Hi all,
I have a older IBM T23 laptop a sweet little unit the specs are -
INTEL P3 m, 1GHZ, 20GB Hard drive, 1GB ram, one (1) hot swapable bay consisting of (1) 3 1/2" floppy or (1) DVD/CD play-record or (1) extra battery or (1) extra hard drive, running Windows 2000 Pro w/ NT.
I have a new 100GB 7200 RPM hard drive to install in it but I'm not quite sure if I can install it in the swapable bay tray I have for it, and copy over the Operating System and the IBM "Firmware" from the factory hard drive to my new 100GB, because it can run two (2) hard drives, but then it has no floppy or DVD/CD. Then all I would have to do is install the new hard drive and toss the 20GB factory one.
I'm just not sure, has anyone attempted such a thing ??