sounds good. Yeah PC6400 (800Mhz) is not a bad deal but you could use 4 gigs man. 2 is just not cutting it these days.
Stole some ram from other PC. Now running 2x2GB. Mobo FSB at 1333 and memory at 990. Slightly upped GPU on 8800GT SLI to 663/940. Dont even have a chance to get my finger off the keys before process is complete. Graphics are excellent. Perhaps Quantum can advise me before I start a game ,which came with Mobo. Ghost Recon advanced warfighter. Not sure if this game has any stress levels on my PC. CPU running at 3.0GHZ (The fans are running ,lol) Temps not a problem
Huh... games that come with components don't tend to stress those components on purpose so you think you've got good stuff.
The only good game I've ever seen come with anything is the Half-Life games with ATi cards, but ATi cards always performed spectacularly on Half-Life and Half-Life 2 series and they've never been stressful games anyway.
If you want pretty:
Call of Duty 4 (How cinematic and how well voice acted this is is amazing)
Oblivion still stresses cards out on maximum settings, especially get texture mods and tweaks to improve the graphics a lot!
Unreal Tournament III is unlikely to stress your set-up on maximum settings but will look very pretty!
I highly suggest any of the Orange Box games for an enjoyable gaming experience. If you like the concept of puzzling solving in games, get Portal! It's about the best game of recent times, and it looks so pretty and so clean in maximum settings with 16 x AA, very very funny game as well.
One of the beauty of such a powerful system isn't always playing new games, but going back to 2 - 3 year old games and breathing new life in to them by playing them on super high settings with a fantastic frame rate. The game F.E.A.R plays like a cross between a traditional FPS and Japanese Horror movie, absolutely fantastic in high graphics if you're in to that sort of thing.
Edit: Oh and apparently the new Tomb Raider games (Legend and Anniversary) are supposed to be really good, with British voice actors and a lot of British sense of humour involved.