Author Topic: New project no 2  (Read 39861 times)


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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2008, 09:03:30 am »
 ;D Did like the P4. seemed to run pretty decent with good card.
Presently running Q6600 Quad on XFX Nvidia 780i Sli Mobo(can run 3 cards in SLI)  Running 2x8800GTcards in SLI, 2x1GB Corsair black heat shield 800 mem.
Have slightly Overclocked CPU to 2.65GHZ and cards from 600/900 to 650/946. Havent needed to adjust voltages as Thermal Take 750 w has a built in 20% +/- tolerance built in.Runs from 1.36 v up to 1.46v. Futuremark 3D bench marks over 14,500. But having some slight problems with nvidia graphic card drivers which sometimes quits and recovers during testing on Futuremark. Have submitted details for better Ram.
It maybe that nvidia needs to do more work on drivers for Vista 64 Ultimate.
Using PC as I type

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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2008, 11:29:55 am »
sounds good. Yeah PC6400 (800Mhz) is not a bad deal but you could use 4 gigs man. 2 is just not cutting it these days.


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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2008, 08:28:53 am »
sounds good. Yeah PC6400 (800Mhz) is not a bad deal but you could use 4 gigs man. 2 is just not cutting it these days.

Stole some ram from other PC. Now running 2x2GB. Mobo FSB at 1333 and memory at 990. Slightly upped  GPU on 8800GT SLI to 663/940.  Dont even have a chance to get my finger off the keys before process is complete. Graphics are excellent. Perhaps Quantum  can advise me before I start a game ,which came with Mobo. Ghost Recon advanced warfighter. Not sure if this game has any stress levels on my PC. CPU running at 3.0GHZ (The fans are running ,lol) Temps not a problem

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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2008, 10:25:27 am »
sounds good. Yeah PC6400 (800Mhz) is not a bad deal but you could use 4 gigs man. 2 is just not cutting it these days.

Stole some ram from other PC. Now running 2x2GB. Mobo FSB at 1333 and memory at 990. Slightly upped  GPU on 8800GT SLI to 663/940.  Dont even have a chance to get my finger off the keys before process is complete. Graphics are excellent. Perhaps Quantum  can advise me before I start a game ,which came with Mobo. Ghost Recon advanced warfighter. Not sure if this game has any stress levels on my PC. CPU running at 3.0GHZ (The fans are running ,lol) Temps not a problem

Huh... games that come with components don't tend to stress those components on purpose so you think you've got good stuff.

The only good game I've ever seen come with anything is the Half-Life games with ATi cards, but ATi cards always performed spectacularly on Half-Life and Half-Life 2 series and they've never been stressful games anyway.

If you want pretty:

Call of Duty 4 (How cinematic and how well voice acted this is is amazing)
Oblivion still stresses cards out on maximum settings, especially get texture mods and tweaks to improve the graphics a lot!
Unreal Tournament III is unlikely to stress your set-up on maximum settings but will look very pretty!

I highly suggest any of the Orange Box games for an enjoyable gaming experience. If you like the concept of puzzling solving in games, get Portal! It's about the best game of recent times, and it looks so pretty and so clean in maximum settings with 16 x AA, very very funny game as well.

One of the beauty of such a powerful system isn't always playing new games, but going back to 2 - 3 year old games and breathing new life in to them by playing them on super high settings with a fantastic frame rate. The game F.E.A.R plays like a cross between a traditional FPS and Japanese Horror movie, absolutely fantastic in high graphics if you're in to that sort of thing.

Edit: Oh and apparently the new Tomb Raider games (Legend and Anniversary) are supposed to be really good, with British voice actors and a lot of British sense of humour involved.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 10:34:38 am by Quantum »
Daniel: "This tastes like chicken."
Carter: "So what's wrong with it?"
Daniel: "It's macaroni and cheese."


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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2008, 08:58:45 am »
 ;D Just happen to have Tomb Raider Full version, came with Mobo. More familiar with this game since daughter was always on the previous versions. No wonder she was trying to steal from me. >:D. It says 16+ moderate violence, so I guess I can try. Finding better Graphics and speed when I lower multiplier from 9 to 8  and increaseFSB and Mem. Still having occasional shut downs due to display driver  nviddmkm but always recovers during benchmark testing. Still playing with various settings and no doubt I will find  the best one for the set up.. CPU figures are well above average, its the graphics I have to sort out.

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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2008, 08:01:31 pm »
;D Just happen to have Tomb Raider Full version, came with Mobo. More familiar with this game since daughter was always on the previous versions. No wonder she was trying to steal from me. >:D. It says 16+ moderate violence, so I guess I can try. Finding better Graphics and speed when I lower multiplier from 9 to 8  and increaseFSB and Mem. Still having occasional shut downs due to display driver  nviddmkm but always recovers during benchmark testing. Still playing with various settings and no doubt I will find  the best one for the set up.. CPU figures are well above average, its the graphics I have to sort out.

Yeah, that's entirely expected, low multiplier and high FSB means you have more memory bandwidth, this would affect current generation Intel CPUs more than it would AMD or Intel's neg gen CPUs (Nehalem), because basically they both get rid of the FSB.

Speaking of which we have finally seen some early benchmarks on Nehalem:

Unless AMD can keep up, looks like I might have to switch at some point, they've basically taken everything that gives AMD an advantage and added it to their architecture.
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Carter: "So what's wrong with it?"
Daniel: "It's macaroni and cheese."

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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2008, 03:55:23 am »
Hey Tex, what ever you do don't get one of these, I hear there kinda small and over priced ....



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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2008, 07:15:34 am »
 ;D Have 3 0f those running at present. Not much improvement over standard, and they tend to be very noisy under

Now I need some help from those of you running nvidia Mobo`s,
Ntune is a standard extra that comes on disk with mobo. It is an excellent tool for OC especially on GPU core/mem settings (mind you have to check various websites for professional bench mark info), It has always worked well for me and seems to be getting better. Even though using setup at boot uses correct FSB/CPU settings and performance is as it should be for the settings. Ntune does now not show  any info on mem/fsb/mobo etc. Shows only CPU cores and GPU settings.

The following is now showing.
FSB  -1#10 mhz
FSB Freq  -1#10 mhz
CPU multiplier  0.0x
CPU Core Freq   -1#10 mhz
Mem Bus Freq   -1#10 DDR MHZ

Have tried uninstall/install Ntune but no change. Does not affect performance and PC running normally.
Must be a setting I have missed.
If anyone has any thoughts it would be appreciated.

PS.  3d/cpu marks on futuremark o6 getting up to 16,000 without much stress on CPU or temps.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2008, 05:06:44 am by texasboy »


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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2008, 09:27:33 am »
 ;D After doing my own thing, I have answered my own question. Went into nvidia website for latest ntune, unistall present version , and install latest.
Shows me running  FSB1,575   CPU at 3.125 (stock 2.44GHZ),mem bus @1182. So reducing some figures to 2.8 for CPU,mem 1333mhz and keeping standard settings for GPU 600/900. graphics excellent .Ghost Recon seemed to be a stumbling block. So next step is Tomb Raider Anniversary   >:D

Gonna put extra fan into side panel to blow on CPU/Graphics cards.

Maybe I`ll get it right before they put me into nursing
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 09:35:37 am by texasboy »


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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2008, 08:07:31 am »
 ;D just a little note. Am presently running CPU 3.015GHZ (stock 2.4GHZ) FSB 1340, FSB Clock 335MHZ X9, GPU Core 656MHZ, MEM 933MHZ.
All is stable even running stability test for 1 hour. Temps around the 48C mark but fans seem to be doing their job and very rarely above this unless testing a benchmark on Futuremark Advantage. Still some room to up CPU, but why do too much more when the speed and graphics are great.

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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #25 on: June 29, 2008, 09:50:21 am »
Awesome  ;D sounds like you've had a lot of fun doing that. Getting your computer finely tuned to it's optimum is a lot of fun.

You looking in to these new PhysX drivers? Should be able to make a real jump in your 3DMark performance,news-28597.html
Daniel: "This tastes like chicken."
Carter: "So what's wrong with it?"
Daniel: "It's macaroni and cheese."


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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2008, 07:38:10 am »
Awesome  ;D sounds like you've had a lot of fun doing that. Getting your computer finely tuned to it's optimum is a lot of fun.

You looking in to these new PhysX drivers? Should be able to make a real jump in your 3DMark performance,news-28597.html

Good thoughts Quantum, Link does not redirect to nvidia updates but sends you to music download site.
Checked on nvidia web site. Nothing new as yet.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 07:50:40 am by texasboy »

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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #27 on: July 01, 2008, 08:20:26 am »
Guess they changed the links, still keep an ear to the tech news, might be useful.
Daniel: "This tastes like chicken."
Carter: "So what's wrong with it?"
Daniel: "It's macaroni and cheese."


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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #28 on: July 03, 2008, 07:16:28 am »
Correct again Quantum, nvidia have released  top of the line GPU cards GeForce 260 and 280. Look very impressive for any gamers out there. Sorry forgot to post link,but info on nvidia web site. Checking on prices.

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Re: New project no 2
« Reply #29 on: July 03, 2008, 08:46:53 am »
Correct again Quantum, nvidia have released  top of the line GPU cards GeForce 260 and 280. Look very impressive for any gamers out there. Sorry forgot to post link,but info on nvidia web site. Checking on prices.

They're good on performance, but not so good on the price/performance ratio, the GTX280 occasionally gets outperformed by the 9800GX2 which is £80 less and also occasionally gets outperformed by AMDs new 4870 which considerably less!

AMDs 4850 and 4870 are blowing away nvidia's line-up on price/performance ratio and there's talk of a super-4870 and the 4870 X2 comes out in less than a month. This with nvidia's defective laptop GPUs that they announced today, has make nvidia's stock take a nose dive. Looks like the GPU market will once again be extremely competitive by the end of this year, AMD is getting a big enough leg up to take nvidia on again seriously, with Intel jumping in the GPU bandwagon in the next couple of years it should make a very promising experience for consumers.
Daniel: "This tastes like chicken."
Carter: "So what's wrong with it?"
Daniel: "It's macaroni and cheese."