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Messages - Quantum

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General Discussion / Re: emoticons
« on: October 08, 2007, 09:16:48 am »
More emotions could be cool, but could we keep it to fairly subtle ones, not stupidly big ones with lots of bright animation (like from my experiance a lot of Chinese forums have) it just makes posts looks ghastly.

Computers - Technology / Re: Laptop data. Urgent help needed
« on: October 08, 2007, 09:12:40 am »
The only way I can think that might help you out, without taking the hard drive out of your case, is by running a live Linux CD. Download something like Ubuntu:

Burn it to CD and boot from your laptop, you can run the whole OS without writing anything to the hard drive or formatting it. In the mean time go on the help forums: explain your situation and ask if it's possible to use the live CD, assuming the hard drive is o.k, to access the hard drive and copy the data to another computer. It might be a bit technical, but I reckon you've got a good shot if it's just windows crashing and not the hard drive dying.

Bugs & Feature Requests / Bug (Very Minor): Bit Che logo location
« on: October 07, 2007, 01:10:35 pm »
The Bit Che logo stays at the bottom left of the results field when you resize, but not when you move up or down.

Bugs & Feature Requests / Feature Suggestion: Auto-update scripts
« on: October 07, 2007, 01:08:55 pm »
Would it be possible in the preference menu to have an option that was "auto-update scripts" and keep it hidden so it just does it. A lot of bugs that are spotted can quickly be rectified by update the scripts.

I would suggest to make it on by default, but others might think otherwise.

Bugs & Feature Requests / Bug (Very Minor): Menus
« on: October 07, 2007, 01:05:47 pm »
I don't think the menu system is very logically thought out. A few examples:

> In the about menus, both "Help" and "Forums" take you to the same place, I think either it should be called Help / Forums, or the Help should take you to Bit Che sub-forum.

> Update Scripts is under "tools", but Check for Updates is under "about". It seems to make sense that they both go under the same one and tools seems to make more sense.

> Options just has 1 thing to click, it seems to make sense either to make options to either be a button or under tools.

What do you think?

Bugs & Feature Requests / Bug: Default Language
« on: October 07, 2007, 12:54:21 pm »
The default Language selection is the first alphabetical one, now while I'm all about internationalisation, I don't think the largest demographic of users is Arabic.

Computers - Technology / Re: Help with router Aztech
« on: October 06, 2007, 05:39:44 am »
That's the worst support given on a website than I've seen from any other router provider, I thought Belkin were bad...

Best I can do is say trying e-mailing them:

Pose your problem politely and see if you get a solution.

Computers - Technology / Re: Help with router Aztech
« on: October 06, 2007, 01:23:59 am »
I agree, the problem is that the router doesn't support PPPoA mode but just PPPoE, and my provider works on PPPoA...

I didn't even know you could get routers which just supported PPPoE these days, are you sure there isn't a firmware update for it that adds functionality?

Computers - Technology / Re: Help with router Aztech
« on: October 05, 2007, 09:06:50 pm »
I think your problem is that your making your modem do all the DHCP work?

I really don't like the idea of connecting a modem to a router and using the router as a network box. It would make more sense to take the router out of bridge mode, type in your ISP username and password in to it and get it to connect to the internet and then connect everything to it.

Computers - Technology / Re: Wireless router speeds
« on: September 24, 2007, 08:24:47 am »
;D Absolutely no complaints with the present Netgear system which I have had in place for almost 2 years. Very reliable and  with 2 laptops and another pc running  on it, is more than sufficient. My question is. Are the latest routers worthwhile upgrading to? Is there much of an increase in speed (using broadband) and any recommendations.

Hmm, you're unlikely to see any increases in speeds when it comes to broadband usage. The typical broadband connection is 8mb/s | 0.5 mb/s, most wireless routers are 802.11g which is a maximum transfer rate of 54 mb/s, which is well above the needed 8, however most wireless connections rarely make this speed, but even under a weak connection you'll often find yourself getting more than 8. The only real time you need a faster connection is when you are transferring files from one computer to another, in which case the faster the better.

802.11g+ provides 108 mb/s but I think this is a proprietary standard and therefore some routers will support it and some won't, I don't think it's IEEE ratified. Some routers advertise themselves as 802.11n offering speeds of 300 mb/s+, now this is somewhat a con, as 802.11n has not be ratified by the IEEE, but rather, draft 1 and draft 2 have, however there will at least be a draft 3 before finalization. Companies employing this standard are causing some real problems, as in certain circumstances 802.11n can kill wireless networks running on 802.11g, b and a.

But in short, if it's to speed up broadband, it's likely unworth it.

General Discussion / Re: Firefox 2 Beta 2
« on: September 23, 2007, 11:59:16 am »
I know it's been out for a few days, but Firefox 3 Alpha 8:

It's shaping out to be really good, I'd recommend people give it a spin if they want when the Beta's start coming out. Though I have no idea when that's going to be, the schedule seems to be having really thrown off, the developers seems to have given up on timetables since the fiasco of Firefox 2 (trading in developments for getting things out on time. So yeah, alpha 6 was supposed to be the last alpha, there may be 1 or 2 more alpha yet, they're already calling the latest nightly builds pre-a9.

Edit: I've just been reading and they're planning for a Beta 1 for the next release rather than Alpha 9, pre-a9 is pegged for technical reasons. So should have a Firefox 3 Beta thread soon   :D

Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: Bit Che - 1.0 build 59
« on: September 23, 2007, 11:52:19 am »
Feature request:
Is it possible to add a scroll bar at the bottom. That way if you have many tabs saved like I do, you do not have to maximize the window to view them.

Also, remember sort.  I like to view them by latest realese in a series not by seeder.  But thats not an important feature just a "If you have spare time and feel like implementing it" request.

Once again, thanks for such a wonderful program.

Ahh it's a tough one that actually, I don't know if you're familiar but there was a similar bug in Firefox 1.5 and below, I think they tried about 40 different UI's and they all looked chunky or crap.

I suggest Chip takes a look at the latest nightly build of Firefox 3, alpha 8 is out as I post this ( )

Particularly try scrolling when you have loads of tabs open (make it different web pages or you don't quite get the effect). See what you think of its handling in general.

Music - Movies - TV / Re: [TV] Heroes
« on: September 23, 2007, 11:32:41 am »
I finished the entire season 1 in 4 days with my girlfriend O_O

September 14th   Heroes S1:E1      1 Episode
September 15th   Heroes S1:E2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10      9 Episodes
September 16th   Heroes S1:E11,12,13,14,15,16,17      7 Episodes
September 17th   Heroes S1:E18,19,20,21,22,23      6 Episodes

I'm such a loser.

Win! And you clearly have an awesome girlfriend.

I live with a bunch of friends from the Anime society and we often get together and do loads of geeky, including celebrating the video games holiday winter-een-mas. I assure you, 23 episodes in 4 days is nothing compared to the stuff we've done, we've done 1st season of 24 in 24 hours (1 episode, break till the hour, next episode etc..).

Geeks are awesome  :D

Computers - Technology / Re: Connection Speeds
« on: September 13, 2007, 10:52:21 pm »
I have 8mbps down 384kbps up... and my ISP has now tried to tell me that I uploaded 8GB yesterday and therefore gone over my limit... I think Quantum will back me up here in saying that it is not possible to upload 8GB in a day through a 384kbps connection!  >:(

I hope you've rang them and called them idiots.

384kbps = 48kBps = 2880kBp(min) = 172800kBp(hour) = 4147200kBp(day) =4050mBp(day) = 3.955gBp(day)

So you couldn't upload that much in 2 days, even on absolute theoretical maximum.

Computers - Technology / Re: Connection Speeds
« on: September 13, 2007, 10:15:59 am »
By the way Quantum and Synbios you did not post a speed result...wassup with that?!

Shared Internet connection, people always on and continuously downloading, so wouldn't nearly reflect my actual speed.

 ;D We are all in the same situation. When I posted, daughter was playing games on laptop. and better half was downloading photos from my camera. All on wireless connections.  Yes I suppose if I were on my own and hooked up directly to wired broadband my results would be better. Lets see them

Well I live with 3 girls in a house this year, so between music, videos and loads of unlicenced anime (stuff just come out in Japan and subtitled by fans, as it's not been licenced over here, it's not copyright infringement to download and watch) there's a lot of downloading going on. Our network connection is completely wired at the moment, but when I get a job I'll be looking at setting up a wireless router, so we can have either wired or wireless. I set up a wireless network at my mums place, they're not the easiest things in the world to set-up stabily, not a big fan of them.

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