Author Topic: Recognizing default torrent  (Read 24526 times)

Offline romath

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Recognizing default torrent
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:01:06 pm »
New to Che.  The Quick Start guide says Che recognizes the default bittorrent client.  Mine is Vuze, but after a search, when I go to save the torrent, it opens uTorrent, which I also have installed.  I looked at Prefs, but don't see anything there for setting this.  And "open with" doesn't show Vuze, but uTorrent web, Synology and Trans Remote GUI, whatever the latter two are.  What am I missing?

Offline chip!

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Re: Recognizing default torrent
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2014, 02:31:07 pm »
Bit Che tells Windows to open torrents in your default, but sounds like problem is Vuze and/or uTorrent dont properly register or unregister when switching your systems default torrent client.   So, here's how you do it:

Bit Che reporting Torrent Client not installed, but you do have one installed?

1. "save" a torrent in Bit Che to your hard drive
2. double click the .torrent you saved in Windows Explorer
3. it should ask you how you want to open the file.. so just find uTorrent (or whatever torrent client you want) and click OK
4. from now on, that torrent client will be properly associated with .torrents and Bit Che will have no problems opening them straight to the client
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Offline romath

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Re: Recognizing default torrent
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2014, 07:40:20 am »
You answered my question by telling me to do the same thing that I reported having done and found didn't work as expected.

Are certain torrents online client specific?  I hadn't run across that, but SumoTorrent seems to favor uTorruent for opening and saving torrents via BitChe.  For example, do a search for "The Third Man" and choose the third result (ebook-Kindle-pdf-...).  Try saving it in Bit Che.  Notice also that in Bit Che right-click > "open torrent with" doesn't show the default client (Vuze), but others.  The torrent in question is apparently dead, but that shouldn't have anything to do with uTorrent opening. 

Offline chip!

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Re: Recognizing default torrent
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2014, 11:20:58 am »
It sounds like uTorrent is still the system's default .torrent handler, even though you also have Vuze registered.  When Bit Che "opens" a torrents, its the same thing as if you put the .torrent on your Desktop, and then double clicked it.   From what you are describing, I would expect uTorrent to be launched if you double clicked a .torrent on your Desktop. Also, do .torrents have uTorrent icon?   

Anyway, to change that, you need to go into uTorrent and Vuze and into their prefs and decide which to turn "off" from the default.  I have seen uTorrent cause issues with this default handler on Windows 8.  Next, save any .torrent to your Desktop. Then right click on the file, go to Open With..  Choose default program.  Then select whichever you want.   (keep in mind, the issue is with the Windows configuration.. not Bit Che).

Btw, Bit Che -> Open With.. is used for sending .torrents to external (web) handlers.  If you really wanted, you can configure different scripts for different local handlers.. there are a couple examples if you go to that script folder and extract  (you can find it going File | Open App Data Dir.. then navigating to:  scripts\other\external ). You could edit the scripts to have both Vuze and uTorrent show up on your 'Open With' list in Bit Che. Otherwise, there is a setting in Bit Che to turn of the 'Open With..' menu if you do not want the ability to send to different clients.

Hope that helps!
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 11:24:13 am by chip! »
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Offline romath

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Re: Recognizing default torrent
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 12:53:33 pm »
Without touching uTorrent, I opened a newly downloaded torrent file from Pirate Bay. It shows as a Vuze file on the desktop and opens Vuze when clicked on.  Perhaps you'll believe me now?

Since I don't need it any longer, I uninstalled uTorrent with Revo Pro, ran CCleaner, rebooted, checked the .torrent defaults in two places in Windows CP and then ran "The Third Man" search in Bit Che I mentioned earlier.  Using the context menu to Save or Open on any result returns some quick program action, but nothing opens.  Double clicking the entry brings up a box that shows Magnet button on the lower left, but it opens nothing.  Running a different search, such as "On the Road," and opening a result brings up a box with Torrent on the bottom left.  That opens Vuze.  Why not a magnet?  From torrent websit site, e.g., Pirate Bay, it does open a dialogue box and Vuze?

Btw, Bit Che still doesn't show Vuze among the "Open Torrent With" choices, just the three mentioned earlier.  However, in Bit Che Preferences, it says "Azureus client detected" at the bottom. 
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 01:02:50 pm by romath »

Offline chip!

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Re: Recognizing default torrent
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2014, 10:49:18 am »
Ok so you had utorrent handle magnets and vuze handle torrents. Sounds like you need to get vuze working properly, try here:

Hope that helps. Just believe me its not a bit che issue, but your other apps (vuze/utorrent) settings. And yeah, vuze identified itself in the registry as azurues. Not sure why they do that :)

And if you edited a script for Bit Che Open With menu, can you post your script here and I'll see why its not showing up. Make sure your new .INI is in the same folder as the other 3.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 10:52:43 am by chip! »
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Offline romath

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Re: Recognizing default torrent
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2014, 01:54:42 pm »
Perhaps it got reset by uTorrent during the brief period I was using it and I missed it when I went thru Windows file associations, because Vuze had been handling everything, including magnets.  In fact, there was a period within the past year when Pirate Bay was posting magnets and Vuze handled them all, many times.

I didn't edit a script with Bit Che, haven't looked into it and wasn't planning to.

Offline Charley

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Re: Recognizing default torrent
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2016, 06:04:10 pm »
Perhaps it got reset by uTorrent during the brief period I was using it and I missed it when I went thru Windows file associations, because Vuze had been handling everything, including magnets.  In fact, there was a period within the past year when Pirate Bay was posting magnets and Vuze handled them all, many times.

I didn't edit a script with Bit Che, haven't looked into it and wasn't planning to.

I saw that recently too with utorrent.

Offline AlecSchimmel

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Re: Recognizing default torrent
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Re: Recognizing default torrent
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