Thanks Din......ITS FRICKEN AWESOME!!!!......I got the unlimited plan like you suggested..... ;)Why would anyone pay more for a per data connection like 50 gigs/month {$30} when unlimeted is only $15???
No problem man. It all seems a bit daunting at first doesnt it, but its actually really east to get into, nzb files make everything so much easier. lol yeh I dunno why anyone would not get the unlimited either.
Is 600 KB/s good for a 5mb/384 connection???
Do a speedtest and see what you max speed is, you should find that 600KB/s is extremely close to that. Theroetically you should be getting 625KB/s, but this is very unlikely. Im on 4MB, and my theoretical max is 500KB/s, however speed tests give me around 480KB/s which is the speed I get when i download.
Are viruses common on Newsgroups???I know the obvious ways of avoiding viruses, like have a good idea what your dl'ing.....
I was wondering if it would be necessary to run my Real-time scanner?
Viruses are not common. As long you get your nzb files from verified sites (ie. where someone can say if it has) or failing that you download files that look ok and dont have weird filesizes. Ive never heard of anyone get a virus of newsgroups. I usually check bittorent tracker sites (ones that you have to register with) for the latest releases. Then use to search for that same release and download via newsgroups. If im feeling nice ill seed it on bittorent once it finishes.
Is there any need to run Peer Guardian while using?
I've read newsgroups are relatively safe but what if your grabbing massive amount of gig's, will your ISP take action or ask questions????There is tons of stuff that I'm seeming to like.....LOL
As long as your not using your ISP's newsserver you are ok, because then they will see exactly what you are downloading. As long as you have unlimited internet accesss, then they shouldnt have a problem. If they do get annoyed at constant use, then they will probably tell to reduce your usuage, probably send you a letter or email (they will complain about bandiwdth, not what your downloading as they cant prove anything illegal) at which point i would leave for another ISP.
No need to run Peerguardian (you only connect to your newssserver, not loads of random people like other P2P methods, so unless the RIAA runs newshosting, it doesnt, your safe)
Sorry for the game of 20 questions but you guys seem to have the best knowledge about things I become interested in 
just make sure to share the knowledge