Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: Suggestion
« on: October 09, 2007, 11:10:13 am »
Hmmm, I'm not convinced on this, Bit Che would have to create a second api interface that other programs communicated results to it through. Furthermore it would be potentially fraught with security issues, Bit Che could not guarantee the safety of a closed source independently compiled self-executing module. Not to mention there's the potential of corrupting Bit Che in some way if the interface isn't well designed enough.

Would it not be more practical to make the scripting language even more powerful than it currently is?

Music - Movies - TV / Re: [TV] House M.D.
« on: October 09, 2007, 09:09:47 am »
Anyone watch this show? I have seen all the seasons so far, and season 4 just started. Episode 3 is on tonight. So far I don't like how the original characters are gone, but change has got to happen sometime. I'm sure we'll still see them around.

I'm loving season 4 so far, brilliant writing to say the least.

Music - Movies - TV / Re: [TV] Heroes
« on: October 09, 2007, 09:05:50 am »
For some reason the season 2 of heroes is not doing it for me. I've been trying to watch them but I lose interest half way through the episode. How do you like the season 2 so far?

I'm enjoying it so far but it certainly hasn't got to the thrilling cliff hangers that season 1 had, hope it gets there soon.

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