Here's the problem with reproducible instructions (in build 12)
Hi Chip.
I have got a followup to a bug that I still see on my system (reported in release 10).
(Win 8.1 64 bit, utorrent 1.8.2).
I can reproduce it on my system.
Steps - bit che for "the keep netflix". Sort by name.
There are only 5 matches right now.
Select all 5 links and right-click open torrent - i can see bit che open sub windows , but nothing happens in utorrent.
Deselect the top link (leaving the bottom 4 selected) - and it works.
The top link also fails to download a torrent when chosen on its own.
So it appears that because the first one fails to grab a torrent, all the other selected ones fail too.
FYI the first link appears to be a magnet, but shows in bit che as a torrent. Maybe this is part of the problem.
yeah, the issue is that those links are magnets.. and you cant 'save' a magnet.. but if you View Details, then Bit Che has magic abilities to search for a .torrent matching the magnet.. which is why you can then save it at that point.
in this case, do you have utorrent handling magnets? when im testing, all the magnet links in a multi-select scenario are sent to utorrent, and any that are .torrents are prompted to 'save as' (if you select 'save as' in the right click option.. if you select 'open', then the magnet links are sent to utorrent and the .torrent is fetched and sent to utorrent).
so, unless im missing something, i dont actually see a bug to fix?