Well hello everyone, I have had to come ot you for help again. So, heres' my problem. I have movies downloaded to my pc, and have everything that i needed to burn them with. But somehow even though i ahve tried to brun them 15 different ways i cant get them to playback on the tv. I have workied and worked on these suckers and still dont ahave a movie burnt. They play perfect on my pc but put them in the tv and they dont play. SO, just what the heck am i doning wrong?
I would appreciate any help that you older members can give me. Cause i am about as frustratated as any one human can be. I am tryinmg to learn this stuff on my own, but it is gettting diffucult more everyday..
So come on fellow friends and bit che users, help this newbie out!!! thanks ahead for anything you can tell me !!!!!
I have merged the two topics
I know it may sound like a stupid question but I got to ask...... do you have a dvd burner and not just a cd burner???.........
Does your dvd advertise somewhere on it what Video formats that it will play??........Some will advertise what formats are compatible, some won't........Some will play unadvertised formats but most of the time it won't play it unless the dvd laser is compatible.......You could also have a brand name disc incompatibility.......
Then what program are using to burn??..........
Answer these questions and I can try to direct you to a help page.......

.......Burning a dvd begins as a complicated task for newbies but becomes much easier once you understand the basics........
After these questions are answered we still might need more info but this we'll get us started!
DC already asked you two of these questions, so its a repeat but these questions are very important to be able to get the help you are asking for..........
I'm sorry but I don't respond directly to PM's unless it is for Guevara edition activation and even then I try to direct members to post in the forum so you can get help you need.........
Most of the stuff I've learned, I was taught by former DK members/current Convivea members........The rest I learned from googleing........
I don't why this keeps getting locked unless I'm misinterpreting Chips idea on what can be asked here and what can't..........So whoever keeps locking it could you state your reasoning before locking it

.........Otherwise we will keep having a duplicate topic instead of fixing/helping the situation........Send me a pm, send Chip a pm, put it in the shoutbox

......Like I said maybe I'm wrong for unlocking it, I just hate clutter and being rude to people who help support Chip's software


if I don't see a response from you in a couple of days with what was asked, I'll be left with the only option to lock it.......Otherwise we could end up with a neverending topic with people asking the same question......Also please don't make another topic when asking for assistance when you already have an active topic asking for the same assistance

.......I unlocked it but possibly it was locked again
God this long post brings me back to my days at DK......

......Time for bed now