Basic step-by-step guide on how to add another profile to Bit Che (for use with Guevara Edition)
1. Open up "Settings.ini"
2. Search for "[Profiles]"
3. Change "reload_profiles_next_restart=0" to "reload_profiles_next_restart=1" (#1)
4. Change the "num=X" to the number of profiles to want. (The default is 4, so if you are adding 1 more profile, change this to "num=5" (#2)
5. Add new lines "5_name=[the name you want]" and "5_searchURL=main" (#3)
6. Restart Bit Che and your new profile will be available in the Media Type drop down box.
7. View the Script Sidebar and Enable all the scripts you want to use with this Profile.
Note: "#_searchURL=" lets Bit Che know which URL you would like the script to use for this profile. The default is "main" which searches for everything. If you change this to a custom URL name, such as "TV", then you will need to make sure the scripts you use for this profile have the search URL specified in the scripts under the matching name "TV=". Otherwise, if no search URL is specified in the scripts file, the default "main" will be used.