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Messages - Synbios

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Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: Bit Che and uTorrent integration...
« on: November 15, 2006, 05:31:39 am »
I start up BitChe first and then let that open uTorrent once I find the torrent.

BUT..after uTorrent is already running, and I want to download another file, I think it would be more convenient to just open uTorrent and search in there than the have to go back and open BitChe again.

I think it would be pretty neat.

P2P - Filesharing / RSS downloader
« on: November 15, 2006, 03:57:50 am »
I don't have the FX channel so I download the nip/tuck episode every week. I would like to find an RSS downloader so my client downloads it automatically whenever it comes out (that's what an RSS feed is..right?)

Does anyone know how to find RSS feeds to set something like this up?

P2P - Filesharing / UseNeXT?
« on: October 29, 2006, 10:25:30 am »
I noticed on the download page on the uTorrent website they have a link for this program called UseNeXT.

Does anyone use this or know what it does? It looks sketchy, but why would uTorrent have a link for it?

Computers - Technology / Re: computer randomly restarts
« on: October 16, 2006, 02:52:49 pm »
This could happen for a bunch of reasons.
As EB has pointed out, this could happen from a computer overheating.

Also, it could be a quick BSOD, a driver error, or a windows error.

I hope it doesn't happen again, good luck.

General Discussion / Re: Heyyy guys!
« on: October 09, 2006, 05:19:12 am »
he's doing fine. haven't seen him in years but I talk to him online once in a while.

General Discussion / Re: Heyyy guys!
« on: October 08, 2006, 02:57:19 pm »
I don't really like the Mazda 6. If I were to get a 6 I would only get the MAZDASPEED6 which is around 30k..way out of my price range.

I like the 3 because it's sportier (and I like the three cylinders with the displays, one of the only cars I have seen with this feature). The 3s is actually the same hp as the base mazda 6 so the 3 is even faster because it's a lot lighter and more compact. Only the V6 mazda 6 or speed6 would be faster, both out of my price range anyway.

The car I REALLY like is the (reasonable) dream car right now.

My all time dream cars are either the F430 or Maserati Coupe

P2P - Filesharing / Re: Best Torrent Client
« on: October 08, 2006, 04:44:47 am »
uTorrent is an excellent client for people behind routers because of it's excellent UPnP support. If you have UPnP enabled in your browser, you don't even have to port forward. It's also just a really clean and quick client to begin with.

uTorrent is definitely my favorite, that's what I voted for.

General Discussion / Re: Heyyy guys!
« on: October 08, 2006, 04:37:14 am »
lol the Jag got totalled a couple years ago. wow it looks like I've REALLY been out of the picture.

I drive a 2005 Mazda 3 and my friend (platinum zelos, if anyone remembers him) got a 2004 SL500 to replace the old jag.

P2P - Filesharing / alternative to eDonkey?
« on: October 08, 2006, 02:38:13 am »
as many of you know, the edonkey2000 client was recently discontinued after encountering some more legal problems.

I was a big fan of this client, obviously not for speed but for it's ability to find super rare files. I think we can all agree that the eDonkey/Overnet network had more files than any other network. It was poorly designed and was pretty slow, but after a couple hours or days of downloading I could always find super rare trance tracks that I'm looking for.

Does anyone use eMule, eMule Plus, eMule xTreme, Shareaza, or any other edonkey clients? I'm having a hard time finding one that works well because there are so many options.

I would gladly ditch the eDonkey network if I found another one with the amount of files that it has to offer. Gnutella definitely cannot stand up, and BitTorrent is certainly not an alternative (since it's mainly for large, somewhat popular files)

« on: October 08, 2006, 02:32:03 am »
Verizon FiOS is amazing. Wireless routers are not. If I were you, I would make the best efforts to get a wired router and do the best you can to connect them via cable.

« on: October 07, 2006, 12:02:34 pm »
I wasn't aware that zone alarm was free. And I do think the Norton anti-virus is cocky and a bit overrated.

AVG is defintiely an awesome anti-virus.

Right now, I don't have an anti-virus.

General Discussion / Re: Firefox 2 Beta 2
« on: October 07, 2006, 08:15:40 am »
I know we're all stubborn and have our preferences. I like the idea of firefox extensions but there's just too many of them that do the same thing. I do use thunderbird as my main email client. Finding the right extension is a hassle, why not just download opera and have everything you need? Opera isn't bloated, it's still fast (starts up way faster than firefox*) and uses very little resources despite all the features it contains.

When I used firefox I never used the tabs because I thought they were weird. Opera's tabbing was the first browser I have ever used with tabs. The tabs make a lot more sense because each tab has it's own forward/back, etc buttons. It's a lot more intuitive and just makes a lot more sense. This is the main reason why I chose opera.

* = when I was using firefox, it was proven that it was the slowest loading browser. I don't know if they've improved it since then. Ever notice that firefox takes a while to open when you first double click it after booting up your computer?

General Discussion / Re: Firefox 2 Beta 2
« on: October 07, 2006, 05:02:53 am »
I felt bad abandoning firefox at first, but ever since Opera has become completely free (the free version used to have banners) I just couldn't turn back.

I just get annoyed when using firefox now, Opera has waaay more features.

« on: October 07, 2006, 04:59:42 am »
Windows XP SP2 firewall is completely useless, I have it disabled all the time. Software firewalls are also very stupid and useless. They are only good if you have downloaded a worm or some type of virus that communicates through the internet. If you have a good anti-virus you shouldn't have to worry about one. Do you think it's really necessary to block internet traffic from AIM or something? These programs are just hoaxes, annoying, and silly.

I also have another point to make across, nobody wants to hack you. period. Do you have some government top secret files? Some passwords or access codes to some state of the art biophysics nuclear reactor? I hate to break it to you but nobody wants to download your book report from 5th grade.

If you really are that paranoid, a hardware firewall that are built into most routers should suffice. If you really do download some nasty virus or file from the internet by accident, an anti-virus should take care of you.

To sum up, my recommendation:
- Disable Windows XP firewall completely
- Don't use software firewalls
- Get a router, and port forward the ports that you need
- Get a decent anti-virus, and keep the definitions up to date
- Don't download or open risky files (espectially small .exe files, we all know this)
- Use a secure browser like Opera or Firefox, I haven't tried the new IE but I will never use IE again anyways

P2P - Filesharing / Re: So how are you p2p'ing?
« on: October 07, 2006, 02:57:25 am »
My setup:

- BitChe with uTorrent 1.6 for movies and big files. (and the weekly Nip/Tuck episode :))

- Limewire PRO 4.12.6 for all the popular music singles

- Shareaza with Gnutella1/2 and eDonkey enabled for rare small files, mostly trance/techno mp3's

I really don't like Shareaza that much and I realize it hasn't been updated in a year, I used to use eDonkey 2000 Pro instead.  Since eDonkey has been discontinued, I don't know how else to get on the Overnet/eDonkey network where all my favorite rare files are. I guess eMule is an option. I tried eMule, eMule Plus, and eMule Xtreme, but they all seem just as bad as Shareaza.

Does anyone else have an alternative to get super-rare files?

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