Author Topic: To Anyone intrested in Tattooing  (Read 6921 times)


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To Anyone intrested in Tattooing
« on: August 15, 2010, 05:38:52 am »
 Hello Peeps Names Kevin I'm new to this site and think it just rocks.

I have picked up tattooing over the past year and one thing that has frustrated the most well trying to learn was the lack of information that is avalible online.

It has taken me some time but i have found a few really informative pdf and some good vids if anyone else is into tattooing and would like to help me form a bit of a Q&A / file share feel free to msg me and i can P2P some very good pdf files. The Tattooing comunity is way too closed liped on the subject of tricks and tips I feel if ya got a gift share it.

Kewl Beans Thanks for your time

Da_Kev_Bar O0

Offline chelseaman

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Re: To Anyone intrested in Tattooing
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2010, 08:00:28 am »
Hi Kevin,
Interesting subject. As one of the oldtimers on here and many years in the merchant navy,you would have thought I would be covered with tatoo`s from around the world.? Answer is no.! When I look at the thugs around me with their branding tatoo`s trying to say .Look at me I`m a hard man, or I belong to a certain club, it does nothing for me. Some very descret tatoo`s may be in order for some folks but why should I disfigure myself when I go to a christening or marriage cermony in short sleeved shirt on hot summers day. People who get tatoo`s over their visible body generally are saying I want to be noticed (look at me). My wife has a couple of descret tatoo`s on her body,but only I know where to look  ;D
sorry not for me. Generally I find most tatoo`s ugly and degrading.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2010, 08:14:24 am by chelseaman »
MAN U eat your heart out.
CHELSEA is here to sort your problems


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Re: To Anyone intrested in Tattooing
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2010, 03:04:26 pm »
Kewl thanks for the post but my subject wasn't getting tattoos it was giving them.

Everyone is entitled to there own opinion, I can respect yours, but i can tell you ppl get tattoos for many other reasons then just Hey look at me


Offline fuzzytomcat

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Re: To Anyone intrested in Tattooing
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2010, 03:26:05 am »
Hi Kevin,

I'm one of those "semi" old timers myself with several children and grand children and refer to one of the worlds oldest and most read manuscript or also the original language transcript of "Leviticus" chapter 19, verse 28
Please don't get me wrong I'm not a Bible thumper ... "BUT" ... If God says not to do something ... I'm not going to do it, and won't recommend doing something wrong to anyone else ......



EDITED MY POST ...... NO INSULT INTENDED !!! Kevin ..... just posting a old literary fact ..... good luck
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 10:47:37 am by fuzzytomcat »


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Re: To Anyone intrested in Tattooing
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2010, 09:44:13 am »
I can dig that Fuzzy and I can respect that.

   All i am trying to ask though was if anyone out there is into tattooing so i can share and possible swap information on Tattooing.

I dig you may not be into it and hey thats kewl too but i'm very into tattooing and just putting it out there for other folks who may be into it as well, i wasn't looking for whats right and whats wrong.

To Each There Own.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 02:29:40 pm by Da_Kev_Bar »


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Re: To Anyone intrested in Tattooing
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2010, 02:54:41 pm »
Reason for my post to begin with is all of the information out there that i was able to find you had to pay out the corn for i have managed to weed through a good many videos and only found them to be usless i did manage to get the Ultimate Tattoo Guide what just rocks btw highly recomended. but i'm after information on mixing your own greywashes, can i mix colour with a grey wash ie: blue & white to fade in waves all things i would like to know befor i take the needle to my skin i've manages to do 60% of my left arm and want to start blending in my backgrounds to finish it off

Kev  O0