
Author Topic: Have I done something right????  (Read 3634 times)

Offline monapinkson

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Have I done something right????
« on: October 29, 2019, 11:48:54 pm »
Basic PC info- 780i Mobo,2x8800GT graphics cards in SLI mode. All Nvidia. etc. Vista Ultimate 64 bit. Q6600 Processor. 4MB mem
Always wondered why I couldnt quite get up the score card  on Futuremark Advantage, usually in the 9,700 3D Mark region.

Tonight I made some changes.
Enter setup at start. Have always had HPET enabled (High Precision Event Timer) and APIC disabled(Advance Programmable Interupt Controller).
HPET is a timing hardware for Multimedia and other time sensitive applications. If disabled the APIC timer is used.

So.! disabled HPET,enabled APIC.  Much quicker response and better graphics, my score on Futuremark increased to over 11,000

Fastest CPU mark is 31,669 and mine was29,004
Unfortuneatly  on graphics I felll well short. 9869 compared to 44,930.
Considering they were pro`s  with 965 extreme edition CPU andGTX295 GPU and only 2MB Memory . ;D

So, never mind the big boys. Why is there such a difference between APIC and HPET?  i`m still
Can some of you computer folk add some help. tks