Author Topic: Hollywood box office hits new highs  (Read 12009 times)

Offline olddays1

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Hollywood box office hits new highs
« on: March 15, 2008, 07:12:30 am »
Despite massive campaigns to inform the public of the dangers of piracy and its effect on the world economies,the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has posted on their website that 2007 saw new all-time highs for both domestic and global box office sales.

The MPAA's own data figures show that the global market grew almost 5 percent$26.6 billion USD, and the US market grew 5.4 percent to $9.6 billion USD.

“From the threat and eventual reality of a writer’s strike to the global impact of film theft to concerns over the economy, the film industry faced significant challenges in 2007,” stated Dan Glickman, Chairman and CEO of the MPAA. “But, ultimately, we got our Hollywood ending. Once again, diverse, quality films and the timeless allure of the movie house proved a winning combination with consumers around the world.”

According to recent studies by the Institute for Public Innovation, movie piracy costs the US economy $20.5 billion annually including revenue loss and “related measures of economic performance." The study goes as far as to say that the movie industry could have added 45,000 new jobs had it not been for piracy. Funny how BO sales can grow at a steady pace despite the fact that the economy is seeing a "$20.5 billion USD annual loss" right?

Offline TheNightWatchman

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Re: Hollywood box office hits new highs
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2008, 06:25:33 pm »
All this stuff is really annoying.

See, they use this excuse, the only reason the profits went up in 2007 compared to 2006 was because they put the prices of the tickets up...

The profits have increased every year since the creation of cinema. Why do you they have to continue doing so? If it flattens out at the multi-billion dollar profit the industry is getting... is it such a bad thing?

They blame piracy because they want to blame something. Personally, as a film maker I am against the downloading of movies, but I wouldn't blame downloading if my movie wasn't a success.


Offline paulfn

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Re: Hollywood box office hits new highs
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2012, 07:06:06 am »
I just browsed a quick update on this today. I hope this might interest you all. "The Avengers" just grossed  $1.5 BILLION DOLLARS worldwide. It's amazing how much boost this is to our dying economy.

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« Last Edit: October 06, 2012, 07:06:49 pm by paulfn »