It was such a short piece that I have pasted it in.
Google calls time on drunk emails
We’ve all been there; after having a few too many, we’re sitting at home lamenting over a past love when the urge to email them becomes too much.
Google knows the pain of the morning after the night before and to save your blushes, and probably your reputation, has launched Mail Goggle.
Once activated by the user, Mail Goggle will halt any emails you try to send between 10pm and 4am, Fridays and Saturdays, and ask you a series of simple maths questions.
Get them right in 30 seconds and the email is sent. Get them wrong and you’re obviously too drunk to reach out and touch someone.
Goggle Mail can be customised to come into affect between any hours and on any day of your choosing. It can also use more difficult maths questions, in case you’re a whiz no matter how many you’ve had. that includes Quantum.
Mail Goggle is launched today and can be found in the Labs section of Google Mail.