failed and failed2 is what Bit Che uses to detect 2 different types of events (sometimes sites report them as the same event, sometimes not):
1) failed login attempt... such as "you've entered the wrong password.." in this case, usually bit che has not sent auth/login cookies to the site, and it attempting to login for the first time.
2) cookie has expired.. such as, bit che already has auth/login cookies stored.. attempted a search, and the site reported that we need to login again..
in both cases, bit che should clear any cookies, and start from scratch trying to login.
but, most importantly, when picking correct failed/failed2 search terms, it needs to be based on the FIRST http packet that the site sends... sometimes this FIRST one is invisible to the user, such as HTTP 302 redirect response..
id like to help figure this out though, but i need to see the Bit Che's winsock log from that site..
so, if you dont have logging enabled: post the log here... yes your password will be in the .txt file, so open it up and use your text editor to search and replace your pw for some <dummy> text...
OR send me the site.winsock.txt in a PM.. ( i really dont care about your account/pw, and i never use someones account other than for script debugging/development purposes, honest !

OR.. go to that site and change your PW to something temporary, then update it in Bit Che... and then go back to square one, and post or PM me the logs..
or if you want my email address to send to, we can do that as well.. doesnt matter to me.