Author Topic: Australian Victorian Bush Fires  (Read 10130 times)

Offline peacefulguy

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Australian Victorian Bush Fires
« on: February 13, 2009, 05:29:33 pm »
Its now been a week since the start of the Victorian bush fires here in Australia. Last

Saturday was forecast to be a scorcher of a day. Gale force winds and the heat made it

extremely uncomfortable to be outside; and a day where fire risk was at an all time extreme

high. I remember hearing about fires that had started and was concerned, but never in a

million years did I think it would elevate to the devastation that evolved. The temperature

got to 47.4 degrees c which was a record for any Australian city. The latest stats are that

1831 homes have been lost, and 181 lives were taken, and still more than a 100 still

missing, all because some idiots decide to start a fire. I tend to take this very serious as

I have a son and son inlaw that are both with the CFA (Country fire authority) These guys

are all heroes in my eyes, as they take their own lifes in their hands everytime they go out

to a fire. To those who dont live in Australia, most of these guys that are fighting the

fires are volunteers and dont get paid for their effort. Victoria is one of the smallest

states in Australia, about the size of Britain, when I came here from Scotland in 1996 it

was a wonderful place and very Lush and green. Now because of the worst drought we have

experienced in about 100 years, our water catchments are now down to about 32% capacity. So

we are all careful of how we use our water. Now for some good news, as we speak someone has

been charged with staring 1 of the fires that killed 21 people. Read more about it at this

More good news is that the Australian public have opened their hearts and wallets and raised

more than $100 million through the Red cross appeal, go Aussies go that is awesome. As we

speak there is still about 30 fires still going and hopefully they will get them under

control soon. We now have firefighters coming from all over the world including America and

Canada. I live in Melbourne which is about 1/2 an hour away from the Town of Kinglake that

was raised to the ground last saturday, we can still smell the smoke and its very hazy all

over the city. The fire raced through that town at a rate of knots because of the gale

forced winds and just wiped it out. It was a lovely little town that I did some work in a

few years ago as a buiding contractor. This is just a little insight into whats going on

with bush fires, and I will update you with any new news. Keep your thoughts and prayers

with those who have lost someone, and those brave men and woman who are trying to contain

the devastation that has happened here in the Garden State of Victoria.


Offline billyfridge

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Re: Australian Victorian Bush Fires
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2009, 06:37:45 am »
I have a lot of internet friends in Oz, Peaceful, luckily none of those have been affected up to now, our thoughts and prayers are with you all [yes]

Offline TheNightWatchman

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Re: Australian Victorian Bush Fires
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2009, 12:06:14 pm »
It's certainly the news of the country right now. Some of the stories are pretty crazy, 120km/h fires...

Luckily for me I'm well out of the way, but lets hope it doesn't last much longer.


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Re: Australian Victorian Bush Fires
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2009, 06:47:53 am »
We hear little now on this side.NWM. Whats happening down under with your news,??

Offline peacefulguy

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Re: Australian Victorian Bush Fires
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2009, 12:15:30 pm »
As of yesterday there are now 208 deaths with 30 still missing. We still have 4 major fires out of control, but hopefully with the change of weather that will help the firefighters get a grip on it. My son and son in law are now part of the firefighters trying to get a grip of this devastation, and its a trying time for all country Victorians. On a lighter side, the Australian public has raised almost 2 million dollars to help the people most affected by the fires. I will update you with any new news as it happens.

Offline peacefulguy

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Re: Australian Victorian Bush Fires
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2009, 09:35:24 am »
Sorry for the misstype, the australian public have raised almost $200 million dollars.