
Author Topic: Live Mesh Is Now Open  (Read 6861 times)

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Live Mesh Is Now Open
« on: July 16, 2008, 04:26:33 am »
Windows Live Mesh is Microsoft's software+services data synchronization platform. Because of its complex nature, most people assume that file synchronization is all there is to Live Mesh, but in reality, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Microsoft has big plans for the service and syncing files between computers and the cloud is just the start. When Live Mesh launched, it was currently a closed "technical preview" (that's Microsoft for "beta"). But now it appears that the Live Mesh guys have quietly opened up the platform for all of the U.S.

LiveSide reported last night that folks were able to sign up for Mesh if they were in the U.S. and this morning, they confirmed this to be the case.

For those of you unfamiliar with the service, one of the main things you need to know is that at the moment, the service is Windows-only. However, Microsoft has confirmed in the past that a Mac client is in the works. Eventually it will work with mobile devices, too. Certainly those will include Windows Mobile, but also any other devices that permit it to run. They should have some takers, though, because Mesh isn't built with proprietary code, but rather with open protocols that most web developers are familiar with, including HTTP, RSS, REST, ATOM and JSON. Although Mesh's FeedSync is new, it is an XML protocol based on ATOM and RSS.

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Re: Live Mesh Is Now Open
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 07:14:44 am »
I like this whole cloud thing, I just don't really trust Microsoft with my data, wait for other good competing services I think  :)
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Carter: "So what's wrong with it?"
Daniel: "It's macaroni and cheese."