Author Topic: Irish ratify EU Treaty.  (Read 10903 times)


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Irish ratify EU Treaty.
« on: October 03, 2009, 05:33:53 am »
Well how do you folks feel now??
Only Poland and Czech s to go.
A european president (our friend Blair) a European army, really no need for UK Parliament as all decisions will be made with the fat cats in Brussels. Sad day. Even though I`m not a Tory, I hope Cameron can put a spoke in all this.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 05:39:10 am by texasboy »

Offline billyfridge

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Re: Irish ratify EU Treaty.
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2009, 08:22:15 am »
Well how do you folks feel now??
Only Poland and Czech s to go.
A european president (our friend Blair) a European army, really no need for UK Parliament as all decisions will be made with the fat cats in Brussels. Sad day. Even though I`m not a Tory, I hope Cameron can put a spoke in all this.

God help us..... [sad]

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Re: Irish ratify EU Treaty.
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2009, 07:17:29 pm »
We're stronger together than apart  ;D

And the simple fact of the matter is there is far too much bureaucracy in the current system, the whole idea of European expansion was that the current system wasn't good enough so we'll change it when we start adding members and unfortunately that fell apart. Now we'll get a proper system! And you honestly think the rest of Europe will stop just because of Poland and the Czech Republic?
Daniel: "This tastes like chicken."
Carter: "So what's wrong with it?"
Daniel: "It's macaroni and cheese."


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Re: Irish ratify EU Treaty.
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2009, 02:23:25 am »
We're stronger together than apart  ;D

You must be joking Quantum.!! or maybe a Labour supporter. Look at some of the facts of "being together" with Labour.

"All the good things that labour have given us"? !
Record unemployment
A decoupled banking system
Record benefits payouts
Uncontrolled immigration
Gold sold off at one of its lowest levels since trading started
Pensions destroyed
Our contribution to the EU INCREASED by 60%
The highest levels of illiiteracy and innumeracy since pre-Victorian times
Policemen 'on the beat' for an average of 6 hours A WEEK
BILLIIONS invested in an NHS IT system that STILL doesn't work
The 10p tax band ABOLISHED
The promised referendum on the Lisbon treaty refused
The greatest expansion of unelected quangos since they were established
'Prudence' Brown and his joke of a Chancellor having to print money to get us out of the fiscal hole THEY put us into
....Oh, yes please, let's please have another few years of that, foisted on the electorate by an UNELECTED Prime Minister...

Not to mention the BILLIONS of £££`s the UK spends courtesy of Blair on wars this small nation should never have been involved in.
The fat cats in Brussels will be rubbing their hands in glee at our expense.
So "NO" I completely disagree with your point.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 03:50:30 am by texasboy »

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Re: Irish ratify EU Treaty.
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2009, 04:27:14 am »
Well I can't really defend the government against a whole bunch of unsubstantiated comments. So I'm just going to pull out one that's completely false and assume I can't trust the rest:

Record unemployment

Only if you mean we've had record lows of unemployment. Under the Tory government it hit 3 million, that's never happened under New Labour which is pretty fantastic given 3 million is a lower % of the population now.

I'm not saying this Government is perfect, or at times any good, but I think overall they've been a positive force and I don't trust that the Tory's will be the same.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 04:28:54 am by Quantum »
Daniel: "This tastes like chicken."
Carter: "So what's wrong with it?"
Daniel: "It's macaroni and cheese."


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Re: Irish ratify EU Treaty.
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2009, 06:14:21 am »
 EVERY Labour Government has left power with unemployment HIGHER than when they came to power.

 Unemployment due to increase under Labour again

Remember the fact that every Labour Government has left power with unemployment higher than when they came to power. In fact let me repeat it. EVERY Labour Government has left power with unemployment HIGHER than when they came to power.

Tomorrow we are due to see the release of the latest unemployment figures, and I suspect they won’t make happy reading for Brown (is he still on his holiday doing community work?)

So we were told there was an end to boom and bust. People are struggling with negative equity. The Government has a scheme to help home owners who have gotten themselves in to trouble, yet we learn it hasn’t even helped 10 people.

The country is now in debt to proportions that weren’t even thinkable a few years ago. Of course Labour will say it is all down to global issues. But remember when you see the latest figures tomorrow. EVERY Labour Government has left power with unemployment HIGHER than when they came to power.

Update:- The facts are more worrying than I thought!

Sad but true
Unemployment has increased by 750,000 in the last year, equivalent to 2054 people losing their job every day.
There are 928,000 16 to 24 year olds unemployed, accounting for 38 per cent of all unemployment.
Half of Jobcentres overcrowded. 385 out of a total of 741 Jobcentre Offices require some form of estates work in order to meet the capacity pressures they are facing. Overcrowded Jobcentres will either have to be converted or extended or in some cases new offices may have to be acquired. More than half of the overcrowded Jobcentres needing building works, 245 out of 385, are in constituencies that have had Jobcentre offices closed under Labour in recent years (Hansard, 21 July 2009, Col. 1294W ).
Cut in help for the long term unemployed. This summer referrals of the long term unemployed to Labour’s flagship employment programme, the New Deal, will stop for over three months from June to October in half the country. This could affect up to 60,000 long term unemployed and leave some people without any extra help to get back to work.
Labour pursued its Jobcentre closure plan throughout 2008, at the rate of one a week despite unemployment growing every month. Areas with Jobcentre closures have seen unemployment grow by over 150 per cent in the last year.  In November 2008 the Government announced a moratorium on Jobcentre closures. However, since then it closed three more Jobcentres in Orpington, Brixton Hill and Feltham.
Perhaps your figures reflect the substantial  unconcontrolled immigration numbers.
As myself,you are able to google all the figures we want,but realisticly times are hard for the working people. Businesses are folding in large numbers every week.The banks wont help, and pls help if you need an operation.

Getting back on subject.

.In two world wars Germany could not take over our Country, and now Brown and Blair have given it away, without the British people getting a say in the matter. Blair gave his mate Brown the job of bringing this country to the bottom of the pits, and so Brown could push his mate Blair into another Top Paid job. Blair and Brown messed up the UK and we as a people do not want the EU in it`s present state . Please can we get a say in Blair's appointment? or do we all follow along like sheep?
God help us all..................
Is it possibly true that if Blair gets the job, his salary will be 3.5 million, I presume Euros

Quantum, what unsubstantiated facts or figures do you need clarification on???
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 07:57:30 am by texasboy »