Author Topic: CuF's Bit Che Revitalization Project (Formerly: 31 Days of Bit Che Christmas)  (Read 63721 times)

Offline fuzzytomcat

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Scusate la mia ignoranza su tutto cioò, ma voglio incominciare ha capire perchè non mi funziona più Che il bit torrent ma è bloccato Stato?
Perchè sta succedendo tutto questo?
Il Che Guevara bit cose un nuovo software?
Se un buon amico MI PUÒ spiegare con parole povere la situazzione Che stiamo attraversando in qusto campo vi ringrazzio ..... O0 ??? >:D

Excuse my ignorance on all cioò, but I did begin to understand why I do not work anymore, but that the bit torrent is blocked state?
Why is all this happening?
The Che Guevara things a bit new software?
If a good friend I can be explained by simply the situazzione we are experiencing in the field qusto there ringrazzio .....

Hi pop98,

As soon as one of the other moderators read this I'm sure they will be able to help you some time soon

Italian -

Non appena uno degli altri moderatori leggere questo sono sicuro che saranno in grado di aiutarvi a qualche tempo prima


Offline chip!

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CuF.. interesting list...  are any of those sites worth including in the search?  sites that simply mirror other sites really arent worth it. but if they have their own uploaders or their own tracker, then maybe we should include them.
  -  -   And...  boom goes the dynamite.

Offline CuF

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I don't know anything about any of them.
Since another site searched them I thought perhaps there would be interest.
I couldn't say if they were worth including or not.

You are correct though.  There are MANY sites that just spider the main torrent sites.